Guest guest Posted December 6, 2000 Report Share Posted December 6, 2000 GITA SATSANG Motto:- mat chittaaH mat gata-praaNaaH bodhayantaH parasparam.h . kathayantaH cha maa.n nitya.n tushhyanti cha ramanti cha .. shriimad-bhagavad-giitaa 10:9 'With their thought on Me, with their life absorbed in Me, instructing each other, and ever speaking of Me, they are content and delighted.' ____________________ _______________________ GITA JAYANTI Thu., Dec. 7 2,000 maargashiirshha shuddha ekaadashii I. Dhyana Mantra II. Mahatmya III.A Garland of Verses for Meditation IV. Jnaneshvara's Prayer for Grace I. Gita Dhyanam MEDITATION ON THE GITA .. atha shriimad-bhagavadgiitaa-dhyaanaadi .. shrii gaNeshaaya namaH .. shriigopaalakR^ishhNaaya namaH .. atha dhyaanam.h . shuklaambaradhara.n vishhNu.n shashivarNa.n chaturbhujam.h . prasannavadana.n dhyaayetsarvavighnopashaantaye .. naarayaNa.n namaskR^itya nara.n chaiva narotamam.h . devii.n sarasvatii.n chaiva tato jaya.mudiirayet.h .. vyaasa.n vashishhThanaptaara.n shaktreH pautramakalmashham.h . paraaasharaatmaja.n vande shukataata.n taponidhim.h .. vyaasaaya vishhNuruupaaya vyaasaruupaaya vishhNave . namo vai brahmavidhaye vashishhThaaya namo namaH .. achaturvadano brahmaa dvibaahuraparo hariH . abhaalalochanaH shambhurbhagavaan baadaraayaNiH .. atha karanyaasaH . AUM asya shriimad.hbhagavad.hgiitaamaalaamantrasya bhagavaanvedavyaasa R^ishhiH .. anushhTup.h chhandaH .. shriikR^ishhNa paramaatmaa devataa .. ashochyaananvashochastvaM praGYaavaadaa.nshcha bhaashhase iti biijam.h .. sarvadharmaan.h parityajya maamekaM sharaNaM vraja iti shaktiH .. ahaM tvaa sarvapaapebhyo mokshayishhyaami maa shucha iti kiilakam.h .. nainaM chhindanti shastraaNi nainaM dahati paavaka ityaN^gushhThaabhyaaM namaH .. na chainaM kledayantyaapo na shoshhayati maaruta iti tarjaniibhyaaM namaH .. achchhedyo.ayamadaahyo.ayamakledyo.ashoshhya eva cha iti madhyamaabhyaaM namaH .. nityaH sarvagataH sthaaNurachalo.ayaM sanaatana ityanaamikaabhyaaM namaH .. pashya me paarth ruupaaNi shatasho.atha sahasrasha iti kanishhThikaabhyaaM namaH .. naanaavidhaani divyaani naanaavarNaakR^itiini cha iti karatalakarapR^ishhThaabhyaaM namaH .. iti karanyaasaH .. atha hR^idayaadinyaasaH .. nainaM chhindanti shastraaNi nainaM dahati paavaka iti hR^idayaaya namaH .. na chainaM kledayantyaapo na shoshhayati maaruta iti shirase svaahaa .. achchhedyo.ayamadaahyo.ayamakledyo.ashoshhya eva cheti shikhaayai vashhaT.h .. nityaH sarvagataH sthaaNurachalo.ayaM sanaatana iti kavachaaya hum.h .. pashya me paarth ruupaaNi shatasho.atha sahasrasha iti netratrayaaya vaushhaT.h .. naanaavidhaani divyaani naanaavarNaakR^itiini cheti astraaya phaT.h .. shriikR^ishhNapriityarthe paaThe viniyogaH .. iti hRR^idayaadinyaasaH . ____________________ ______________________ AUM paarthaaya pratibodhitaaM bhagavataa naaraayaNena svayaM vyaasena grathitaaM puraaNamuninaa madhye mahaabhaaratam.h . advaitaamR^itavarshhiNiiM bhagavatiimashhTaadashaadhyaayiniiM amba tvaamanusandadhaami bhagavadgiite bhavedveshhiNiim.h .. 1.. 1. Om. O Bhagavad Gita, with which Partha was illumined by Lord Narayana Himself, and which was composed within the Mahabharata by the ancient sage, Vyasa, O Divine Mother, the destroyer of rebirth, the showerer of the nectar of Advaita, and consisting of eighteen discourses—upon Thee, O Gita, O affectionate Mother, I meditate! namo.astu te vyaasa vishaalabuddhe phullaaravindaayatapatranetra . yena tvayaa bhaaratatailapuurNaH prajvaalito GYaanamayaH pradiipaH .. 2.. 2. Salutations unto thee, O Vyasa, of broad intellect and with eyes like the petals of a full-blown lotus, by whom the lamp of knowledge, filled with the oil of the Mahabharata, has been lighted! prapannapaarijaataayatotravetraikapaaNaye . GYaanamudraaya kR^ishhNaaya giitaamR^itaduhe namaH .. 3.. 3. Salutations to Lord Krishna, the Parijata or the Kalpataru or the bestower of all desires for those who take refuge in Him, the holder of the whip in one hand, the holder of the symbol of divine knowledge and the milker of the divine nectar of the Bhagavad Gita! sarvopanishhado gaavo dogdhaa gopaalanandanah . partho vatsah sudhiirbhoktaa dugdha.n giitaamR^itaM mahat.h .. 4.. 4. All the Upanishads are the cows; the milker is Krishna; the cowherd boy, Partha (Arjuna), is the calf; men of purified intellect are the drinkers; the milk is the great nectar of the Gita. vasudevasutaM devaM ka.nsachaaNuuramardanam.h . devakiiparamaanandaM kR^ishhNaM vande jagad.hgurum.h .. 5.. 5. I salute Sri Krishna, the world-teacher, son of Vasudeva, the destroyer of Kamsa and Chanura, the supreme bliss of Devaki! bhiishhmadroNataTaa jayadrathajalaa gaandhaaraniilotpalaa shalyagraahavatii kR^ipeNa vahanii karNena velaakulaa . ashvatthaamavikarNaghoramakaraa duryodhanaavartinii sottiirNaa khalu paaNDavai raNanadii kaivartakaH keshavaH .. 6. 6. With Kesava as the helmsman, verily was crossed by the Pandavas the battle-river, whose banks were Bhishma and Drona, whose water was Jayadratha, whose blue lotus was the king of Gandhara, whose crocodile was Salya, whose current was Kripa, whose billow was Karna, whose terrible alligators were Vikarna and Asvatthama, whose whirlpool was Duryodhana. paaraasharyavachaH sarojamamalaM giitaarthagandhotkaTaM naanaakhyaanakakesaraM harikathaasambodhanaabodhitam.h . loke sajjanashhaT.hpadairaharahaH pepiiyamaanaM mudaa bhuuyaadbhaaratapaN^kajaM kalimalapradhva.nsi naH shreyase .. 7.. 7. May this lotus of the Mahabharata, born in the lake of the words of Vyasa, sweet with the fragrance of the meaning of the Gita, with many stories as its stamens, fully opened by the discourses of Hari, the destroyer of the sins of Kali, and drunk joyously by the bees of good men in the world, become day by day the bestower of good to us! muukaM karoti vaachaalaM paN^guM laN^ghayate girim.h . yatkR^ipaa tamahaM vande paramaanandamaadhavam.h .. 8.. 8. I salute that Madhava, the source of supreme bliss, whose Grace makes the dumb eloquent and the cripple cross mountains! yaM brahmaa varuNendrarudramarutaH stunvanti divyaiH stavaiH vedaiH saaN^gapadakramopanishhadairgaayanti yaM saamagaaH . dhyaanaavasthitatadgatena manasaa pashyanti yaM yogino yasyaantaM na viduH suraasuragaNaa devaaya tasmai namaH .. 9.. 9. Salutations to that God whom Brahma, Indra, Varuna, Rudra and the Maruts praise with divine hymns, of whom the Sama-chanters sing by the Vedas and their Angas (in the Pada and Krama methods), and by the Upanishads; whom the Yogis see with their minds absorbed in Him through meditation, and whose ends the hosts of Devas and Asuras know not! ____________________ ______________________ II. Gita Mahatmya GLORY OF THE GITA (To be read at the end of the day's Gita study) .. shrii paramaatmane namaH .. .. atha shrii-giitaa-maahaatmya-praarambhaH .. shrii gaNeshaaya namaH .. shriiraadhaaramaNaaya nam dharovaacha . bhagavanparemeshaana bhaktiravyabhichaariNii . praarabdhaM bhujyamaanasya kathaM bhavati he prabho .. 1.. The Earth said: 1. O Bhagavan, the Supreme Lord! How can unflinching devotion arise in him who is immersed in his Prarabdha Karmas (worldly life), O Lord? shrii vishhNuruvaacha . praarabdhaM bhujyamaano hi giitaabhyaasarataH sadaa . sa muktaH sa sukhii loke karmaNaa nopalipyate .. 2.. Lord Vishnu said: 2. Though engaged in the performance of worldly duties, one who is regular in the study of the Gita becomes free. He is the happy man in this world. He is not bound by Karma. mahaapaapaadipaapaani giitaadhyaanaM karoti chet.h . kvachitsparshaM na kurvanti naliniidalamambuvat.h .. 3.. 3. Just as the water stains not the lotus leaf, even so sins do not taint him who is regular in the recitation of the Gita. giitaayaaH pustakaM yatra yatra paaThaH pravartate . tatra sarvaaNi tiirthaaNi prayaagaadiini tatra vai .. 4.. 4. All the sacred centres of pilgrimage, like Prayag and other places, dwell in that place where the Gita is kept, and where the Gita is read. sarve devaashcha R^ishhayo yoginaH pannagaashcha ye . gopaalaa gopikaa vaapi naaradoddhavapaarshhadaiH .. 5.. 5. All the gods, sages, Yogins, divine serpents, Gopalas, Gopikas (friends and devotees of Lord Krishna), Narada, Uddhava and others (dwell here). sahaayo jaayate shiighraM yatra giitaa pravartate . yatra giitaavichaarashcha paThanaM paaThanaM shR^itam.h . tatraahaM nishchitaM pR^ithvi nivasaami sadaiva hi .. 6.. 6. Help comes quickly where the Gita is recited and, O Earth, I ever dwell where it is read, heard, taught and contemplated upon! giitaashraye.ahaM tishhThaami giitaa me chottamaM gR^iham.h . giitaaGYaanamupaashritya trii.nlokaanpaalayaamyaham.h .. 7.. 7. I take refuge in the Gita, and the Gita is My best abode. I protect the three worlds with the knowledge of the Gita. giitaa me paramaa vidyaa brahmaruupaa na sa.nshayaH . ardhamaatraaksharaa nityaa svaanirvaachyapadaatmikaa .. 8.. 8. The Gita is My highest science, which is doubtless of the form of Brahman, the Eternal, the Ardhamatra (of the Pranava Om), the ineffable splendour of the Self. chidaanandena kR^ishhNena proktaa svamukhato.arjunam.h . vedatrayii paraanandaa tattvaarthaGYaanasa.nyutaa .. 9.. 9. It was spoken by the blessed Lord Krishna, the all-knowing, through His own mouth, to Arjuna. It contains the essence of the Vedas—the knowledge of the Reality. It is full of supreme bliss. COMMENTARY: The Gita contains the cream of the Vedas and Upanishads. Hence it is a universal scripture suited for people of all temperaments and for all ages. yo.ashhTaadashajapo nityaM naro nishchalamaanasaH . GYaanasiddhiM sa labhate tato yaati paraM padam.h .. 10.. 10. He who recites the eighteen chapters of the Bhagavad Gita daily, with a pure and unshaken mind, attains perfection in knowledge, and reaches the highest state or supreme goal. paaThe.asamarthaH sampuurNe tato.ardhaM paaThamaacharet.h . tadaa godaanajaM puNyaM labhate naatra sa.nshayaH .. 11.. 11. If a complete reading is not possible, even if only half is read, he attains the benefit of giving a cow as a gift. There is no doubt about this. tribhaagaM paThamaanastu gaN^gaasnaanaphalaM labhet.h . shhaDa.nshaM japamaanastu somayaagaphalaM labhet.h .. 12.. 12. He who recites one-third part of it achieves the merit of a bath in the sacred river Ganges; and who recites one-sixth of it attains the merit of performing a Soma sacrifice (a kind of ritual). ekaadhyaayaM tu yo nityaM paThate bhaktisa.nyutaH . rudralokamavaapnoti gaNo bhuutvaa vasechchiram.h .. 13.. 13. That person who reads one discourse with supreme faith and devotion attains to the world of Rudra and, having become a Gana (an attendant of Lord Shiva), lives there for many years. adhyaayaM shlokapaadaM vaa nityaM yaH paThate naraH . sa yaati narataaM yaavanmanvantaraM vasundhare .. 14.. 14. If one reads a discourse or even a part of a verse daily he, O Earth, retains a human body till the end of a Manvantara (71 Mahayugas or 308,448,000 years). giitaayaaH shlokadashakaM sapta paJNcha chatushhTayam.h . dvau triinekaM tadardhaM vaa shlokaanaaM yaH paThennaraH .. 15.. chandralokamavaapnoti varshhaaNaamayutaM dhruvam.h . giitaapaaThasamaayukto mR^ito maanushhataaM vrajet.h .. 16.. 15-16. He who repeats ten, seven, five, four, three, two verses or even one or half of it, attains the region of the moon and lives there for 10,000 years. Accustomed to the daily study of the Gita, a dying man comes back to life again as a human being. giitaabhyaasaM punaH kR^itvaa labhate muktimuttamaam.h . giitetyuchchaarasa.nyukto mriyamaaNo gatiM labhet.h .. 17.. 17. By repeated study of the Gita, he attains liberation. Uttering the word Gita at the time of death, a person attains liberation. giitaarthashravaNaasakto mahaapaapayuto.api vaa . vaikuNThaM samavaapnoti vishhNunaa saha modate .. 18.. 18. Though full of sins, one who is ever intent on hearing the meaning of the Gita, goes to the kingdom of God and rejoices with Lord Vishnu. giitaarthaM dhyaayate nityaM kR^itvaa karmaaNi bhuurishaH . jiivanmuktaH sa viGYeyo dehaante paramaM padam.h .. 19.. 19. He who meditates on the meaning of the Gita, having performed many virtuous actions, attains the supreme goal after death. Such an individual should be considered a true Jivanmukta. COMMENTARY: A Jivanmukta is one who has attained liberation while living. giitaamaashritya bahavo bhuubhujo janakaadayaH . nirdhuutakalmashhaa loke giitaayaataaH paraM padam.h .. 20.. 20. In this world, taking refuge in the Gita, many kings like Janaka and others reached the highest state or goal, purified of all sins. giitaayaaH paThanaM kR^itvaa maahaatmyaM naiva yaH paThet.h . vR^ithaa paaTho bhavettasya shrama eva hyudaahR^itaH .. 21.. 21. He who fails to read this "Glory of the Gita" after having read the Gita, loses the benefit thereby, and the effort alone remains. COMMENTARY: This is to test and confirm the faith of the reader in the Bhagavad Gita, which is not a mere philosophical book but the word of God and should therefore be studied with great faith and devotion. The Gita Mahatmya generates this devotion in one's heart. etanmaahaatmyasa.nyuktaM giitaabhyaasaM karoti yaH . sa tatphalamavaapnoti durlabhaaM gatimaapnuyaat.h .. 22.. 22. One who studies the Gita, together with this "Glory of the Gita", attains the fruits mentioned above, and reaches the state which is otherwise very difficult to be attained. suuta uvaacha . maahaatmyametad.hgiitaayaa mayaa prokta sataatanam.h . giitaante cha paThedyastu yaduktaM tatphalaM labhet.h .. 23.. Suta said: 23. This greatness or "Glory of the Gita", which is eternal, as narrated by me, should be read at the end of the study of the Gita, and the fruits mentioned therein will be obtained. .. iti shriivaaraahapuraaNe shriigiitaamaahaatmyaM sampuurNam.h .. Thus ends the "Glory of the Gita" contained in the Varaha Purana. OM shaantiH shaantiH shaantiH .. ____________________ ______________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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