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The profound simplicity of Oneness and At-Oneness is, at once, everything

of grandeur and joy within our non-attached spiritual natures, and all the

terror, darkness of mind and pain that describes the fear/material-based

experience of incarnation. The profound paradox within this duality of our

corporeal/ego natures focused upon them leads us to a conclusion of

separation, injustice, punishment and unworthiness.


The ego mind, the intellect, can only grasp facts - raw data drawn from the

past of the total experience within this singular civilization. Our total

incarnated history began in the "big bang" of thought for the creation of

this experience. Where we are now is merely one small part of this

universal moment/thought in a totality of so many unfolding possibilities,

the complete historical creation of this planet and ourselves as its



What are the things we can know right here, right now? We can extrapolate

from all experiences everywhere in this universe and in our personal

universes and see a Highest Good working mightily in all our lives. This

Highest Good is pulling is along - is the ultimate hope, desire,

fulfillment - the magnificent expectation and realization - that

unconditional love does, indeed, exist and yanks us out of our reveries and

stuckness towards itself.


In form, we see unconditional love as light - sunlight, energy, movement,

being and energetic emanations. On closer inspection into the nature of

form, meditating upon its component parts, we at first are aware of the

interplay of positives and negatives - energies pulling and pushing each

other from one state into another. Then we become aware of the spaces

between those forms, which is the real "universal glue" - the milieu in

which this polarization of attraction/rejection interplay.


This "universal glue" has essence. In the very place between one state of

being and another - between time and timelessness, male and female, birth

and death - in that place where zero can be seen in which there is neither

and both of each pair of dichotomies - in that place - is that burst of

awareness, that immediacy of consciousness, that presence of unconditional

love as the driving force and reality of all that leaps forth from it in

this outpouring of thought becoming thought-form and experience.


We are that sum total of energies coming into Oneness. We are, at once,

both the forgetfulness of estranged experiences through fear and the

magnificent unified creators of the thought for those experiences in

forgetfulness. Only within any given moment, in the absolute present where

time cannot exist except as a fallacy do we have the power and presence and

can know our own Godness.


We are everywhere this Godness. It is the energy that gives us movement,

awareness, "life" as we can know it in incarnation. It is the light of our

energy systems that surround and are one with our physical bodies, and it

is the light within each and every one of our cells - the aura of our DNA.



We are Godness in our core centers/Godness centers that strive to move

upward along then "ladder of light" of our chakras in a progressive

learning to be this perfection. We are even Godness as we perceive and

love our own imperfection as we are in incarnation, for we have the ability

to bring the compassion of the heart and Soul and the unconditionality of

our Spirits to bear upon and bring understanding to these limitations that

define our egos while within our physical forms.


The question, then, is not whether we are Who We Are. It is, rather, do we

bring Who We Are into an unconditional, objective witnessing of ourselves

as we move through our issues/unhealed states/life lessons, healing these,

our inner children, into that unconditional love that is our true state of



Do we continue to forsake ourselves to the depths of forgetfulness and

powerlessness over the experiences of our lives or do we choose to remember

ourselves and accept ourselves as Children of God? Whatever our choices,

life will continue to dance, whirling on toward its ultimate state of

perfection. We can choose to believe that each experience must take us

into a maelstrom of chaos, confusion, difficulty and mental, physical and

emotional pain and it will be so. Or we can opt to shift this polarizing

belief and replace it with that which says life can be joyful if we are

willing to give up all expectations and live in each moment, seeing

ourselves flow towards an infinite Highest Good.


Our interrelationship and interdependency with God is all about receiving

even as we are willing to be giving. Bliss, that state of being in which

all is positive emotion, harmony and resonance of the universe is our

reality and birthright. This is the ultimate state of our most profound

beings, a song of songs diverse and One within that overall unconditional

Consciousness we can point to as God/All That Is.


We are free to create ourselves to be a part of that outpouring of total

joy. We can grasp the fullness of joy to our beings as we increase our

wisdom, knowledge and understanding of Highest Good and Godness and no

punishment will ever occur. We are free to experience every nuance of an

unfoldment through fear; living out self-destruction and a sorrow so

profound it breaks us upon its uncaring wheel of "fate."


Whose life is it anyway? Each of us has the innate power and absolute,

individual, unique right to the entirety of this possible experience. Yet -

and because - in the end - we are meant to be a gleaming star of love in

the universe, and a center of our own personal universes where we are

consciously God creating unconditionally - why would we opt to prolong the

agony when the ecstasy of reality is within and without in every moment of

our existence?





We have been working together for nearly three years now. Consider what

your beliefs and thoughts were when we began this little time together.

What has shifted within you? What are you now willing to let go so that

you can be in states of love, peace, calm and joy? What was important to

you those years ago that you have let go, and what is important to you now

that are your expectations which may yet lead you into more disappointment,

disillusionment and betrayal? What do you yet need to heal within to

become emotionally competent, spiritually At One and incarnatedly receiving

Highest Good in a most conscious way?




Make a list of some of the sub-personalities you assumed in the past and

how these have shifted or disappeared in the present. Think about and

write down whether these sub-personalities have become more loving and if

so, how this is. Have you assumed any new sub-personalities, or have you

been working diligently to release and not take any more on?




Go out to your Soul Meadow and ask your guides and your Soul to join you as

you climb to the head of your Path of Love/Joy/Heart/Soul/Spirit. Allow

this to be a real experience for you, filling yourself with these higher,

finer vibrations as you do this meditative journey. When you are within

your own highest, most adult, most spiritual Self, ask to be shown the

panorama of your own creativity in incarnation, from beginning to end.

Bask in this light and in this knowing. Make it as detailed, as colorful

and as large as you can, reminding yourself to bring the fullness of this

knowing back with you into everyday awareness.





Peace to all!



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