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Brahman's Unfathomable Mystery

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who or what is it that gets liberated? the ego? the

soul? and if either is so, what does this say about

the remaining egos or souls? indeed these are

impossible questions, not only to answer but to even

ask in the first place! yet they arise

*compellingly* alongside the equally compelling

sensual notation evoked by and through maya. despite

the truth begotton via the quantum metaphysical leap

[beyond the Mind and its circular-logical (and

humorous!) addiction to mentation], it simply cannot

be denied that something is happening here...and [as

the song goes], "what it is ain't exactly clear..."


then again, if one is liberated, it's said that *all*

are liberated. more: ajativada doctrine says that in

fact there were none in need of liberation to begin

with, since liberation itself is a phenomenon merely

in and of the Mind and its Cosmic Play. all true

stuff to be sure, as per the buddhic insight into the

nature of pure sat-chit-ananda.


still and yet, it cannot be denied "there's something

happening here."


......[as we know] it's referred to as 'the Play.'

brahman's leela.


yet the Self-realization conclusion can come thus:

denying Its existence utterly is **both true and





welcome to THE MYSTERY.





now, within the parameters of this 'Play That Doesn't

Exist,' let's explore a bit further...


to conclude that we can destroy or permanently

transcend maya is foolhardy. for it inheres naturally

in the very essence of brahman Itself. it is

therefore an eternal reality. despite the fact that

it appears and disappears through vast cycles of time,

i.e. kalpas of days and nights of brahma, implies that

it can never be *permanently* obliterated! it either

exists latent in seed form in nirguna brahman or

eventually [that seed] comes to fruition in the

manvantara or saguna brahman--the leela. the main

point is it's an *eternal* archetypal reality in

brahman. therefore it becomes incumbant upon

us--indeed it is the practical core-purpose of

advaita!--to come to terms with the ever-recurring

nature of its being. we could put it in terms of its

being our own unconscious will--will of the Sellf,

being symbolic of the force/directive of brahman--that

has called it forth into 'tangible' existence, and

will *continue* to call it forth into existence, even

if cyclically.


moreover, the causal nature of maya relates directly

back to this divine will, as a product of *desire*.

and this is expressly why desire has to be rightly

addressed, apprehended and eventually resolved via the

unique process of what we call attenuation (i.e.

desire needs to be met and embraced by the

'I'-awareness rooted in brahman

itself...implicating/establishing the reason for its

cyclical manifestatation). where, in this way, no

desire can henceforth derail us from our core essence.

this, to my understanding, is the esoteric condition

of the sthithaprajna...the sahaja state. it is the

automatic result of the [balanced] Middle Way.


now, it's vital to remember that the backdrop to all

of this is Mystery itself! for it is [this] mystery

that inspires the wonder and beauty of 'Life married

to Being.' this is the emblematic meaning of

siva-shakthi. again, an eternal realiy.


to summarize:

the best we can approach understanding the truth of

what we are in terms of the projected Play, is that it

reprersents an *infinitesimal fragment* of the

Absolute brahman Self. just as maya itself is an

infinitesimal fragment of the totality in brahman.

this puts the whole thing into perspective. a very

accurate and useful metaphor is the 'oceanic

existence': whose recognizable surface of mayavic

change is superimposed on the unfathomable deep of the

changeless brahman. thus the *vast bulk of our

nature* is That nirguna brahman. and if we abide in

That...not losing our perspective on That...not

sacrificing the thrust of our attention on This *in

lieu* of That, the changing phenomena [product of

mayashakthi]--viz. the *comparatively insignificant*

portion--can no longer exert any adverse affect on our

primal awareness. how could it then?! even if we

appear to falter now and again, even to

ourselves!--for maya is pure power (our*own* pure

power!)--as long as we maintain focus ultimately on

the Heart's steady flame bearing THE TRUTH WE ARE IN

EVERY MOMENT NOW!, we're thus poised effortlessly on

the incomprehensibly solid rock of the Changeless

Being of the brahman Self. we are That this very

moment. take away the silly mind, and we are simply

That. period.


this message will self-destruct in 20

seconds...leaving the only thing existing before,

during and after:








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