Guest guest Posted January 14, 2001 Report Share Posted January 14, 2001 OM OM OM OM Idam nama rishibhyah purvajebhyah purvebhyah pathikritdbhyah OM (My salutation and prostration to the Vedic Rishis, who are our ancestors and have found the path of self-realization) Dear Atman, Harih Om, As I have been commanded by my master and teacher Prabhuji to work in the field of Vedism (on both, worldwide and personal levels) for the rest of my life, I had been thoroughly dedicating all of my time in the studies and contemplation of/in the Vedas with Prabhuji, as well as personally. At present I'm trying to make some conclusions, with as much as I have studied till now in the last 12 years. I think, some of the conclusion would also help our dearest friends to understand Vedism better. For deduction and understanding the Vedic views, as taught in Rig-veda, Sama-veda, Yajurveda and Atharva-veda, we accept the following Veda-based scriptures, Upanishads, Shrimad-bhagavad-gita and Brahmasutra, all the three along with the commentary of Bhagavan Shri Shankaracharya. These let us study the shining sun of knowledge, in the form of Vedas, from the nearest possible point, as these indeed are historically the earliest available documents to understand the Great Mentality of the Holy Vedic Seers, to which the Supreme Truth was revealed in the dawn of this human civilization, for humanity's prosperity, wealth, happiness, peace, growth and well-being, on the worldly and spiritual level and on every other possible level. As the Vedas state themselves, "he who avoids his best friend, the Vedas, is the most unfortunate person, whatever is heard by him is of no use, because he would never know the way of good action." i.e. he would always act as an evil, which would end in to the destruction of humanity. Today's world is a good example. Shankaracharya states, "the Veda is the greatest well-wisher, even greater than thousands of mothers and fathers". You may know, that Vedism is centered around the God manifested in the form of the Sun. From the ancient times in the History, the outer sun has been the object of outer worship and the Supreme God, residing in and above sun, has been meant on the inner level by that outer worship. Let us not forget that worship is an outer action and it always needs an outer object. That is why, sun, the Highest and the Mightiest manifestation of the Supreme, has been accepted as an object of worship. Though even while worshipping him, not the physical sun was meant on the mental plane, but the Supreme Self, which is the sun of this physical sun. If seen from a deeper eye of contemplation, one may observe that nothing in this universe is more similar to God than the sun. It is the only thing, which can be stated as the direct manifestation of the Supreme. Many religions would agree with it. Sun is the immense and inexhaustible source of energy, power, light and life, on spiritual and physical levels. He is Savita (the creator), Pushan (the bearer and the one who nourishes) and Rudra (the destroyer), in the Vedic terms. There are many other terms used for him in the Vedas, for to reveal his divine and physical extraordinary qualities. This religion was once up on a time spread all over the world. Now, the ancient remnants of the sun-temples in India, Egypt, Greece and South America are merely tourist attractions. At present, we, here, are trying to rediscover this lost civilization, spiritual culture, a way of Supreme Realization, an alternative way of life, by trying to penetrate in to the deepest possible depth of the earliest documents of the Human History, The Vedas. After studying much of Hinduism, and as well as other religions with Prabhuji, I came across that till now Vedism seems to me to be the most deepest, the most logical from every point of view, physical, mental or spiritual, or any other. It is freeing us from worldly sorrows, worldly problems, by telling us alternative life styles, on worldly levels, as well as spiritual levels. The best thing is that if understood well, it doesn't clash with any other religion and it tells us to look at everybody with a friendly eye, as we all are the sons of that Supreme Immortal Being, as the Vedas tell us. In a precise, it doesn't only teach us about absolutely something out of this world, but also something existing in this world, and existing in everything. It's ethical and spiritual values are very deep, deep to the greatest extent, and a person can meditate upon them for the rest of his life, and still everyday he would discover a new pearl in this vast see of knowledge. Each and every pearl would prove its value for the whole world, for a single human and for everybody. Dear Atman, let us form a group of us brothers and sisters, not an outer one, there are many such existing without any use, but an inner one, that we may be able to communicate with each other and overcome all the boundaries of space, time, locality, race, religion and people, and become free in a true significance, and more than that, ONE. The Vedas highly recommends this. And indeed, this is the only way of peace in this restless world of today. As the Vedas tell us to pray, Om Shantih Shantih Shantih (Om peace! peace! peace!!!). A glimpse of Vedism Vedism, in a precise language, is the science to transform the nature and mind by praying to the God manifested in the form of natural and mental powers. By this transformation an individual reaches the Supreme Transcendental Reality, the Supreme Abode of Pure Joy. Brahmaivedam sarvam (all this is Brahman), says the Vedanta very clearly. The Self has manifested Himself in the form of everything existing in this universe. Indro maayaabhih pururuupa iiyate (The Self, by His Maya, manifests Himself in all the different forms). There are two types of His manifestation, one is to make the ignorant to fall in this world and the second is to make the devotee able to rise from this world. He manifested Himself in the form of Natural Powers to keep this world in to existence, like the sun, the earth, the wind, the water etc. if observed with deeper eyes, one may see how these powers are bounding a human-being, physically and mentally, and how they pull him back from salvation. Taking the sun for example, we can see that how he keeps the entire solar system in his control, in his grip and doesn't let it fall apart, or even doesn't let go a single planet out of his range. He gives form to the formless, he gives color to everything, he gives power to move. These are the things, which make this world to exist and also pull us back from salvation, if seen from a spiritual point. Those people engrossed in forms, colors and worldly deeds, would never be able to realize a transcending truth, which is formless, colorless and devoid of all worldly actions. The sun makes all this worldly illusion possible. With the net of his rays he covers the entire solar system and makes the life possible in this way, as it is seen. This is a physical point of view. If seen from a mental point of view, the sun has a great influence on our mind, as the Vedas tell us. Spirituality, psychology and astrology combined would reveal these facts in a greater detail. Also a long and deep contemplation on the Gayatri Mantra reveals this fact, ending in to direct experience. This all now shows us that the sun has a great mental and physical influence on us. Now, if God, manifested in the form of sun, is prayed, then He helps us to overcome his own created illusion, by providing physical and mental means for our spiritual uplifting. While praying to these natural and mental powers with Vedic Mantras, we purify our inner organs (mind, intellect, ego etc.), for to make them able to obtain the Highest Wisdom and to bear It. That is why Vedas tell us how to purify the organs. The Vedic Mantras create in them the power to uplift a person from this worldly mortal state to the Highest State of Supreme Realization, called the Parama Pada of Vishnu, i.e. the Highest Abode of The All-pervading Supreme Soul, which becomes very clearly evident to a realized person in this very life. For example, water tends to clean our outer impureness, if seen as a material object, but if seen as a manifestation of the Supreme and if prayed, then it tends also to clean the inner impurities. There are many Vedic Mantras revealing this fact. A man has been granted with mighty mental powers to overcome all the illusion, which has created this universe. If these mighty powers are realized, then they help us as stepping-stones to reach the Supreme Abode, the goal of everybody's human life. For example, the Vedas tell us to realize our great mental power Bhaarati (engagement in knowledge) and pray to the God manifested in the form of Her, that we may realize the Supreme Unmanifested Truth by Her help. I have tried to give a small and a very precise sketch of Vedism in this mail to you all. Though I personally think, that it is absolutely not possible in this way. In fact, a whole book has to be written, and still then I wouldn't succeed, but till may prove itself useful. And I hope it helps you to understand Vedism better and surely would give you much of general information about Vedism. In the service of the Vedas, Siddhartha Krishna Vishvamitra -------------------------------- º "Da! da! da!" (Control yourself! Give to others! Have compesion for all! - the three Vedic Commandments) º º Our e-mail address is: siddharthakrishna º º º Interested in reading about Vedism? Please log on to: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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