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"I Am Not" with Comments (Part 1)

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In God-Realized , vijay@e... wrote:

V:I am not my physical body, breath, thoughts, emotions... - they are

all transient.

Even "I am" is transient. The experience "'I am'" is also transient -

any experience is transient.

G: Yes any experience due to thoughts -emotions- or ego sense is

transient in nature... ALL of maya realm is only the ever-



V:Transient images, feelings/sensations and sounds simply appear in a

constant "Source".

G: Yes the Souce holds the transient... All emerges from the ever

abiding silence of the Source.. and will once again merge back

intothe Source...

Without the space of the Source the illusion of maya could not

exist... all that is perceived as having form is only a mass of

energy that is loosly woven together in the fabric of time..... but

what is time and this energy? it is only that which held together by



V:Transient is changing every second, micro second, nano second,

infinitesimal second....

Ever-changing Transient cannot be real! Yet it appears as image,

feeling, sound .....

G: Yes maya realm is in constant flux... ever new... ever newly

created and also in constant demise... Simply it is that emptiness

which appears and dis-appears within the framework of divisionary

time.... yet all this may be transcended... What appears and

disappears is the illusion of ego.. and all the rest only is

supporting that illusion... Within ego all maya realm opperates

according to the nature of the conditionings of mind and society...

but upon Self awareness the conditionings shatter... And what remains

is That Which Is -

Ever Free....... that which maya is only a dim reflection of in

twisted illusions of truth....


V:Source is constant - it always IS-Source is real! Yet Source


seen, felt, heard ....

G: Yes Source is the Constant and Source is the only real-ity...

While it is true that you cannot hold - nor taste - nor touch the

Formless Constant... it is not true that it may not be KNOWN.... You

can have DIRECT EXPERIENCE OF.... This is Self Realization.... but it

is only experienced when you have reached absolute Still Awareness

and have surrendered the ego form to What Is..... In that moment you

will KNOW BRAHMAN.... The Essence - The Source....


V:When will the transient end? When will the experience of


G:When you experience the Self which is not the self of personality

but that which is the substance behind all forms illusions.... And

then you no longer care whether the transitory remains or not... THAT

is Moksha... Then Maya is only the waking Dream State and you are

unconcerned about it remaining or ending... it is as it is..... and

you remain That Which maya proceeds from and returns to.....


V. Drop the "I am" from the transient - self surrender - and transient

will melt leading to the experience of the Source.

(The one who is going to drop "I am " please step forward! Transient

"I am" dropping itself upon suggestion "surrender" is another

transient illusion?)]

G: You are once again attempting to do this in logic... It will only

be realized when you first make all effort until you hit the wall -

the wall occurs when you have done all that you can do within the

satvic way.. when you have exhausted the external means and have

prepared yourself... when you are of pure mind and intent... when you

have come to the complete overwhelming desire to reach... when you

have turned your back on maya and want nothing more to do with its

pain and illusions... when your only desire is TRUTH.... When your

very soul cries out for liberation... When you have done the pujas

and outer forms... and have come to internal awareness of the onging

puja of life... when all of this has been met... Then you are ready

to Surrender Completely the Ego to its death...

Until then it is only a game of intellect another thing that is

wanted to gain... like a trophy on a wall.. like another diploma...

do not make the mistake of the intellectuals who know the words and

think they have obtained the substance... for they are in the

greatest darkness... and have the longest path to climb.....


V. Transient came on it's own and so will end on it's own - then it is

all source.(Transient appeared 20 eons ago and will end in about 10

more eons -

then it is all source forever)

G: Yes ALL must return to the Source... So why to worry... whether

you seek the Source and Self now and gain liberation while within so-

called life... or whether you do nothing and are once again pulled in

and absorbed into Truth at the end... it matters not... only to your

illusions of pain and ego created bondages isn't it grace to come to

the end of illusion sooner than later? But that is of course up to

you alone... You are ever being drawn back to the Source from which

you Emmerge...


V. Transient is not real - it does not exist. Getting rid of something

that does not exist is a paradox.

Source is real - Source is beyond experience.Experiencing Source

is also a paradox.

Insisting on ending something that does not exist; and wanting to

experience something that is beyond experience is nothing but an open

ended effort.

G: It is only open ended to one who does not see the value... So why

to search at all... why to even ask the questions... if you ask the

questions then you are ready to gain release... It is true that the

Nothing to be released from in the end... but you do not know that

while in the delusion of Maya.... if you do not rest in absolute

inner peace then you have not reached liberation... no matter the

outside influences... no matter what the physical form is doing there

is the abiding peace that does not move... the silent center of


Once again it is only beyond experience that is conceived of in mind

and relative existance... but beyond mind and thought and the 5

senses the "expereince" of Brahman or Self is even more "concrete"

than what you think you are now experiencing within the



V:Transient is not - the Source IS. There is nothing to understand,

know, do, experience ----

G: Yes that is truth but you only recognize that when you have

"experienced" that which cannot be experienced... If you "think"

there is nothing to understand... if you "think" there is nothing to

know... if you "think" there is nothing to experience then you are

the most deluded by the minds ever present illusions... where as if

you "know" that there is nothing to understand or know or experience

then that is ALL the difference......

And you have reached the Silent Awareness of Bliss... Sat-Chit-Anand

If you rest there what more is to known? or Experienced? orUnderstood?

Absoultely Nothing at ALL.......Love and Blessings


All this leads me to taking a dip in the holy Ganga - and then I start

all over again .. I am not..


Sat*Chit*Anand Shanti-Shanti-Shanti Om

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