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Sathya Sai Baba, a 'Shiva-Shakthi' Avathar-write-up posted as requested by Madhavaji

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1. To understand SwAmi as a 'Shiva-Shakthi AvathAr', we first of all have to


the terms, 'Shiva-Shakthi' and 'AvathAr'.


2. a. According to Thirumandhiram, a complete theological treatise,

'originally', there was this

'Transcendental Supreme Being' (Parama ShivA), without beginning

and end.

But, it held within Its Bosom, all the Powers of 'Becoming'.

b i Then, by a 'Divine Differentiation', there arose 'within the

Parama ShivA',

the 'Light' of the 'Transcendental Supreme Energy' (ParA


holding within Its Bosom, the 'Primeval Sound Source of

Creation' (NAdham).

ii But, the ParA Shakthi United Itself, through Its Rays of

Attention, back

again with the Parama ShivA, simultaneously retaining Its

Separativeness as well.

c This co-existence of Parama ShivA with ParA Shakthi, is what is

called as the Divine Pair

of 'Shiva-Shakthi', or ArDhanArEshwarA (Half-Shiva-Shakthi).


3. a Then, the Parama ShivA entered into the ParA Shakthi, by a 'Divine


Thus arose the 'Supreme Being' (ShivA), a Divine Delimitation of the

Parama ShivA,

into the 'Separated-and-Uniting' ParA Shakthi.

b Now, the ParA Shakthi, manifested the NAdham, which was 'Involved' or

'Latent' in It.

c Then, in this manifested NAdham, there arose the 'Seed of

Pure-Illusion' (Vindhu).

d This Physcial Universe, alongwith us (the JIvAs), which was

'Involved/Latent' in 'Seed-Form' in

the Vindhu, Manifested/Evolved from the Vindhu, through a Mixture of

the Divine Processes of

i Differentiation/Delimitation,

ii Entry/Indwelling, and

iii Manifestation/Evolution.


4. a. All of us, the JIvAs, have become manifested from the Vindhu (the

Seed of MAyA). Hence,

we are all helplessly subject to, and under the control of, the

Divine MAyA.

b When we attempt to rise above our subjection to the Divine MAyA, we

will become

'VibhUthis' (Ordinary Persons, Manifesting 'Heightened' Common

Powers and/or Capacities).

c As 'VibhUthis', we begin to evolve faster than the common people.


5. a But, SwAmi's Subtle Body and Physical Frame, have manifested by a

'Direct Descent' from

the 'Shiva-Shakthi'.

b Thus, even in this Divine Body of His, constituted of 'Pure-Light'

(ShudDha SathwA), He is

aware of His Transcendental-Status as such 'Shiva-Shakthi'.


6. a Thus, Swami is 'Over-Dwelling' as well as 'Indwelling' the 'Divine

MAyA' and the 'Entire

Universe', even while apparently remaining encased in His Divine

Physical Frame.

b Therefore, He is the true Lord,

i not only of all human beings,

ii but also of the 'Divine MAyA', from which this Physcial

Universe has manifested.


7. a Since no-one is above Him, He alone can 'announce' and 'bear witness'

to His being a

'Shiva-Shakthi AvathAr'.

b That is why, SwAmi reiterates the fact of His being so.

c When we go through the Divine Scriptures, with 'ShradDhA' (Faith),

we truly begin to

understand 'SwAmi' and 'His Divine Affirmations', in a better and

truer light.


8. a Since He is a 'Shiva-Shakthi AvathAr', all Powers, including those of


Maintenance (of Manifestation), and Demanifestation

[by a double process,-

i of a 'withdrawal' of the 'DivineForce' behind the

Manifestation, and

ii of the 'resolution' of the constituent elements, back into the

Nature, from which they originated],

naturally 'inhere' in Him.

b i His Guidance is thus, at once, both a Guidance by His Presiding

Presence (the Shiva

Aspect), and a Guidance through Manifesting Grace (the Shakthi


ii His 'Divine Miracles' clearly manifest this double aspect of

His Advent.

c His manifesting these powers, either by performing 'miracles' or


in response to the Faith and the Love of His Devotees, serves only,-

i to confirm 'His Divine Love' for them all, and

ii as a token of the availability, at all times, of 'His

Protection' for them.


9. a Prior to the Divine Birth of the 'AvathAr', the stage becomes set

for His Divine Advent

on Earth, by preparing the Earth-Consciousness, in such a way that

the Purpose and

Mission of the AvathAr may be fulfilled.

b The Divine Processes set out in 10 below, are most commonly

observed to happen,

i prior to the Advent of, as well as

ii during the Presence in the Physical Frame of,

the AvathAr:


10. a. More and more 'VibhUhtis' are 'made' from out of the 'common

people', 'jolting' them out of

their 'ordinary life', by Divinely Ordaining a 'Crash of their

ordinary Circumstances',

like the loss of wealth, status, relationships, relatives etc.

b. These 'VibhUthis' begin to evolve faster than the common people.

c. These 'VibhUthis', also assist in the slow evolution of the common

people, who are in

contact with them.

d. Thus, there is a generated, a more widespread tendency than

'normal', towards

compliance with the 'Law of Righteousness' (DharmA, in its

ordinary sense).


11. a. The main purpose of the 'AvathAr' is always the 'Elevation of the

Humanity as a whole

to Divinity', despite,-

i the rule of action and reaction, and

ii the rhythm of advance and relapse,

by which Nature normally proceeds.

b. These are always more easily and better achieved under the

condition of a widely-observed


c. This widespread prevalence of DharmA, is achieved through the

'generation' of 'VibhUthis' in

large numbers.


12. The AvathAr expresses the Purpose and Mission of His Divine Advent,

mainly through 'three'

means. The first and foremost of these three means, is the 'AvathAr'

Himself, for the simple

reason that there is 'no-one' other than Himself, who can possibly know

the same.


13. a The second is the 'DharmAm' (in its special sense), which in the

case particularly of a PoorNa

AvathAr (Complete Descent), is the Law relating to,-

i the Method of the Growth into Divinity, and

ii the Modes of Human Relationships,

given by Him, for the benefit of the whole of Humanity.

b All of SwAmi's Teachings, including also His special '10-fold Path

to Divinity' for His

Devotees, embody this 'DharmAm'.

c Since SwAmi is the 'Shakthi AvathAr' as well, this DharmAm given

by Him is a

'SarvaDharmAm', in the sense even of encompassing, also the

'Details' (not only the Essential

Principles), of the various religions of Humanity.


14. a The third is the 'SanghA' or the 'Association' or the

'Organisation', which in the case of the

'PoorNa AvathAr' is the 'whole of Humanity', presided over by His

Direct Divine Presence and


b The 'Sathya Sai SevA Organisation', with the associated Regulations

given by SwAmi Himself,

for its Membership and the Conduct of the Organisation, serves as

the 'Centre',-

i from which His Devotees can 'UNITE' with the whole of

Humanity, translating the 'Seeds' of

His Divine Love and Wisdom into Action; and

ii into which, common people from the larger framework of

Humanity, can 'EMERGE' as His


a seeking to gain solace and/or relief from the 'ills'

suffered by them in the world, and

b also benefit from His Guidance, manifesting itself 'more

specifically' within the structure

of the Organisation.

c Since SwAmi is the 'Descent of the INTEGRAL Godhead' (Shiva-Shakthi

AvathAr), His

Devotees learn, through active participation in the Sathya Sai

Seva Organisation,

i a. to commence only the performance of the 'obilgatory'

courses of action enjoined by Him

in the '10-fold Path to Divinity' and blessed by Him in

the '9-Point Code of Conduct', and

that too,

b without any desire for the fruits of action, and

c as an offering to SwAmi; AND

ii to INTEGRATE, the unshakable attitude that 'All Life is Sai

Seva', into the performance of

their most ordinary daily activities, which will at once

ensure, the spiritual progress of

themselves and everyone around.


15. SwAmi is Living as an 'Ideal',-

a in relation to the outer life of humanity, in terms of 'Human

Values', so that the impact of His

AvathAr, may be realised in the inner life of humanity,

i with Him as the 'Supreme Goal' towards whom the humanity has

to proceed, and

ii in whom the humanity has to MERGE, by way of 'liberation

from the shackles of spiritual



b in relation to the inner life of humanity, as the 'Supreme

Godhead', so that the impact of His

AvathAr, may be realised in the outer life of humanity,

i with Him as the 'Supreme Embodiment of the Human Values',

towards which the humanity

has to proceed, and

ii into Him the humanity has to EMERGE, by way of 'liberation

from the tendency towards

and the temptation for evil'.

c Thus, His Descent is 'Complete' (PoorNam), even in respect of the

'Effect' it has on the

humanity, for whose elevation to the heights of Divinity He has

descended. That is to say,

i He has touched both the inner and outer Life of Man,

ii by Living as an ideal in relation RESPECTIVELY to the outer

and inner Life of Man, .


Thanks and kind regards.



Madhava K. Turumella <madhava

Shankar <shankar

Monday, June 12, 2000 10:54 AM

RE: Personal E-mail--For Your Reading & Not to be filed away--Sathya

Sai Baba, a 'Shiva-Shakthi' Avathar


>Why don't you send it to the advaitin list?

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