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Are you God?

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Words from a Sage:


Kartik Vashishta <kvashisht




This is the way to spiritualise all your actions



· Self-realisation is not a process. It is not a

becoming. It is pure being. It is not a new thing to

be attained.

· The aspirant knows that he is the all-pervading,

immortal soul. To know that is to become that.

· Self-realisation is direct, intuitive perception of

the atman. All distinctions vanish. The sage is freed

from fear, sorrow and pain.

· Do not get false contentment. Do not imagine that

you have reached the highest nirvikalpa state, and

stop your sadhana (practice).

· Slay spiritual pride. Shun the company of worldly

persons who always talk on sexual matters, money and

worldly topics.

· Observe the laws of health and hygiene. Be moderate

in eating and drinking. Do not overwork. This will

produce fatigue.

· Fight bravely in this battle of life. Be bold. Be

cheerful. Be patient. Be wise.

· Arm yourself with the shield of discrimination and

the sword of dispassion. March forward courageously, O

brave spiritual soldier. Yield not to temptations.

· Yoga is an exact science. It aims at the harmonious

development of the body, the mind and the soul.

· Thou art divine. Live up to it. Feel and realise thy

divine nature.

· Yoga of synthesis is a unique yoga. It is suitable

for the vast majority of persons.

· Man thinks, feels and wills. He must develop his

heart, intellect and hand. Then alone can he attain

perfection or integral development.

· Everyone should have one yoga as a basic yoga. He

must combine karma yoga, hatha yoga, raja yoga, bhakti

yoga and jnana yoga. This is the yoga of synthesis.








>"Ruben" <rubenn



> Are you God?

>Thu, 2 Mar 2000 23:44:32 +0800


>The statement:


>"You are truly God and should act in a way befitting your divine





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The statement:


"You are truly God and should act in a way befitting your divine



The ignorant man understands, "God is the Ruler of the Universe. I am

God. Therefore, I am the Ruler of the Universe." He then rules everyone

around him.


The wise man understands, "God is Love and Love is God. I am God.

Therefore, I am Love." He then showers unconditional and limitless

Love equally on everyone around him.




Warmest regards,




"Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe."

- Tao Te Ching

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Greetings Ruben:


Beautifully said!


Swami Dayananda once said, "The wiseman's track never

leaves any footprints!" He is quite right and on the

same token, we can also say that the track of an

ignorant man will have only footprints!


More on footprints:


"We have found a strange footprint on the shores of

the unknown. We have devised profound theories, one

after another, to account for its origins. At last, we

have succeeded in reconstructing the creature that

made the footprint. And lo! It is our own."

Space, Time and Gravitation. 1920.


A Story on footfrint:


An ignorant person went to God and wanted to lodge the

following complaint:

I constantly pray for your mercy and I always

recognize your footprints while walking along the

beech. But at onetime, I was measurable and couldn't

even walk but I immersely prayed for your help. I did

see your footprints along with mine for sometime. Then

at the worst moment of my life, I didn't see only my

footprints and not yours! Now my question is, why did

you leave me alone when I most needed you?


God replied as follows:

My son, I never left you at the worst moment of your

life. In fact, what you saw was my footprints and I

was just carrying you at that time!




Ram Chandran



--- Ruben <rubenn wrote:

> The statement:


> "You are truly God and should act in a way befitting

> your divine

> identity."


> The ignorant man understands, "God is the Ruler of

> the Universe. I am

> God. Therefore, I am the Ruler of the Universe." He

> then rules everyone

> around him.


> The wise man understands, "God is Love and Love is

> God. I am God.

> Therefore, I am Love." He then showers unconditional

> and limitless

> Love equally on everyone around him.



> --

> Warmest regards,

> Ruben

> ruben

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In a way you have touched the very fundamental question.


It all depends on how one defines Who is God? and Who am I? If God is

defined as the creator of this entire universe who is omnipotent and

omniscient and I am the tiny limited individual, then how can I be that God?

'I am that' equation will laugh at us. But if one strips off all the

external coverings of both I and the God, then what remains cannot but be

the same. This is beautifully stated by Bhagawaan Ramana in his Upadesha



iishajiivayoH veshadhiibhidaa|

satvabhaavato vastu kevalam||


The difference between I and the isswara, the Lord is only in Vesha or the

costumes that they are wearing. Costumes, as always, make one look different

from what one is. But if one removes those costumes, what remains is the

pure existence-consciousness that is one without a second, and that essence

is one and the same. Iswara's costume is as Bhagawaan Raamaanuja describes

as 'ananta kalyaana guNa' - infinite auspecisous qualities - each quality is

infinite and they are infinite of them - along with 'jagat janmaadi kaaraNa'

- the cause for the entire world. The jiiva's costume is that - 'sakala

paricchinnam' limitaion in every respect - deshha, kaala, kaarya, vastu, etc

- space-wise, time-wise, action-wise etc. Stipped of all these 'qualities',

what is left is only I am that existence-consciousness-bliss which is the

same as the Iswara without His qualifications.


Pure Love, without expecting anything in return, is the expression of the

infiniteness. When one is full and does not depend on anything for his/her

happiness, then only pure love pours out spontaneously - since one loves

oneself the most and in that infiniteness there is nothing other than



Hari Om!









>"Ruben" <rubenn



> Are you God?

>Thu, 2 Mar 2000 23:44:32 +0800


>The statement:


>"You are truly God and should act in a way befitting your divine



>The ignorant man understands, "God is the Ruler of the Universe. I am

>God. Therefore, I am the Ruler of the Universe." He then rules everyone

>around him.


>The wise man understands, "God is Love and Love is God. I am God.

>Therefore, I am Love." He then showers unconditional and limitless

>Love equally on everyone around him.




>Warmest regards,




>"Whoever can see through all fear will always be safe."

>- Tao Te Ching



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In fact there is no last word! and the fun begins there;


to 'know' the infinity is also to know that whatever we say about IT


will still fall short of describing IT!


Gita 10:9 :


machchittaa madgatapraaNaa bodhayantaH parasparam.h .

kathayantashcha maa.n nitya.n tushhyanti cha ramanti cha ..


With their thought on Me, with their life absorbed in Me,instructing each

other, and ever speaking of Me, they are content and delighted.


[tr.Alladi Mahadeva Shastry.






>"f. maiello" <egodust



>Re: Are you God?

>Fri, 03 Mar 2000 15:09:42 -0500


>Kuntimaddi Sadananda wrote:

> >

> > Pure Love, without expecting anything in return, is the expression of


> > infiniteness. When one is full and does not depend on anything for


> > happiness, then only pure love pours out spontaneously - since one loves

> > oneself the most and in that infiniteness there is nothing other than

> > oneself.

> >


>pure advaitam!


>this could very well be the last word on the subject.


>and we could all very well close shop and go home now.


>but that would just take the fun out of it... :-)


>welcome back!





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WELCOME TO THE ACTIVE PARTICIPATION! I consider it to be a wonderful

privelage to meet you in person at Madras. I look forward to your comments

on Bhagawad Gita. Thank you very much.





At 04:25 AM 3/3/00 PST, you wrote:

>"Kuntimaddi Sadananda" <k_sadananda


>In a way you have touched the very fundamental question.

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Kuntimaddi Sadananda wrote:


> Pure Love, without expecting anything in return, is the expression of the

> infiniteness. When one is full and does not depend on anything for his/her

> happiness, then only pure love pours out spontaneously - since one loves

> oneself the most and in that infiniteness there is nothing other than

> oneself.



pure advaitam!


this could very well be the last word on the subject.


and we could all very well close shop and go home now.


but that would just take the fun out of it... :-)


welcome back!



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Sunder Hattangadi wrote:


> "Sunder Hattangadi" <sunderh


> namaste,


> In fact there is no last word! and the fun begins there;


> to 'know' the infinity is also to know that whatever we say about IT


> will still fall short of describing IT!



yes, of course.


within/without, anirvachaniya.


pure mystery!


and not even this! hahaha!



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