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This article is emailed to you by Ram Chandran ( rchandran )


Source: The Hindu (http://www.the-hindu.com)


Detachment essential for realising God


CHENNAI, NOV. 10. Desire and attachment are the root cause of

man's sorrows. Attachment arises in different forms and it is the

extension of the ego basically. When desires are not fulfilled it

leads to agitation of the mind. A restless mind cannot dwell on

God and make spiritual progress. Hence the mind has to be made

one's friend to realise the object of human life. To achieve this

end it is essential to control the mind and scriptures describe

various means to do it.


Contrary to the popular notion that the pursuit of spiritual life

involves eschewing worldly pursuits, the scriptures present a

holistic perspective of human life in which all the four ends

(Purusharthas) - Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha - can be

realised. When the spiritual aspirant turns to God and orients

his life towards the spiritual goal, he is blessed with the other

ends of life also.


The difference between one pursuing worldly success for its own

sake and a spiritual aspirant is that the latter enjoys the same

without seeking it. So he is not attached to them and accepts

everything he enjoys in life as God's grace. His mind remains

unperturbed without desires. As a consequence he develops

detachment which is essential for further spiritual progress.


In his discourse, Swami Gautamananda said that it was only when

the aspirant weaned his mind from his attachments and desires

that God came closer. For this one must develop discrimination of

mind. Ramakrishna Paramahamsa says that this can be achieved

through two ways. The first is through renunciation by which

Jnanis realise the Supreme. By discrimination the aspirant

following this path must be able to discern the real behind the

empirical world.


This can be achieved only step by step. In the first stage one

must consciously overcome desires. The next step must be towards

achieving mental introvertedness as the mind is easily distracted

by worldly preoccupations. After this stage he should try to

achieve one-pointedness of mind through meditation to envision



The analogy of a tortoise retracting into its shell when it

senses danger is apt for a spiritual aspirant also. Just as the

animal is protected by its shell from injuries inflicted on it

once it withdraws into it, so also does a Yogi who has achieved

introvertedness of mind is able to remain unperturbed by worldly



The second way to realise God is through devotion which is

unalloyed love for God for His own sake. A devotee who yearns

only for God's vision will develop immunity from worldly

attractions which distract him from realising his goal.


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