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Sri Frankji

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After coming back to town this afternoon and scanning the e-mails on

Advaitin, I discovered that our friend and brother Sri Frank Maiello will be

somewhat limiting his internet contributions to the Advaitin list due to

certain conditions of the body. Sri Frankji had told us before in some posts

of the horrific pain he has experienced at times, but many were not aware

and did not suspect the extent of it. This is particularly so because there

is a wonderful quality of reasoning, wisdom, and acceptance in Frank's

posts. And Sri Frankji, always with the purest intent and awareness and

gestures of profound love, points at the highest Truth.


Frank is a brother devotee of the Sage of Arunachala and holds a special

place in my heart. I love Frank dearly even though we have never physically

met. Some time ago, Frankji told me of a video tape he had of Sri Ramana and

offered to send it to me from Florida where he resides. He said I could

watch it as many times as I liked and then could send it back at my

convenience. I was moved by the gesture and at first was reluctant to accept

such a precious gift which is so dear to my brother Frank. I also did not

wish it to be lost in the mail or anything as well. Finally, I accepted the

gift. You can imagine my delight to find the video tape in my mailbox a few

days later with a beautiful handwritten line from Frank.


Well, how I watched the documentary video on the Sage Ramana with rapt

attention many times over again with tears in my eyes and thought of Sri

Frank's kindness and generosity.


I pray that Sri Frankji's suffering and pain and that of his wife at seeing

him suffer be minimized. We send our love. I know others join me in this

prayer as well.


Frankji, you are always in our heart, forever.


For those who do not know this modern day sage and the leading exponent of

clear and radical nondualism, the following URL will take you there. You

will see there Sri Frankji's face glowing with light. There is also a

picture of Sri Frankji with his beautiful wife.


Love to all




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I pray that Sri Frankji's suffering and pain and that of his wife at seeing

him suffer be minimized. We send our love. I know others join me in this

prayer as well.


Frankji, you are always in our heart, forever.


[Madhava Replies:]


I always felt it as a privilege to read Frankji's messages on this list. I

know how painful it would be to concentrate while undergoing severe pain.

Sri Frankji is a very important member of this Advaitin family. He is a

very good friend and a kind hearted philosopher. I know, the entire family

members are feeling for him.


I have a letter from Gurudev Swamy Chinmayanandaji, which he wrote to me in

the year 1990. I wrote to him questioning "what did I do to deserve this

suffering?" He replied: "He only gives you what you deserve, when you

undergo it with out giving up your faith, he will definitely show you a way

out of it."


Frankji: Please take care of your health.




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Hello Harsha-ji and lists,


Let me chime in and join Harsha with an appreciation of Frank. Remembering

from the early days of the ADVAITA-L list -- Frank's posts were always

positive, uplifting, and pointing with love, clarity, humility, directness

and integrity to the Self that is the substance of all people and all

things always and timelessly NOW.


Frank's website (http://ddi.digital.net/~egodust/) was one of the first

"treatise" or "overview"-type sites for nondualism on the web. There, he

lists and discusses various Eastern and Western and scientific approaches

to THAT which is always communicated by Silence.


Although I've never met Frank and never discused it with him, I feel a

kinship with him as does Harsha - more for a similarity of backgrounds - we

both have pathways through Theosophy, Zen, advaita and the U.S. military in



I join Harsha and many others in saluting Frank, praying for the

minimization of suffering, and sending love to him, his wife and his son.


Om! Love to all,



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