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Duality Neutrality Singularity

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Hello everyone. This post relates to Frank Maiello's recent post on Natura on

the advaitin list ~ My post may be interesting for anyone who is relating to

animal totems & Nature sprites & the many symbolic archetypes form plays in for

the lila



Duality Neutrality Singularity ~ From Personality to Witness to Totality


I know that many of us in returning to oneness awareness sometimes wonder about

what is the realtionship of form to formless (absolute to duality). Are we just

absolute (nothing zero), or is absolute Self also the one playing as form (zero

dancing ~ totality)? Lately I have been exploring the two as one, & would like

to share this ..



it is my pressnt theory that formless first forms as Nature & the spirits &

caretakers of those forms, then as human beings in a seemingly concrete jungle.

The way back may be through Nature .. through our Nature archetypes. We see

these spoken of in the mythologies of every culture. This writer below shares

how he feels our primal Nature becomes integrated with our thinking dualistic

brain ..


His name is Rodolfo Scarfalloto .. the book is "Alchemy of Opposites"


"We experience duality by thinking. We experience singularity by feeling ..


The correlations of duality with thinking, & of singularity with feeling, is

simplistically reflected in the anatomy of the brain. The cerebrum or New Brain,

houses the capacity to think, discern, dissect, analyse & compare. The

brainstem, or Old Brain, contains centers for raw animal desires, impulses &

instinct .. Like two partners in a dance, they interact in a seemingly infinite

variety of ways to create the unique tapestry of physical & psycholgical

qualities of the individual ..


The two parts of the brain are reunited when the cerebrum recognizes &

accurately gives voice to the urges & feelings rising out of the brainstem. In

other words, the cerebrum uses its power ofdiscernment to simply report the

truth without censoring or distorting it ..


The harmonious blending of human discernment in the new brain withthe primal

impulses of the old brain results in the everyday experiences of compassion,

kindness, kinship, honor & integrity. This blending of the new & old brain

deepens as the former trains itself to be still, so that it can listen more

deeply to the echoes of singularity rising up (as feelings) from the Old Brain.

The deeper & fuller integration of new & old brain may translate into religious

ecstasy, transpersonal bliss, timeless peace, & the feeling we are one ..


To be in duality is to perceive opposing forces. To be in singularity is to

perceive unity. Duality sees life in its diversity. Singularity sees life in its

sameness ..


Singularity is not neutrality. Going beyond duality does not mean we are

"neutral". Neutral is just another way of being in duality. Neutral is zero;

singularity is infinity. Neutrality is neither, singularity is both. Neutrality

sees the two opposing forces as mutually exclusive; singularity sees them as the

two sides of the same coin. Neutrality

sees incompatibility; singularity sees that one contains (& is contained

within) the other.


Neutrality perceives that one side can destroy the other; singularity does not

judge for it sees no separation. neutral means, "I don't care who wins",

singularity means, "I care about both, for I am both." Neutrality is the earnest

attempt to forgive sins; singularity is the awareness that there never was any

sin. Neutrality is dispassionate;

singularity is intensely passionate. Neutrality is androgenous; singularity is

simultaneously both male & female. Neutrality is a thought we contemplate in the

mind; singularity is a feeling.


Neutrality is reached by being disengaged, propped squarely between two

polarities. Singularity is reached by being fully engaged & going all the way to

one side which allows us to discover the seed of the other.


The inner call to go beyond duality compels us to move beyond neutrality. As

long as we remain neutral on any two opposing views, we cannot discover that one

is contained within the other; we do not experience the birth of one in the

heart of the other, so that we can know them to be singular."


Thanks for sharing,






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