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Living life as per the gita

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Respected members,


This is my first post to this group. I thought

some of you may find the following links

interesting. It is the story of a man who decided

to live his life using the gita as his guiding

principle. I thought it may be relevant to this

list in the light of the "cogitations" series.











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Thank you, Shuba-ji. Here is another expression of the same




by Swami Vedananda


All the world over people are seeking for God. This

phenomenon is found not only among the civilised nations of the world

but also among the most primitive races.

The question however is , where shall we seek for God ? We

shall try to understand the answer the Vedanta proposes to this

perplexing question.

Some seek for God high above in the heavens, others seek for

Him in Churches, some others worship Him in Temples, and others in

imaginary beings. Some worship God in symbols, some others in images,

and still others in Historical and Mythological person

ities of bygone ages.

The Vedanta shows us a higher form of worship, the worship of

a living God, for it says there is nothing but God in the whole

universe. We are seeing God all the time and are living and moving in

Him, but not knowing this we worship at the Altar of dea

symbols. The moment you feel " I am "you are conscious of that

existence which is of the essence of God. Where shall we go to find

God if we cannot see Him in our own hearts and in every living

being ? Here is a beautiful passage from one of the Upanish

s: " Thou art the Woman, Thou art the Man,Thou art the Youth and the

Maiden, too. Thou art the Old Man who totters along, leaning on the

staff. Thou art born with faces turned in all directions."

(Svetasvatara Upan. Ch. 4, v. 3 )*. Thou art all that exi

s, a wonderful living God, who is the only fact in the Universe.

The ideal of the Vedanta in one word is to know man as he

really is, and its message is that if you cannot worship your brother

man, the manifested God, how can you worship a God who is


The Vedanta,however, does not condemn the worship of these

symbols and ceremonials of God, it recognises that man travels from

lower Truth to higher Truth. It says the worship of these symbols &

images is good, but already better symbols exist than we

n ever invent. We can invent an image through which to worship God,

but a better image already exists - the living man, We may worship in

a Temple, but a much better one, a much higher one already exists,

the living human body.

In this context Swami Vivekananda says: ` This ( the above ) seems to

many to be a terrible contradiction to the traditional God who lives

behind a Veil somewhere and whom nobody sees. The Vedanta says that

there is nothing but God. It may frighten many

f us, but we shall understand it by degrees. The living God is within

us and yet we are building Churches and Temples, and imagining all

kinds of nonsense. The only God to worship is the human soul in the

human body. If I cannot worship in that, no othe

Temple will be of advantage; the moment we have realised God sitting

in the Temple of every human body, the moment we shall stand in

reverence before every human being and see God in him - that moment

we shall be free from bondage' .( Swami Vivekananda

mplete Works Vol. II, Practical Vedanta Part II p. 321, Jan. 1989

Edition, Advaita Ashrama, Calcutta.)

Let us all awaken to this wonderful idea of worshipping a

living God, the human soul in every human body, a God who is within

us all the time saying `I am, I am, I am'.


"tva.n strii tvaM pumaanasi tva.n kumaara uta vaa kumaarii .

jiirNo daNDena vaa~nchhasi tva.n jaato bhavasi vishvatomukhaH ..

[shvetashvatara Upanishad IV:3]


( Swami Vedananda,[10-Kalyanagar,Gaddianaram,Hyderabad,,500-

060,India],during his visit to the U.S. in June 97, was kind enough

to make this article available to all devotees in the U.S., and

particularly to the Indian community, as it is this Imperson

idea alone that could attract the 2nd generation of Indians. He also

feels that our Hindu spiritual centers may be re-oriented and re-

dedicated to these impersonal Ideas, which form a very important

aspect of our Sanatana Dharma- the Eternal Principle of Life).








["aate jaate saa.nsapara karo nirantara dhyaana .


paramaananda ki khojakaa yaha hai sarala sulabha sopaana .."


Breathing in or breathing out, reflect without a pause,


Stairway straight and easy this, to Beatitude's terraced repose.





advaitin, Shuba <swamis@u...> wrote:

> Respected members,


> This is my first post to this group. I thought

> some of you may find the following links

> interesting. It is the story of a man who decided

> to live his life using the gita as his guiding

> principle. I thought it may be relevant to this

> list in the light of the "cogitations" series.


> http://www.sulekha.com/cgi-bin/column.cgi?

> resource=rr_revolution


> http://www.swadhyay.org/


> Sincerely,

> Shuba


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'Living life as per Gita' is a wonderful subject. Wonderful because

of its practical nature as per the title.


Let me take the liberty to offer some open questions on Gita so far

as its practical application goes:


1. How does one apply Gita when standing in a line for a train ticket.

2. How does one apply Gita when watching a music/dance programme.

3. How does one apply Gita when realizing that the train one needs to

take is delayed and this means a tandem of missed appointments.


Many many more such questions are possible from our daily lives.


With Love and Regards,


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<P>Beautiful1Ultimate Truth!See your spouse as living

God or Goddess!See your Children as none other

thanGod! See you friends,and all around you as God!See

in your sareeram and all indriyas and organs,which are

wonders of wonders as only God! Humbly,lovingly

worship God,who is so close to you! Of course the

deities in the temples are none other than God! In

this Truth,nothing is lower and nothing higher as God

is all!</P>

<P>Lord Sri Krishna asserts: Aham sarwaani Bhootani--I

am all living Beings </P>

<P>Blissfully realize this spiritual as well as

scientific wonder and Rejoice in the Lord!</P>

<P>Ananda Sagar<BR></P>

<P>  <BR>

<P>  <B><I>sunderh</I></B> wrote:


<BLOCKQUOTE style="BORDER-LEFT: #1010ff solid 2px;



Thank you, Shuba-ji. Here is another expression of the

same <BR>ideal.<BR></TT><TT><BR>Messages Folder: <A






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Here are my favorites! :

> 1. How does one apply Gita when standing in a line for a train



antakaale cha maameva smaranmuktvaa kalevaram.h .

yaH prayaati sa madbhaava.n yaati naastyatra sa.nshayaH ..


tasmaatsarveshhu kaaleshhu yogayukto bhavaarjuna ..


> 2. How does one apply Gita when watching a music/dance programme.


pashya me paartha ruupaaNi shatasho.atha sahasrashaH .

naanaavidhaani divyaani naanaavarNaakR^itiini cha ..


> 3. How does one apply Gita when realizing that the train one needs

to take is delayed and this means a tandem of missed appointments.


tasmaadaparihaarye.arthe na tva.n shochitumarhasi ..



One can make a garland of Gita verses to suit one's mood!

Gurudeva Ranade made one such, called dhyaana-giitaa.










advaitin, raghavakaluri wrote:

> Namaste.


> 'Living life as per Gita' is a wonderful subject. Wonderful because

> of its practical nature as per the title.


> Let me take the liberty to offer some open questions on Gita so far

> as its practical application goes:





> Many many more such questions are possible from our daily lives.


> With Love and Regards,

> Raghava

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Raghavarao gaaru

Welcome back. sorry I did not get to your e-mails related to accessability

of the adviatin. Looks like you have solved the problem using Gita way of

life! May be you can provide us the answers to your question - particularly

how you have applied in all these cases you have mentioned.


Hari Om!






> Re: Living life as per the gita

>Fri, 09 Feb 2001 19:25:59 -0000




>'Living life as per Gita' is a wonderful subject. Wonderful because

>of its practical nature as per the title.


>Let me take the liberty to offer some open questions on Gita so far

>as its practical application goes:


>1. How does one apply Gita when standing in a line for a train ticket.

>2. How does one apply Gita when watching a music/dance programme.

>3. How does one apply Gita when realizing that the train one needs to

>take is delayed and this means a tandem of missed appointments.


>Many many more such questions are possible from our daily lives.


>With Love and Regards,





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I will add to the list one more sloka which I think is important


maatras sparshaastu kounteya siitoshhNa sukhaduHkhadaaH

aagamaapayino antityaaH tan titikshaswa bhaarata|


all anxities or suffering are only due to contact of the senses with the

world. World, jagat being what it is - jaayate gachchhate iti jagat that

which continuously changes, there will never be a environment that is all

the time that will be conducive to ones vaasana-s. Hence Krishana says -

these comforts and discomforts are keeps coming and going. One shoud be

concerned only if they are permanent but when they are temporary why should

one worry? Hence stong advice of Krishana - tan titikshasva bhaarata - One

has to bear them and no one is free from them. These are infact an

opportunities given by the Lord to think of His glories. Divert the mind to

His alter. Then His play can be seen as beautifully.


There is a beautiful story of one Alwar in VishishhTadvaita - All he had was

a piece of cloth that he was using to protect himslef from cold and rain.

Once due to heavy winds even that cloth flew away. He was singning and

dancing with joy, saying how commassionate That Almighty is! Now he

doesnot have to worry about holding on to the cloth. He is free a bird!

It is all in the attitude once we realize that all this the play and the

play will be boring if there are no kicks in life. Geeta helps us to see

that it is indeed a play - leela vibhuuti!


Hari Om!






> Re: Living life as per the gita

>Fri, 09 Feb 2001 22:20:01 -0000




> Here are my favorites! :


> > 1. How does one apply Gita when standing in a line for a train



>antakaale cha maameva smaranmuktvaa kalevaram.h .

>yaH prayaati sa madbhaava.n yaati naastyatra sa.nshayaH ..


>tasmaatsarveshhu kaaleshhu yogayukto bhavaarjuna ..



> > 2. How does one apply Gita when watching a music/dance programme.


>pashya me paartha ruupaaNi shatasho.atha sahasrashaH .

>naanaavidhaani divyaani naanaavarNaakR^itiini cha ..



> > 3. How does one apply Gita when realizing that the train one needs

>to take is delayed and this means a tandem of missed appointments.


>tasmaadaparihaarye.arthe na tva.n shochitumarhasi ..



>One can make a garland of Gita verses to suit one's mood!

>Gurudeva Ranade made one such, called dhyaana-giitaa.









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advaitin, "Kuntimaddi Sadananda" <k_sadananda@h...> wrote:

> Welcome back.

Thank you, Sir.

>May be you can provide us the answers to your question - particularly

> how you have applied in all these cases you have mentioned.


> >1. How does one apply Gita when standing in a line for a train ticket.

> >2. How does one apply Gita when watching a music/dance programme.

> >3. How does one apply Gita when realizing that the train one needs to

> >take is delayed and this means a tandem of missed appointments.

> >

I had not applied them before, though I only thought of their

application. However, let us give it a try.

1)I had recently seen in two instances that those standing in the line

for a long time tend to get upset for the slightest reasons, and

sometimes even get into verbal altercations, with which the onlookers

may sometimes derive free amusement with smiles on their faces as if to

break the monotony.

As was pointed out by Shree BTA Sagar in a previous post, I think, the

way out is to see all those in the line(queue) and the booking clerk as

the divine Self(Krishna). Each person's job is as precious as everyone

else's. With this approach, perhaps, the wait-time and booking-time may

yield better understanding of Karma Yoga.


In one instance in an airport recently, the booking clerk gave me away

some extra food coupons because I treated her with respect while many

others,for no fault of theirs, were upset at the counter because of

missed connections. Of course, some of them were likely to get upset

more if they knew that I got extra coupons. Food coupons are of no

interest to me or anyone in this list,but, the possibilities as to new

insights into the nature of Brahman seem to be ever increasing.


2 and 3) Shree BTA Sagar's post may be extended.


With Love,


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I think, the

> way out is to see the booking clerk as

> the divine Self(Krishna). Each person's job is as

> precious as everyone

> else's. With this approach, perhaps, the wait-time

> and booking-time may

> yield better understanding of Karma Yoga.




This reminds me of each and every visit of ours to

Tiruppati for a darshan of Lord Venkateshwara!

Invariably, we have found that people standing in the

queue there are always frustrated and very often lose

their temper at fellow devotees in the line,especially

when some people from the back try to bypass them and

move forward sometimes,understandably, to join their

own group members who might be ahead of them!


The only difference is,here,the booking Clerk is Lord



Hari Om!






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advaitin, Swaminarayan T <tvswaminarayan> wrote:


> This reminds me of each and every visit of ours to

> Tiruppati for a darshan of Lord Venkateshwara!

> Invariably, we have found that people standing in the

> queue there are always frustrated and very often lose

> their temper at fellow devotees in the line,especially

> when some people from the back try to bypass them and

> move forward sometimes,understandably, to join their

> own group members who might be ahead of them!


> The only difference is,here,the booking Clerk is Lord

> Venkateshwara!



We visited Tirupati recently and our experience too was similar. I

think, there is a much bigger problem here, in this case. Devotees

are growing exponentially each year and the capacity to serve them is

not growing accordingly. In fact, at the darshan time, everyone one

was being pushed away in a sequence by employees, understandably to

let everyone have darshan in a reasonable time. I was more mindful

not to fall down because of the physical push operations than to see

the Lord !

We need a much better infrastructure here - something like moving

platforms instead of pushing devotees. A devotee must truly feel

elevated to have taken the trouble to visit the temple and seen the

Lord; and such impediments must be removed which come in the way.


By the way, monkeys are now non-existent on the hill and even on the

way to the hill. Some monkeys also must be placed to retain fun.



With Love,


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--- raghavakaluri wrote:

> We need a much better infrastructure here -

> something like moving

> platforms instead of pushing devotees. A devotee

> must truly feel

> elevated to have taken the trouble to visit the

> temple and seen the

> Lord;


Dear Shri Raghava,


You will be surprised! During our last visit to

Tiruppati we were actually told that there is a move

to instal a moving platform from the main entrance

door inside the temple and back, very much like the

conveyor belts we see in Airports for baggage claim

..This will then avoid the physical handling and

pushing of devotees by the temple staff that man the

inside of the shrine.Every time we visit the Shrine we

decide that we should not go there again,but,believe

me, we land up there again even before a year is



Such is the LOVE of the LORD!


Hari Om!






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:-) I was just imagining --- what if the so-called devotees push each other

on the moving platforms? :-) (please don't take it seriously)


> Swaminarayan T [tvswaminarayan]


> Dear Shri Raghava,


> You will be surprised! During our last visit to

> Tiruppati we were actually told that there is a move

> .This will then avoid the physical handling and

> pushing of devotees by the temple staff that man the

> inside of the shrine.Every time we visit the Shrine we

> decide that we should not go there again,but,believe

> me, we land up there again even before a year is

> passed!!


> Such is the LOVE of the LORD!


> Hari Om!


> Swaminarayan

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advaitin, "Madhava K. Turumella" <madhava@m...> wrote:

> :-) I was just imagining --- what if the so-called devotees push

each other

> on the moving platforms? :-) (please don't take it seriously)




If enough monkeys are placed on the hill-town, pushing will reduce.

:-) :-) :-)

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