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[Ramakrishna_Bruxelles] Self-transformation Transcript of 2/27/00

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"Narendra Nath (by way of Claude Laurent )" wrote:


> Narendra Nath <claude.laurent


> OM!

> ===


> Self-transformation Transcript of 2/27/00


> ********** 2/27/00 4:01 PM Forum CO

> R 7 : *SYSTEM* | Switching to Self-Transformation/Sun

> Bff243 | Is this where we get into the self

> | transformation conference?

> Merlin | Yes

> Thea/Self-transform | Yes.....you made it. <S>

> | Hi, Merlin! I'm so glad you are here today.

> Merlin | Hi...perhaps it was raining too much

> | <S>

> Thea/Self-transform | Always a good reason to choose class. <G>


> | Hi, Brenda.

> | Let me start off here by saying that

> | conferences are

> Brenda | hi thea how are you today

> Thea/Self-transform | run with formal rules.......

> | Just fine, thanks. <S>

> | So let me run through them for Brenda and Bff


> | now.

> | We speak just one person at a time......and

> | to let me

> | know if you wish to speak, here are the

> | signals you

> | can type in:

> | ? = question on the current discussion

> | ! = comment on the current discussion

> | * = comment or question on another topic.

> | And when the person speaking (or I) is

> | finished,

> | I will then call on whoever has signaled in.


> | Did you

> | both wirte those down? They apply to all the


> | conferences and reading rooms in these

> forums.

> Bff243 | ! yes

> Brenda | yes thank you

> Thea/Self-transform | I'm going to wait another few minutes before

> | we

> | begin today -- two or three other people said


> | they

> | would be here, so I'll be kind. <G>

> | To both of you who are new to this section,

> | it has

> | been ongoing for two years, two months

> | now......

> | and we are up to the 100th lesson. There is

> | a library

> | section for this class which contains all the


> | previous

> | lessons and transcripts, if you are

> | interested.

> | You can download them from there for your own

> | reference in the future.

> | Today's class .......after we do a lengthy

> | meditation....will be on the fear that is

> | loneliness....a

> | part of the life lesson in

> | self-abaondonment/abandonment. It seems to

> be

> | a big one for a lot of us.

> | Does anyone have any questions or comments

> | while

> | we are waiting?

> Bff243 | Somehow this lesson seems like a

> | contradiction - in that the presence of God

> | within us means that we are never lonely -

> | but if I'm being rude, sorry.

> | This is my first conference and first time

> | on line.

> Thea/Self-transform | Yes.......that is exactly the point of

> | healing this fear into

> | love, Bff.........and why it is so difficult

> | for so many

> | people to connect with.

> | I think....if you read the lesson to its

> | conclusion, you

> | will see that I said that and more.

> | OK....I think we have waited a decent amount

> | of time,

> | so let's begin. <S>

> | We are about to venture into a long and very

> | deep

> | healing meditation, so I ask each of you to

> | get as

> | comfortable as you can now.......loosen

> | clothing,

> | take off shoes,

> | take off any jewelry....

> | and find a comfy position in your chairs.

> | Begin to take deep, calming breaths......

> | on the in-breath, pushing the breath to the

> | base or

> | floor of the pelvis.........

> | then to the upper abdomen.....

> | to the lower chest.....

> | to the upper chest until it lifts the collar

> | bones

> | towards the throat.......

> | and on the outbreath.......

> | reverse this,

> | releasing the breath from the upper chest,

> | the lower chest,

> | the upper abdomen,

> | the lower abdomen..........

> | Count from one to ten .....one on the

> | inbreath......

> | two on the outbreath......

> | three, inbreath

> | four, outbreath....

> | five inbreath.......

> | six outbreath......to number ten and then

> | begin with number one again,

> | allowing your body and mind to relax deeply.

> | And....focusing on the breath......allow

> | yourself

> | to center into the level of the heart,

> | focusing your mind on your heartspace.

> | And into your physical heart.........

> | feeling the energy of Spirit that is within

> | each breath

> | come fully into your heart.....

> | cleansing it.......

> | radiating love into it......

> | opening your heart with love.......

> | and feeling your heart grow warm.....

> | grow more radiant with love with each

> | breath.....

> | expanding...........

> | pulsing love throughout your body.....

> | bask in this love now....

> | feeling it fill every part of you...

> | and surrounding you now in its radiant

> | light.....

> | filling your aura.....your whole energy

> | system with

> | HeartLove.

> | For your heart's love is a haven of safety,

> | a cocoon of deep protection......

> | and you can be fully alive,

> | fully aware as your heart continues to open

> | in love

> | and gratitude for recognition of it more and

> | more......

> | Become aware now of your energy centers......

> | your chakras and energy collection

> cones......

> | and especially your will centers located

> along

> | your back from your tailbone and lower

> | back....

> | to behind your solar plexus......

> | behind your heartspace......

> | behind your neck.......

> | and behind the center of the back of your

> | head.

> | Become aware of all the connections.....or

> | cords

> | of attachment.....to other people that exist

> | in each

> | of these centers......

> | many of them old and withered, some of them

> | just hanging there useless......

> | and others filled with fear stuff as you are

> | still

> | attached to other people's will for you and

> | authority

> | over you......

> | And ask your higher spiritual guides to join

> | with

> | you now during this part of the

> | meditation........

> | and whether you know them or not.....whether

> | you

> | can see them or converse with them or not,

> | simply have a knowing that when you call them


> | they

> | *do* come to help you.......

> | and welcome them into your personal space.

> | And we will all work together now to remove

> | these

> | old "dead" cords of attachment that we no

> | longer

> | need, and also those that are withered beyond


> | repair.....

> | and those that are encrusted with old angers

> | and

> | hurts........

> | Simply relax and allow these old cords of

> | attachment

> | to be removed from your being now.........

> | letting them go, not needing them any

> | longer......

> | making room for new light and new love to

> flow

> | into you.

> | And now.....while that work proceeds.....we

> | will

> | take our journey together.........

> | so focus now into your heart once more....

> | and see there the gateway of your heart.....

> | and go to it.

> | Looking outward see a path of light just

> | beyond

> | the threshold.....a path of light that leads

> | out into

> | a most beautiful and peaceful place....

> | and when you are ready....step through that

> | gateway

> | of your heart onto this path of light and out


> | into

> | this meadow.

> | We enter here the realms of light and this is


> | your

> | Soul Meadow.....a place of extraordinary

> | wonder.

> | Every form is perfect here, and every color

> | more

> | perfect than any you have ever seen

> | before.....

> | crystalline brilliance shining forth from

> | every form.....

> | sparkling......effervescent......bubbling

> | forth with life

> | and aliveness....

> | and the light of the Central Sun.....the Soul


> | of the

> | Sun.....

> | the light of the Heart of God......shines

> | here........

> | comes into you fully......filling you with

> | its brilliance...

> | its warmth......

> | its peace........

> | its calm........

> | and its joy........

> | filling every part of you with its light and

> | transforming

> | you as you merely stand here.

> | Let us sit together here at the level of the

> | Soul....

> | feeling our connection with each other.....

> | feeling the love that is flowing here with

> | each other....

> | Being warmed and enlightened by this great

> | light.

> | And feeling the Great Love that it contains,

> | know with all your heart that you sit in the

> | presence of

> | God and all that is love.

> | Know that God's

> | will for you is to be love.....and to receive


> | all that is

> | His/Her love.......

> | and know the truth of this with all your

> | heart and

> | being.

> | And now.....become aware once more of the

> | cords

> | of attachment that still remain between you

> | and

> | others....the more viable and alive cords

> ....

> | and with all your will, and asking help from

> | your

> | higher spiritual guides and from your own

> | Soul,

> | focus your attention on one rear energy

> | center at a

> | time........

> | beginning with the second chakra...the sacral


> | chakra...

> | and ask that these cords of attachment be

> | removed

> | between you and these other people

> | .........and

> | reattached between you and the Heart of God.

> | Feel yourself begin to align with God's Will

> | for you

> | and allow God's Will and your will to be one.

> | And do the same steps with the rear of the

> | solar

> | plexus chakra......

> | and feel how your will to be fully conscious

> | becomes

> | more clear within you as you let go the old

> | connections and reform them to the Heart of

> | God.

> | And so now to the rear of your

> | heartspace........

> | your will to love........

> | your deepest desire....to know and be

> love....

> | how difficult it has been in this lifetime to


> | express this

> | part of yourself........and now......be that

> | love as you

> | connect with the Heart of God.

> | And to the rear aspect of the throat

> | center....your

> | center of Divine Will...........

> | your will to do the work you came into

> | incarnation to

> | do........the love you seek to be as you do

> | your work in

> | the world.......as you do loving service to

> | humankind.

> | And feel God's love give you the courage to

> | know

> | and express those very special gifts you

> | possess.

> | Feel the desire come into you to know your

> | missions

> | and expression of work purpose in this

> | lifetime....

> | and feel the rightness of doing this now as

> | you

> | move your awareness, your attention, your

> | focus

> | contained in each cord of attachment into the


> | Heart of

> | God.

> | To the sixth center now.....the Center of

> | Divine Love....

> | the center of compassion, openess,

> | vulnerability

> | and all of your psychic abilities.......and

> | this rear

> | center the will to express these aspects of

> | your being

> | and to be simply, openly, completely that

> | love that you

> | are.......

> | and feel your will realign with the

> | perfection of

> | self-expression that comes into you now......

> | and the KNOWING.....the ABSOLUTE KNOWING....

> | that you can go forth ......can be of the

> | world but not in

> | it.....that you can do this now.......that

> | you can be love

> | as you move closer to Oneness with All That

> | Is,

> | connecting so fully with the Heart of God.

> | And allow peace and joy to come back to you

> | now through these renewed cords of

> | attachment....

> | As you gather strength, courage and know the

> | rightness of this focus upon your true

> | Mother/Father.

> | And feel God's gratitude to you for

> | remembering your

> | relationship to Her/Him.....and allow that

> | gratitude

> | to fill you completely.

> | Receive the love.

> | And bring your attention back to this circle

> | now....

> | as we sit here together......and see the new

> | light

> | within each of us......the newer and more

> | brilliant

> | radiance.....

> | And when you are ready, it is time to stand

> | up

> | and prepare to leave here for now....knowing

> | you

> | can always come back again and again, that

> | the gateway of your heart is ever open for

> | you now.

> | And let us all walk back now to our paths of

> | light.....

> | thanking our higher spiritual guides for

> | being with us

> | today........and for their wonderful work

> | with us and for

> | us......

> | and we walk back each to the gateway of our

> | hearts....

> | and through them into the physical heart....

> | and back into our bodies.....

> | our chairs......

> | our rooms......

> | and to our keyboards.

> | Let me know when you have fully returned.

> Ken | :-)

> Brenda | brenda<S>

> Sherry | **

> Marita | :)

> Karl | ok, ok! <G>

> Merlin | :+)

> Thea/Self-transform | I think we are all back now....Merlin was

> | making

> | squiggles in his chat window. <G>

> | So how was that meditation for you?

> | And how do you each feel?

> Karl | !

> Thea/Self-transform | The boys have taken me out there a couple of

> | times this week.....I thought it was so

> | cleansing

> | and transformative.

> | Karl?

> Karl | felt better before you made us all come back!

> | <G>

> Thea/Self-transform | LOLOL

> | The trick, as you go along every day, is to

> | spend as

> | much conscious time as you can "out there" at


> | the

> | level of the Soul.....sitting in the

> | light......and bringing

> | that back in here to this denser level of

> | incarnation.

> | You *CAN* make your inner life very, very

> | real..and

> | it becomes your life the more you allow it to


> | do so.

> | Is everyone ready for the topic of the day?

> Ken | =)

> Thea/Self-transform | Brenda, we usually go in alphabetical order,

> | but

> Sherry | S

> Thea/Self-transform | if you would rather not speak right now or at


> | all,

> | we will let you get away with that this time.


> | <G>

> | We can go down the list and come back to you

> | if

> | you like.

> | What do you think?

> Brenda | ok


> Thea/Self-transform | So....Karl......the stick is passed to you.

> | We are talking about loneliness today....and

> | I know

> | you passed many a year waiting and

> | hoping....so

> | your comments please.

> Karl | I think it is a case of allowing love to

> | enter your life...

> | as someone I know says...

> | it is not a matter of 'doing', but of

> | 'becoming'

> | when you are open to life...

> | it takes you over <s>

> | and you no longer think of being lonely

> | GA

> Thea/Self-transform | When you think back to the days of

> | loneliness, what

> | do you remember?

> Karl | searching

> | ... for someone to make my life complete

> | a lot of that 'illusion' is taught us by our

> | society...

> | that we need someone or something 'out

> | there'...

> | not that we are complete within ourselves...

> | and that we can bring that wholeness into our


> | lives

> | ga

> Thea/Self-transform | Ken?

> Ken | Hello Thea, and All

> | I believe strongly what you said at the end

> | of today's lesson plan -- that we

> | are not at all alone in this universe, which

> | is spiritually rich in content.

> | But I suffer severely from lonliness -- goes

> | all the way back to childhood.

> | I have friends, and I get out and go places

> | all the time, and I love to work

> | with good people. But there's that emptiness


> | for companionship that's never

> | worked out.

> | I've felt rejected and abandoned and left out


> | -- thus lonely -- so many times.

> | The worst lonliness was being married! There


> | were some good times at the

> | beginning, but it was the worst kind of

> | abandonment I ever felt.

> | I don't mind big crowded places -- but it

> | doesn't make me feel any less lonely.

> | I wonder how many other people experience

> | the same.

> | GA

> Thea/Self-transform | I think, when we are being very truthful, we

> | have all

> | experienced that same deep, dreadful

> | loneliness

> | and gotten caught up in the great search for

> | that

> | other that never seems to come.

> Karl | !

> Thea/Self-transform | Karl?

> Merlin | *

> Karl | Sometimes being wth others is the worst,

> | because it makes you more aware of the

> | reality of not being 'connected' with anyone.

> Thea/Self-transform | Or do you mean not being MEANINGFULLY and

> | lovingly connected with someone else?

> Karl | It is this feeling, or its cousin, that

> | allows us to create a reality in which

> | this feeling no longer exists

> | yes

> | ga

> Merlin | !

> Thea/Self-transform | Merlin?

> Merlin | There are two thoughts I had...

> | One is ..Is there such a thing as a soul

> mate?

> | the other....

> | Lost it.

> | ga

> Thea/Self-transform | We are all soulmates, Merlin. We are all

> | interconnected at the Heart of God...for we

> | all are

> | truly His/Her Children.

> Karl | !

> Thea/Self-transform | Karl?

> Karl | I think what we commonly mean by soul mate,

> | is someo


Ram Chandran

Burke, VA

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