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science and spirituality

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Vivekananda Centre wrote:

> Recently I came across a book that deals with the

> subject of Science and spirituality in a very balanced

> manner. You may like to have a look at the book.


Thanks for sharing that. I too would like to share.


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has been explaining the relation between science &

spirituality since he

began His movement in the 60's. As the years have gone by much scientific

research has been

done on Transcendental Meditation & its effects on our brain, body &

intelligence, &

behaviour. Recently the American Medical Association gave a big grant of many

millions to the

Maharishi University of Management to support its continuing research into


Medicine for Minority groups.


Maharishi's focus which He has guided scientists into .. is utilising the Vedic

Literature &

experience of, in tandem with Western Science, in order to free humankind from

suffering & to

bring Heaven on earth. He is bringing out the vital importance of Ayurved,

Sthpatya Ved &

Gandharva Ved & much more to help us bring Heaven on Earth.


Since this post of yours is synchronous with one I just made at another list I

will share what

I wrote. It is not an advaitin list so excuse me if it sounds simplistic for

here ...




Maharishi has drawn many scientists to meditate using his technology of


including Deepak Chopra, & John Hagelin, Peter Russell, John Gray, etc etc the

list goes on.

This is because He realised that to raise the consciousness of our planet He

would have to be

able to prove its worth using scientific means to interest the many who trust

science. We do

live in a scientific age. Dr Keith Wallace has written a book called The

Neurophysiology of

Enlightenment (for instance). Dr Keith Wallace has practiced TM for many years.


In the 70's a fourth state of consciousness was scientifically proven when TMers

were hooked

up to scientific equipment & their brainwaves examined. The usual 3 states of

consciousness we

are all very familiar with already. These are the sleeping state, dreaming state

& waking

state of consciousness'. Maharishi explains how through practicing

Transcendental Meditation

consciousness expands into the 5th 6th & 7th states. The 7th is Unity



Not that long ago Dr Tony Nader (another TMer) discovered the correlation

between our

own physiology & each branch of the Veda. This is ground breaking news for


interested in how we are structured from a silent still field of infinite


which reverberates in a Self referral way to manifest from within ItSelf every

level of

creation including forms - & our own bodies brains & cells. His theory is that

each part of

our own form is structured by different branches of the Veda. Then he goes on to

explain which

parts! It is truly fascinating.


This is why a quantum physicist like John Hagelin is a meditator & very grateful

to Maharishi

for showing him the relation we all have with the Unified Field at the basis of

all creation.

John has

given a lecture at Maharishi University of Management as far back as 88 on, Is


the Unified Field? This is also why Deepak uses words like quantum soup.


As I understand it the Vedas are the ancient sacred texts cognised by Indian

Rishis who were

able to hear & pass on verbally to others the sounds or vibrations of the still

silent Source

vibrating into manifestation. These vibrations are the laws of Nature

responsibile for

structuring form.


I know it sounds way out. This is exactly why people like Deepak are preparing

us to

adopt a new paradigm which will help prepare us to understand unity with our


Source vibrating into finite forms. This is the whole & its relationship between


unmanifest absolute & the concrete relative manifest fields of life. Maharishi

has been

teaching about this since he started with the Beatles way back in the 60's.


Maharishi has cleverly gathered western scientists around Him to help people to

understand that all science originates from the first science - The Science of


Intelligence . This is the study of one's own consciousness to develop

everyone's full

potential by activating the total potential of the brain. Yes this is the

promise of becoming

aware of unity (where we All are One). He believes it is how everyone can prove

the existence

of the Unified Field. He explains that it can't be through using any scientific

instruments as

that is object referral, & to prove a unified field we need to practice a Self


technique. This is what meditation is.


It is quite ingenius how since the 70's He has had scientists researching using


own fields of expertise to parallel how each originates from the same source. If

only we could

reach this source in consciousness then we could have Total Knowledge in one

brain. :-) Dear

Maharishi. This is Being One with the Source as I understand it. He is also

fervent about

bringing the study of one's own consciousness into education. medicine the

prison system & as

we see recently into politics. This is to enable us to Realise we are All One,

so we can

act in harmony & not violate the laws of Nature & hurt ourselves & each other.


I hope I did justice to Maharishi in trying to explain what He has been doing


mankind to help enable us to reach Heaven on earth & world peace by activating &


the full potential of our own brains & physiology to become in tune with Natural


so that we may work in harmony with Nature & not against it.


I think this is a different approach to what many think of as advaitin, because

Maharishi is

encouraging us to embrace the forms we inhabit as Cosmic .. being as they are

... structured

by the Cosmic Laws of Nature emanting directly from the Unified Source. He

encourages His

meditators to embrace their manifest nature & to understand it's relationship to

our infinite

unmanifest boundless Source. He explains we are both unmanifest as well as



Jai Guru Dev


> The book is called Whispering Pond by Ervine Laszlo

> published in 1996.


> One of the interesting conclusions that come out of the

> book is the idea that the underlying unity - modern

> science is searching for (in its theory of everything)

> may be something like the concepts of 'Akash and Prana' that

> Swami Vivekananda talked about in his lecture on Rajayoga.

> The author quotes from that text.


Yes Maharishi has written much on this & has worked how to revitatalise

humankind's awareness

of the Veda as none other than the home of all Knowledge.

> There are quite a few other interesting books that deal with

> the theme of 'Science and spirituality'.


> I recently read another book called 'The Self Aware Universe' by

> Amit Goswami. He is a Professor of Physics at Univ of Oregon.

> The author has handled the ideas of quantum mechanics in an

> admirable way but his understanding of the 'spiritual side' of

> the debate is pretty weak.


> jay


Thanks Jay.





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  • 11 months later...

Recently I came across a book that deals with the

subject of Science and spirituality in a very balanced

manner. You may like to have a look at the book.


The book is called Whispering Pond by Ervine Laszlo

published in 1996.


One of the interesting conclusions that come out of the

book is the idea that the underlying unity - modern

science is searching for (in its theory of everything)

may be something like the concepts of 'Akash and Prana' that

Swami Vivekananda talked about in his lecture on Rajayoga.

The author quotes from that text.


There are quite a few other interesting books that deal with

the theme of 'Science and spirituality'.


I recently read another book called 'The Self Aware Universe' by

Amit Goswami. He is a Professor of Physics at Univ of Oregon.

The author has handled the ideas of quantum mechanics in an

admirable way but his understanding of the 'spiritual side' of

the debate is pretty weak.



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Hari Om:


Vivekananda Centre wrote:

> Recently I came across a book that deals with the

> subject of Science and spirituality in a very


> manner. You may like to have a look at the book.


ProfVK, a member of advaitin list has recently updated

his homepage with the following two books in

electronic version:

Science and Spirituality and

Gems from the Ocean of Hindu Thought, Vision and


can both be accessed at the address:



warmest regards,

Ram Chandran

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