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Narendra Nath <claude.laurent




>From : Narendra Nath









To look at self-hostility/hostility requires us to look at the entire

history of Creation, as we can know it from this moment in our personal

development. We are all that is and has ever been from the first Word of

God to the present moment. We are the mental, emotional, physical and

spiritual product of what was and what is affecting us in the NOW. It is

only with this multi-dimensional overview that we can begin to understand

the journeys of our Souls, which are our personal Akashic Records through

all of form, time, space and distance.


In the beginning there was the thought and there was the Word. It is a

collective Thought and Word - a collective and cooperative co-creation with

God for we are volunteers to this experiment in the experience of

transforming fear into love. Our illusionary encounters with each other

have taken all manner of form and interaction and from them we have

developed a belief system about the nature of this incarnated reality.




Our first chakra mandates for physical survival have directed us through a

labyrinth of co-creation from fleeting particles of light that burst forth

and burned off to simple one-celled structures living within a nearly

unendurable environment through every possible complexity of form. The

lessons of resilience and fortitude we accumulated from increasingly

complex and dominant form to form were brought with us at a cellular level

and at the level of the Soul. Within the perception that there was a total

abundance, there also existed the perception of might and domination of

larger creatures over smaller within a like environment. The checks and

balances of an interrelated biology created within us the wariness for our

safety, a distrust of the unknown, and a penchant for coming from hostility

towards anything we deemed a threat. As well, we learned very early in

this long-playing evolutionary drama that we were the hunter or the hunted.


How this has played out in human history is a matter of record. We can

look down the long, historical indoctrination to see that mindset of

authority as a dominating power in our lives where hostility reigned. From

those annals we can glean information about all we suffered and struggled

with and through. Every nuance of history is written within us as we

traveled through lifetimes within this collective co-creation, feeling

ourselves pawns to an uncontrollable, brutal, destructive, hard and violent



Every character played, every drama in which we became actors, every belief

held at that time of our interplays are the stuff of our simultaneous lives

affecting the NOW. It is why we continue to create power struggles leading

to unrest, uneasiness, distrust, lack of safety, driving desires for

material worth, social status and competitive institutions, lifestyles,





The perception that life is hard within an ever-flowing abundance of Good

that constantly surrounds us and attempts to enter our beings arose out of

this primordial remembrance of survival and competition. We have co-created

a spiritually unendurable hardship and hostility together.

>From huge destructive weather systems to great conflagrations, to droughts,

famine, pestilence, and epidemics and even to the total destruction of

whole species, we are co-creators and co-survivors. We have lived through

and been ruthless, immensely rich despots dispensing unconcernedly human

lives in our own causes. We have lived in agonizing, desperate, cruel

poverty. We have been the perpetrators and victims of genocide: the

inquisitions, pogroms, Holy Wars, World Wars, concentration camps and mass

graves that have pock-marked this entire planet and this entire collective

consciousness with their insanity and outrage even into the present where

we practice triage with the world's populations.


In our incarnated simultaneous lives, we have been every kind of criminal:

murderers, coveters, thieves, dealers in flesh, usurers, gamblers, husband

and/or wife and child beaters, animal brutalizers, defilers, earth

destroyers, misappropriators, debtors, traitors, child molestors,

adulterers, aborters, abortees and abortionists, abandoners and every other

manner of hostile behavior towards other human beings, humanity and the

planet and All Life.


All of these aspects, manifestations of our deepest fear states we have

lived in our simultaneous lives; we bring to this lifetime for

transformation out of states of long-held guilt, shame and unworthiness

into love and self-forgiveness.


While we each hold these collective memories unhealed within us, the outer

world in which we live continues to portray these dramas to us. They

disturb our psyches, hurt our hearts, damn us to a purgatory of needy

self-defensiveness and a central belief of hardness of life circumstances

in the present.




Incarnation exists upon a base of polarities/dichotomies/duplicities. We

can point everywhere in this collective co-creation to all form, all fear

states that originate and continue from this force of polarity. Our entire

collective weighs itself upon scales of judgment and prejudice, splitting

us into groups who have and who have not.


We have accumulated beliefs about being peaceful and loving as making us

vulnerable to an external, authoritarian hostility. We point to joyful

self-expression with certain derision, choosing to accept and expect

instead a reality of stressed mental and physical endurance and busyness

with "doing."


We point with a combination of pride and longing to those who dominate our

institutions, media, lives by virtue of their ability to collect wealth

while we hold derision for those whose lives tend to social, financial and

educational mediocrity and impoverishment. We in the West have a will to

"rise to the top" and hold as unworthy any other person or group not so



The Haves believe they have acquired an inalienable right to dominate,

exploit, coerce, treat with injustice and disparagement, use and discard --

and hold themselves apart from the Have Nots. This abyss of difference is

a perception and expectation of an invisible nobility, a quasi-monarchic

hierarchy of precious specialness that sets them above and apart from the

entirety of humanity.


At its highest expression, there is Noblesse Oblige. Its more predominant

expression is oppression, withholding of goods and services, subjugation,

and a need to hold the subject populations in states of hate, fear,

degradation and unchanging, remorseless stagnation in which dis-ease,

overpopulation, overuse of resources, ghettos, tribal reservations on

agriculturally marginal lands, depletion of earth resources and a terrible,

deadly technology is perpetrated upon both the knowing and unknowing.


The trickle-down theory has established the Haves in positions of total

authority as the abyss of difference continues to grow, the numbers of

homeless and mentally and physically handicapped increase and violence

escalates exponentially. From the Have religions, politics, medicine,

technology, to educational institutions, the majority of Have Nots are

excluded. These disparate groups have an unquiet co-existence, the Haves

protecting their possessions with might and force, the Have Nots reaching

towards the promise of having or falling into an even deeper desperate





We are all Children of God. We are pure. We are innocent. We have agreed

to focus our thoughts into a fear base and create ourselves as

thought-forms experiencing fear. These incarnated states are not our

reality. These circumstances and experiences have never occurred.


Seeking across our paths of self-creation in fear by committing to love, we

can look down these pathways from beginning to the present and know

ourselves as we have been in incarnation, as we have been as Children of

God playing with these fear thoughts.


Self-remembering can be painful. Seeing ourselves playing out roles and

dramas of such destruction can make us feel a deep desire to end all such

creation, to punish ourselves. This collective memory and the recalling of

it has caused each of us to come to this incarnation with the thought that

we can expect to be treated with hostility and therefore the world around

us has totally mirrored this perception/expectation to us.


Our greatest desire, our total purpose is to be love and to live in states

of peace and joy - to be Who We Are. Those parts of us that are not yet

love await our attention, reach out to be taken into our hearts and

integrated back into a Loving Wholeness, Perfection and Completion as



We can choose to carry on the "old world" perceptions/expectations,

creating ourselves out of those molds and images or we can opt for a

renewed inner vision of ourselves as Love returning to Love. The Awakening

calls out to our hearts to discern the two futures that will be created

from these divergent mindsets. Changing the past within each of ourselves

opens a collective Path of Love where HOME and God/Godness are ever

present. It is to THIS choice for our future lives we must turn now, for

any other choice leads to ever deeper pain and universal chaos.




Allow the feelings you are feeling about you as the criminal, you as the

perpetrator, you as the destroyer come up for you now. Be willing to look

at these feelings honestly, dispassionately and unconditionally. Apply the

yardstick of self as Child of God creating with thought to these personas,

dramas and sub-personalities that are very much a part of you. Move past

denial and into acceptance - and work to heal these states that continue to

exist as you.




Make a list of what you most remember about planetary and human history,

including the theory of evolution and the evolution of human society.

Write down any part of that history or any historical personages that stand

out and have special meaning for you. Ask yourself why these periods of

history would be outstanding in your mind and if any images or

recollections arise, write these down as well.




Ask your spiritual mother and father, higher spiritual guides and Master

Teachers of the light to join with you. Request that you be taken upon a

journey in which you can look at how hostility has been a reality in your

own creation as incarnation. Go forth with courage, will, heart and might

into your simultaneous lives, remembering that you are surrounded by love

and you are safe to do this now.




Shanti! Narenji




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"Apprenez à considérer que le monde et vous-même, c'est Tout UN "


(Sârada Devî)




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