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Fwd: Dr. N.S.AnanthrangAcchAr's Second teleupanyAsam: Jan 28 , 2001

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This article was posted in the Bhakti list. I am forwarding with the

permission of the author. The lectures are very good. I advice

everyone to listen and get benefit from these. Shree Ram Chandran is

posting the schedule of the lectures as they announce.


Hari Om!



>Dear BahkthAs:


>Dr.NSA Swamy gave yet another lucid and most informative

>upanyAsam last week( jan 28) on the Series on the Spirtual

>paths of VedAnthA . The first lecture has been

>summarized in a posting on Januray 15( #11480 of Bahkthi list

>Messages).That UpanyAsam dealt with the qualifications required of

>a Saadhaka and the importance of AchArya PrApthi for

>the realization of the fruits of SaadhanA .


>In this upanyAsam , he focused on the concept of SaadhanA

>as revealed by Rg Vedic Rks. He plans to go from Rg Vedic

>approach to that taken by Upanishads, GitA and VedAnthA

>SoothrAs in that order. Dr.NSA Swamy's UpanyAsams are

>treaure troves and the fruits of deep study in VedAnthA.

>We are indeed fortunate to listen to them .


>I would like to encourage as many bhakthAs as possible to

>particpate in these upanyAsams and get their doubts cleared.

>Sri Krishna Kalale once again served as an outstanding

>moderator in the Q&A sessions . His summary of the Questions from

>the particpants for the benefit of Dr.NSA were excellent.

>I will summarize the highlights of this upanyAsam as a

>kaimkaryam to others , who could not attend . Please overlook

>any mistakes in my summary that might have arisen from

>poor grasping of the deep concepts addressed by Dr.NSA.

>Other particpants are invited to correct them.


>January 28 UpanyAsam



>(1) Rg veda manthrAs provide an important underpinning

>for understanding the spiritual paths as expounded by

>the classical system of VedAnthA .


>(2)Yaaska in his Niruktham has pointed out that Rg Veda

>manthrAs have 3 levels of meanings : (a) Yaj~nArtham or

>for ritualistic purposes (b) Aadhi DhaivArtham (Agni ,

>Vaayu , SooryA et al)and ©AdhyAthmArtham or in the supreme

>spiritual sense.


>(3) In the adhyAthmArtham , the philosophical vision is

>perfectly understood inspite of the ritualistic undertones.

>No system of exposition of Vedantha is picked out

>in Rg Vedam ,which gives praise to One Supreme Lord

>(Aathman) , which is called by different names:


>yEka yEva AathmA , BahaudhA ShrUyathE , TasyA anga-

>prathyangA itharANi


>( Other references: yEkam sadh viprA: bahudhA

> vadanthyagnim Yamam maatharisvAnamAhu: Rg Rk: I.164.46)


>(4) THREE important aspects of SaadhanA can be understood from

>Rg veda SamhithA :


>(a) Purification/PURGATION or Aathma samskaraNam

>(b)MEDITATION on the Supreme to divest us of inauspiciousnes and

>introduce all that is good , grand and subham.

>© UNITIVE LIFE .All efforts should be made towards gaining

>PurushArtham.Harmony between life here and the life here after

>has to be achieved . Balance has to be struck between Pravrutthi

>and nivrutthi ( action and giving up all) to attain the supreme

>goal of SaadhanA and its parama purushArtham.


>(5) There are number of Rg Vedic manthrams that underline

>the above vision . The following Rg Rk is a revelatrory one:


>pari chinmarthO dhraviNam mamanyAdh rthasya paTA namasA vivAsEth

>utha svEna krathunA sam vadhEtha srEyAmsam dhaksham manasA jagrubhyAth

>Rg Vedam : Xth Canto -->31.2


>(meaning): Let a mortal be first desirous of accumulating

>wealth and strive to gain it by truthful means and sacrifice and by

>his own mental insight , and let him finally earn it with his

>wisdom and virtuous efforts.


>Swamy said that man should earn wealth by all righteous means

>and use it for the good of all . Here , the process of worldly

>conduct (pravrutthi dharmam) is outlined. Earning has to be

>accomplished without attachment for the good of the people .

>The earner has to reflect upon the true nature of himself ,

>the universe , its cause and purpose through his intellect

>(KrathunA manasA visuddhEna sam vadEtha).


>One who understands this well from reflection will surrender

>himself to the Supreme One (srEyasAM daksham )) ,who controls

>all actions and hold on to Him firmly (jagrubhyAth).


>All the THREE aspects of Saadhanai ( Purgation , Meditation

>and Unitive Life) are covered in this Rk.


>(6) In another Rg veda manthram containig the following

>phrases ,( sahasra rayim dEhi--adhrOhENa VachasA sathyam --

>subrahmANam bruhantham gurum --abhivAdhisham--svavasam--

>suneetham --samsayam--bhUri vaaram ), the three fundamental

>concepts of Saadhanai are affirmed again.The message is :

>One should follow the auspicious path of life to acquire

>happiness and highest wealth by travelling on a sinless

>path (Svasthi pankthAm anucharENa).It is an ardous task .

>The manthram does not suggest release from this burden

>for the Saadhakan(na asyA: vimucham).He yokes himself

>to the burden(uphill task) in a spirit of MahA VisvAsam

>in the Supreme One leading him on the right path (prakaratha:)

>He will be prepared to face the difficult path and cross it

>with courage.He will stay away from petty-minded people and

>trust fully only in the Supreme One.


>The Saadhakan will not live on the labors of others( Maaham

>Raajan anyakruthEna BhOjam). Self reliance (No para RuNam),

>hard work to maintain himself and leading a contented life

>rich in auspicous thoughts (namasA vivAsEdh)will be the hall

>marks of that Saadhakan.He will recognize that life divested of

>sins is not possible without the grace of the compassionate

>Lord.He will therefore pray for the removal of all weakness ,

>animosity (dhvEsahm) and purificatoion of the mind to

>banish all the diseases that have entered into the house of

>mind.Dr.NSA Swamy quoted one of the shortest manthrams of

>Rg Vedam here with just ten syllables (X.20.1) in this context:


>" bhadram nO api vaathaya mana:"( Oh supreme Lord ! May Thou

>inspire our mind towards beneficial works!) . Saayana intreprets

>this propitaiation to the Lord as : "Tvath sambhandhi-SthOthra-

>karaNE prErayEth" ( Please manifest towards us a favorable mind

>and bless us to be engaged in euolgies relating to You ).

>The insight is given that all actions are ruled over by

>the all compassionate Lord. All attainments are recognized

>as gifts of the Lord.This covers all attained by body ,mind

>and knowledge. Lord is invoked to direct us in the right way.

>man can not do anything independently. For those , who question

>His existence and ask who has seen Him , The Lord gives

>the answer (ayamasmi ,pasya maa iha).






>The Saadhakan prays: mruLa mahyam jeevAthumicchA .Oh Lord !

>please accept what is uttered by me , who is longing for You

>(thvAm ichcu:).Make me blessed with Your realization ( Kruthim

>maam Devavantham). Make life worth living so that such a life

>will contribute richly to the fructification of You , the Supreme

>Being !


>We reached by this time , the half way point of a Two hour

>UpanyAsam as Dr.NSA Swamy completed the survey of the Purification

>of the Mind , the first of the three steps of a SaadhanA.


>We will cover the rest of the UpanyAsam in a subsequent

>posting .


>Daasan , V.SatakOpan











> - SrImate rAmAnujAya namaH -

>To Post a message, send it to: bhakti-list (AT) eGroups (DOT) com



K. Sadananda

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