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Notes on BSB I-i-2-1E - GLOSSARY

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advaitin, "K. Sadananda" <sada@a...> wrote:

> Notes on BSB I-i-2-1E




Please send in corrections/additions/suggestions whenever you

can. I expect to update the master-file by the end of this month.








aakshepa = objection

achetana = without consciousness

adhishhThaanam = locus

adhyasta = superimposed

ajaam = [to the] unborn

ajo = [ajaH] unborn

anyaadhiina = [anya + aadhiina] dependent on another

apraapya = without achieving

ardhanaariishwara = [ardha+naarii+iishvara]Reality[shiva] represented

half feminine and half masculine

asaadhaaraNa = uncommon

aastikaaya = [to] followers of Vedas

avashishhyate = remains

avyaktaat = from the unmanifest

bahvii.n = [to] many

bhuktabhogaamajo.anyaH = [bhukta + bhogaam + ajaH + anyaH] having

enjoyed, unborn, others ??

bhuuyo.anyat = [bhuuyaH + anyat] having been, another

chaitanya = Consciousness [chaitanyam, chaitanyatvam]

chaiva = [cha + eva] and only

chakshur = [chakshuH] eye

Charvaka = Name of the founder of Materialist School of Philosophy

chetana = conscious

darshanam = school of philosophy [for the purpose of 'viewing'


Devabhuti = Name of sage Kapila [bhagavata Purana]

dharmaH = Righteousness [the Law(s) which sustain the Universe]

ekaa.n = to the one

gachchhati = goes

guNaa.nshchaiva = [guNaan + cha + eva]

hyeko = [hi + ekaH] verily, the one

idam = this

iishwara = the Lord

j~naatavyam = that which is to be understood/known

j~naatvaa = having known

jadam = inert

jahaatyenaa.n = [jahaati + enaa.n] leaves these

janayanti = [they] produce

janmaad = [janmaat] from birth

jushhaamaaNo.anusheto = [jushhaamaaNaH + anushetaH] taking delight,

remains attached

kaThopanishhad = Name of a major Upanishad

ki.nchit = ever so little

lakshmii = consort of Vishnu; Deity presiding over wealth

lohita = red

maayaa = the power of illusion inherent in Reality

Mahanarayana = name of an Upanishad

maheswaram = [to the] great Lord [mahaa + iishvara]

naarayaNa = Name of the Lord [manifested Reality]

neha = [na + iha] not here

nivartante = return

paarvatii = consort of Shiva

paraH = supreme

paramaaNu = [parama + aNu] the smallest element of an atom

paramaatmaa = the supreme Soul

para-tantram = dependent on another

pariNaama = effect

prajaa.n = to the creation

prakaashhatvam = luminosity

prakR^itim = [to] the power of manifestation

prakR^itisambhavaan.h = [prakR^iti + sambhavaan] produced from


purushha = the counterpart [male] principle of prakR^iti

saha = together

saruupaam.h = identical, alike

sarvavij~naanam = omniscient

sattva = the clear/pure essence/mode of Nature

satyam = truth [of existence]

savij~naanam = with experiential knowledge

shukla-kR^ishhNaaM = white and black

siddhaanta = conclusion

skandha = pillar

shloka = verse

swaruuupa = essential form of Self

swatantram = independent

swayam = oneself

shvetaashvatara = name of an upanishad

tamo = [tamaH] darkness

tattva = principle, essence

te.aha.n = [? te + aham] to you, I

triguNaatmika = comprised of three modes of Nature

ubhaavapi = [ubhau + api] both also

upaadaanam = material [cause]

vaacho = [vaachaH] speech

vaadaH = debate [with the purpose of establishing truth]

vaak = words, speech

vaisheshhika = a school of philosophy [categorising the nature of

manifested Reality]

vakshyaamyasheshhataH = [vakshyaami + asheshhataH] (I) say, leaving

nothing unsaid

viddhyanaadii = [viddhi + anaadi] know as without a beginning

vij~naanena = by experiential knowledge

vikaaraa.nshcha = [vikaaraan + cha] and modifications

vishhayaH = objects of sensory gratification

vishishhTaadvaita = a school of philosophy [maintaining separate

identities of individual and supreme souls

vivarta = transformation [in Advaita Vedanta, an apparent or

superimposed change, due to Ignorance]

yaj = to sacrifice

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>achetana = without consciousness

= inert


>bhuktabhogaamajo.anyaH = [bhukta + bhogaam + ajaH + anyaH] having

>enjoyed, unborn, others ??

= having enjoyed, the others who are unborn, (not necessarily in

the order of the words)



>Devabhuti = Name of sage Kapila [bhagavata Purana]

= Name of mother of sage Kapila (Bhagavata Purana)


Some suggestions



K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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sunderh wrote:

> advaitin, "K. Sadananda" <sada@a...> wrote:

> > Notes on BSB I-i-2-1E






ajaam ekaam lohita-shukla-kR^ishhNam bahviim prajaam janayantiim

saruupaaM |

ajaH hi ekaH jushhamaNaH anushete jahaati enam bhukta-bhogam ajaH

anyaH ||


The first line above describes prakR^iti. ajaa (fem. of ajaH) indicates


she is anaadi (beginningless). She is made up of three different

colours - lohita


shukla (white), kR^ishhNa (black) . The colours represent the three

guNa-s sattva,

rajas, and tamas. Bahviim (manifold), prajaam (offspring),



saruupaam ( of the same nature as herself) - indicates that these

three qualities

are found

to exist in all the products of nature that constitute the jagat.

The following translation of the verse "ajjaam ekaam ----", by

Svaami Prabhavaananda and Frederick Manchester is interesting :

Maya is thy divine consort --

Wedded to thee.

Thou art her master, her ruler.

Red, white, and black is she,

Each colour a guNa.

Many are her children ---

The rivers,the mountains,

Flower,stone, and tree,

Beast, bird, and man ----

In every way like herself.



That is why prakR^iti is considered by the Sankhya-s to be the

upaadaana kaaraNam of


the jagat - the material of which the jagat is made, like saying that

the pot is

made of

clay The Sankhyaa-s do not also believe in an iisvara as an

intellgent cause like


potter who converts the clay into a pot. They believe that prakR^iti

itself creates


universe with all its diversity.


2. According to Vedanta , Brahman does not create the world as a

potter creates a


from clay (a material different from the potter). There is no entity

other than


(clay is also brahman only).

Brahman does not transform itself into the world either, like milk


transformed into

curd. Once the curd is formed there is no more milk. Brahman does

not cease to


once the world is created .

On the one hand, the paramaatman remains pure jnaana, as nothing but



on the other, he shows himself through the power of his maaya as

all this


with its living beings and inert objects. It is all the appearance

of the same


the Reality in various disguises, all this jugglery of the universe.

With all the


diversity , the one Reality remains unchanged. This argument is

called vivarta



There is vivarata in the phenomenon of a rope appearing to be a snake.

The upaadaana


kaaraNa (material cause) which is the rope, is not being converted

into a snake by


nimitta kaaraNa (efficient cause) like a potter converting a lump of

clay into a


Nor is the rope getting transformed into a snake in which case

there will be no

rope left.

The rope remains a rope, but appears to be a snake on account of our


Similarly, due to maayaa, brahman also appears to us as this world

and such a vast


plurality of entities.

--- extracted from "Hindu Dharma", a


based on the

discourses of puujyashri


Saraswati Svami

of Kanchi Mutt, published by

Bharatiiya Vidyaa





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Shree V.M. Sundaram wrote:



> --- extracted from "Hindu

>Dharma", a compilation

>based on the

> discourses of

>puujyashri Chandrashekhrendra

>Saraswati Svami

> of Kanchi Mutt,

>published by Bharatiiya Vidyaa



> Regards.

> V.M.Sundaram



Sundaramji - PraNaams and thanks for the lucid explanation of the

mantra with the meaning. May be we should request you to write the

notes on the BSB. We will come back to this mantra again later when

Vyaasa bhagavaan examines the naastika systems of philosophy in



Hari Om!



K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117


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