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RE: More info on EkadaSis

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Poojya Sadanandaji,


Harih Om! Thank you for the information on Vishnu sahasranama and its

significance in chanting especially on Bhishma Ekadashi day. With your kind

permission I would like to share with our Advaitin members some more

information on Ekadashis and their significance.



(Please feel free to comment or correct. I have taken this notes long back!

Most of the information is taken from Magha Purana and Vishnu Purana).


Hindus traditionally observer total 24 ekAdashis (12x2). Ekadashi is the

11th day after the no moon (bahuLa) and full moon (Suddha) days. Ekadashi

arrives twice in a month. Please find below the significance of all the

Ekadashi's in order:




(1) AshAdha suddha EkAdaSi: This is called as "toli Ekadashi" (First

Ekadashi), also called as "SayanikAdashi". Lord Vishnu goes to sleep on

this day, that is why this is called as "SayanikAdashi". Hindu Sanyasis,

Swamis and people who have renounced desires start observing the famous

"cAturmAsya" (4 months) on this EkAdashi day.

Significance: (Ref: Magha purana) Observing this Ekadashi is very good for

those who are suffering from chronic ailments. Who ever observes this

Ekadashi for life long, from the 18th year onwards, then they will never

suffer from Ailments, never fall sick.


(2) Ashadha Bahula EkAdaSi: Also called as "kAmayikAdashi".

Significance: Those who observe this Ekadashi, will fulfill their desires,

how ever great they may, which are not contrary to Dharma.




(3) Sravana Suddha EkAdaSi: Also called as "PutraikAdashi".

Significance: Those who do not have children will get children. Those who

observe this Ekadasi for 1 time will get male children. Those who observe

for 2 times will get a girl. (It seems it is very difficult to give birth to

girls than boys!)


(4) Sravana Bahula EkAdaSi: Also called as "AjaikAdashi"

Significance: All obstacles are removed from the path. Especially useful

for those who are facing problems in their respective fields like business,






(5) bhAdrapada Suddha EkAdaSi: Also called as "parivartanayikAdaSi". Lord

Vishnu, who slept on SayanaikAdashi, turns from left side to right side in

the sleep. Lord Vishu goes to sleep, resting his head on his left-hand. And

on this day, he rests his head on his right hand.

Significance: Those who observe this can rejuvenate any work that has been

stopped by unknown forces.


(6) bhAdrapada BahuLa EkAdaSi: Also called as "indraikAdaSi".

Significance: Those who observe this will become equal to Indra, and command

the heavens.





(7) ASvayuja Suddha EkAdaSi: Also called as "MahajjayikAdaSi". This

arrives immediately after the "Vijaya daSami".

Significance: Those who observe this will gain victory in any war, endeavor.



(8) ASvayuja bahuLa EkAdaSi: Also called as "RamaikAdaSi".

Significance: Brilliance is achieved! Those who observe this will reach the

heights of their career. They get promoted quite quick and receive the

appreciations from their superiors.





(9) kARTIKA Suddha EkadaSi: Also called as "UtthAnaikAdaSi". Lord Vishnu

wakes up from his sleep, after 4 months, on this day, that is why this is

called as "utthAnaikADaSi". Holy men conclude their cAturmAsya on this day.

Significance: Those who either donate money to the poor; those who do puja,

japa and observe other rituals will gain infinite wisdom.


(10) kArtika bahuLa EkAdaSi: Also called as "utpatyaikAdaSi". Lord Vishnu

has created the "goddess of EkadaSi" on this day, and hence this day is

called "utpatyaikAdaSi".

Significance: Those who observe this will gain penance, which one can not

accumulate in a lifetime!





(11) mArgaSira Suddha EkAdaSi: Called as "uttamaikAdaSi", and also as


Significance: Those who are not having peace of mind. Those who lost

control on their life, who are feeling lost should observe this. This will

make them steadfast, and brings settlement to life.


(12) mArgaSira bahuLa EkAdaSi: Called as "safalikAdaSi", and also as


Significance: Those who observe this are bound to be surprised with

happiness! They either win lottery, or they gain something which makes them

very happy, which they can least expect in their life.




(13) pushya Suddha EkAdaSi: Called as "mOkshaikAdaSi", and also as

"vaikuntha EkAdaSi". The doors of Vaikuntha are opened this day. All Gods

and Goddesses arrive to Vaikuntha in order have the darSan of Lord Vishnu.

Significance: Those who observe this will gain vaikunTa, vishnu sayujya

(merging in Lord Vishnu)


(14) pushya bahuLa EkAdaSi: Also called as "shaTilaikAdaSi". Very

significant for people who are struck with Lord Sani (Saturn)!

Significance: As per the astrology, every human undergoes a period of Saturn

for 7 and half years. This period is said to be the most difficult one to

pass through, there will be significant gains and losses also! So those who

observe this EkadaSi will ease the pain conferred by Saturn.





(15) mAgha Suddha EkAdaSi: Called as "jayaikAdaSi"


(16) mAgha bahuLa EkAdaSi: Called as "vijayaikAdaSi". Lord Vishnu has got

two bodyguards who always stay at Vaikuntha's doorstep. Anybody who wants

to visit Lord Vishnu should take their permission first.

Significance: It is said that Jaya and Vijaya have observed this EkadaSi in

order to gain such a powerful position at VaikunTha.





(17) phAlguNa sauddha EkAdaSi: Also called as "amalakaikAdaSi". Those who

became wretched, who have indulged in sinful activities --- after leading

such a life who repent and who want to get liberated can do so by observing

this EkAdaSi. Lord Vishnu forgives their sins.


(18) phAlguNa bahuLa EkAdaSi: Called as "pApamOcanaikAdaSi" also called as

"mukkOTi EkAdaSi".

Significance: It is advised to take bath in the ocean on this day, in order

to wash off all the sins one has committed through out the year.





(19) caitra Suddha EkAdaSi: Also called as "kAmadikAdaSi". Desires get

fulfilled after observing this EkAdaSi.


(20) caitra bahuLa EkAdaSi: Also called as "varoodhinyaikAdaSi".

Significance: Those who have a burning desire to donate money, help others

--- but can not do so because of the limitations they have in leading their

life, can get all that fruits of good actions by observing this EkAdaSi.

Lord Vishnu will see that they get the capacity to donate what they want.




(21) VaiSAkha Suddha EkAdaSi: Called as "mOhinayikAdaSi". Lord Vishnu has

taken the shape of "Mohini" on this day, in order to kill the daemon

BhasmAsura .

Significance: Those who observe this will get the mesmerizing power. They

will never have problems with their married life.


(22) vaiSakha bahuLa EkAdaSi: Called as "aparaikAdaSi".

Significance: Those who are living in far off lands, and those who can not

go for pilgrimage to the holy sites, will gain all that Punya by observing

this EkAdaSi.





(23) jyEshTa suddha EkAdaSi: Called as "nirjalaikAdaSi". One should fast on

this day for continuous 24 hours with out even taking drinking water! And

the next day --- before breaking their fast, they should take bath in any

holy river and perform vishnu sahasranAmarcana.


(24) jyEshTa bahuLa EkAdaSi: Called as "yOginaikAdaSi". Especially good for

women. Those who are suffering from unknown diseases can get cured by

observing this EkAdaSi.



I remain yours,


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>(3) Sravana Suddha EkAdaSi: Also called as "PutraikAdashi".

>Significance: Those who do not have children will get children. Those who

>observe this Ekadasi for 1 time will get male children. Those who observe

>for 2 times will get a girl. (It seems it is very difficult to give birth to

>girls than boys!)


Interesting - more than the difficult part it may mean it requires

more merits to become a parent of a girl. Girl is considered as a

lakshmii karam, brings auspeciousness - With her character she

blesses two houses - the parents and the in-laws. - I am making all

this up since I am a father of a beautiful girl who is a very good

dancer and a very good doctor - not sure the order, though.


K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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Some more 'Esoterica' on 'ekaadashii' :


ekaadashii vrata : This is a vow to keep the mind engrossed in

the remembrance of Reality/God/Truth/svaruupa, etc. [upa-vaasa =

staying in proximity @= fasting. The abstention from food or water is

so as not to pamper the senses.


The Moon is the Deity which influences the mind's functions

most [not unlike Her influence on the tides]. Mind is considered the

11th organ of perception/cognition [after the 5 sensory and 5 motor

organs]. Hence the control of the mind, essential for spiritual

uplift, is associated with the 11th day of the Moon's phase.

Empirically, generations of aspirants have observed the vow to

progress spiritually, and found it effective.

The 'sakaama' vow delivers its own fruits, but 'nishhkaama' vow is

what advaitins need to pursue.













advaitin , "K. Sadananda" <sada@a...> wrote:

> >


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Dewar Sadajui,


Are'nt you forgetting the very important greatness

that a girl brings to her parents by virtue of 'kanya



Hari Om!




--- "K. Sadananda" <sada wrote:

> I am making all

> this up since I am a father of a beautiful girl who

> is a very good

> dancer and a very good doctor - not sure the order,

> though.

> --





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When a devotee asked Sri Ramana Maharshi ,

"Should we fast on days such as Ekadashi, etc "?


Sri Bhagavan replied,

" If you can fast the mind, then you need not fast the

body !"






--- sunder hattangadi <sunderh wrote:

> Namaste,


> Some more 'Esoterica' on 'ekaadashii' :


> ekaadashii vrata : This is a vow to keep the

> mind engrossed in

> the remembrance of Reality/God/Truth/svaruupa, etc.

> [upa-vaasa =

> staying in proximity @= fasting. The abstention from

> food or water is

> so as not to pamper the senses.


> The Moon is the Deity which influences the

> mind's functions

> most [not unlike Her influence on the tides]. Mind

> is considered the

> 11th organ of perception/cognition [after the 5

> sensory and 5 motor

> organs]. Hence the control of the mind, essential

> for spiritual

> uplift, is associated with the 11th day of the

> Moon's phase.

> Empirically, generations of aspirants have observed

> the vow to

> progress spiritually, and found it effective.

> The 'sakaama' vow delivers its own fruits, but

> 'nishhkaama' vow is

> what advaitins need to pursue.





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Here is how Sw. Ramananda Saraswati recorded the conversation:


"24 Feb. 1936-

Devotee: Can fasting help realisation?

Maharshi: But it is temporary. Mental fast is the real aid. Fasting

is not an end in itself. There must be spiritual development side by

side. Absolute fasting makes the mind weak too. You cannot derive

sufficient strength for the spiritual quest. Therefore take moderate

food and go on practising.

D.: They say that after breaking a month's fast, ten days afterwards

the mind becomes pure and steady and remains so forever.

M.: Yes, if the spiritual quest has been kept up right through the

fast also."


[from Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi, p. 144; 1972, Ramanashram].




As Gita puts it:


na ati ashnataH tu yogaH asti na cha ekaantam anashnataH . VI:16


"Yoga is not possible for one who eats too much, nor for one who does

not eat at all."


yukta aahara vihaarasya yukta-cheshhTasya....

.........................yogaH bhavati duHkha-haa . VI:17


"To one whose food and recreation are moderate....accrues yoga which

destroys all sorrow."








advaitin , Anand Natarajan <harihara.geo>



> When a devotee asked Sri Ramana Maharshi ,

> "Should we fast on days such as Ekadashi, etc "?


> Sri Bhagavan replied,

> " If you can fast the mind, then you need not fast the

> body !"


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