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"I Am Not" ongoing dialog (Part 2)

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In God-Realized , vijay@e... wrote:

God-Realized , vijay@e... wrote:V: vijay G:


V:If I think that there is nothing to experience,understand, know...vs

If I know that there is nothing to experience,understand,know... is

all the difference between Shunya and Brahman.Aum Shanti...

G: there is no need for comment on this


V:Realized sages absorbed in Brahaman say there is nothing to

understand, there is no time element...

G: Yes becasue they have transcended the superficiality of so-called

knowledge... and have enterend into the silent awareness which


Therefore for them there is NOTHING to KNOW... Once you KNOW BRAHMAN

you know the ultimate truth... the rest are only the mind games of

maya....There is no knowledge but only the ever present Brahman...

There is at that point only the timeless endless PRESENCE WHICH

ABSORBS THE ALL and Which Contains the All .... When the body

conciousness has ended and ego has dropped within that ocean of

Bliss... That is ALL that Remains.... is the ever present Brahman....

You which is no longer the "you" of personality is ever esconsed

within the Ocean of Brahman..... and "knowledge" has ended... and

illusions of time and division are also at an end......


V:Fools sit in the realm of maya and repeat what sages say withoutthe

realization - thus ending in shunya(there is nothing to know...)

G: They only mouth the words as a parrot that is taught a phrase...

but the content the "knowing" is not there... it is only theory... as

long as there is the illusion that by words it is known... the

delusion continues.... once the debate and words have ended and are

at an end and the silence is entered into fully... by fully it is

meant that you have surrended the all which you have falsely

perceived to be - think and know as truth... when all this has been

surrenderd... when you realize that you ultimately know nothing...

and you surrender completely to That Which Is then Realization will

be seen... But all is surrendered.. all your notions and concepts...

all your knowledge and ideations... all your desires (even the desire

for liberation) and that which is termed you - your personality -

your very life is surrendered... then what emerges is the EVER

PRESENT BRAHMAN..... beyond aspects - beyond form - beyond

personality - beyond limitations and divisions.... and it is

KNOWN..... and there the ESSENSE rests.... in the depths of the ocean

of Bliss... and from the depths you look upon the maya realms as only

waves upon the top... but never again do the waves disturb the ocean

depths.... only SHANTI ONLY ANAND REMAINS....


v:Now the final question -

Within Maya all I can do is try to surrender,shed ego,still

mind....... do the Upasana - experience will come depending on the

intensity of my Upasana.OR Whatever you do within Maya is of no avail

to reach the Brahma

.........whether I do the Upasana or not has no bearing on knowing the

truth. There is no algorithm to reach Brahma...Jai Gange Jai


G: Yes the ultimate question.... you do what you can to purify the

mind and thoughts and outlook... ever going inward... see beyond the

outward forms of puja etc... knowing that ultimately the Truth or

Brahman will only be found within.... the outward practices should

only serve to draw you ever inward to Self discovery.... they are

steps along the way.... ultimately total surrender must come to the

process.... but not all are ready for the ultimate surrendering right

away.... and therefore must take the longer road of outward practice

ever proceeding to the center of Self.... beyond all practice...

While in duality when you are still held within the clutches of right

and wrong - black and white then you always strive for the most

Satvik path that you can conceive.... But knowing that in the end ALL

practices and sense of doership must be surrenderd.... The best upon

the path is continued Satsang with Sages...

What is the use of continued study of endless words? While you need

the basics of understanding the Truth that is pointed to by the words

may only come to be KNOWN by surrender to the Silence Within where

even the within and without will be transcended....

You start with Contemplation of one thought or ideation to steady the

mind... and simplify your outward life... ever concious of the

inner... let the outward world simply fade away day by day.... Once

the mind is settled then Meditation will begin... and meditation is

an absolutely silent mind... no thought... simply awareness.... when

that state has been reached and you have drawn your focus totally

inward the body consciousness will drop....and the Anand will rise on

its own accord... this is the beginning to the realm of Brahman....

at that point is when total surrender comes into play... Then you

drop the ALL into the ocean and just remain still.... not fighting

the urge that you will sink and die... have faith... just give it all

no energy... remain still... and the illusions that have held you

bound will shatter.... and Brahman ALONE will be "KNOWN" ... and the

path is at an end.... the searching is over... complete..

forever to rest within the Ocean of Bliss....

Love and Blessings dear Vijay and to all who find these words...


Sat*Chit*Anand Shanti-Shanti-Shanti Om

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