Guest guest Posted February 15, 2001 Report Share Posted February 15, 2001 Notes on BSB I-i-3-1B sadaashiva samaarambhaa.n sha~Nkaraachaarya madhyamam.h | asmadaachaarya paryantaa.n vande guruparamparaam.h || I prostrate to the lineage of teachers starting from Lord Shiva who is ever auspicious and with Bhagavaan Shankara in the middle and all the way up to my own teacher. vaatsalya ruupa.n triguNairatiitaM aananda saandram amalairnidhaanam.h .| shrii chinmayaananda guro praNiitaM sadaa bhaje.aha.n tava paada pa~Nkajam.h || Who is the very embodiment of motherly affection who is beyond the three guNa-s, who is full with bliss, and who is the very source of purity who is the best among the teachers, Shree Chinmayaananda, to his lotus feet I (sadaa) always prostrate. --\ --------------- samanvaya adhyaaya - I spashhTa brahma li~Nga vaakya samanvaya paada - i shaastrayoni adhikaraNam - 3 suutra : shaastrayonitvaat The second interpretation of the suutra: Let us assume that we are studying the suutra once again as fresh - As before we will follow the general analysis, the word analysis and the conclusion. General Analysis: In the second suutra Brahman is defined as jagat kaaraNam , the cause of the universe. We called it as a brahma lakshaNa suutram. We established before that (1) we need a pramaaNam along with lakshaNam to establish Brahman,(2) the second suutra does provide only a lakshaNam and not an anumaana pramaaNa as claimed by nayyayika -s and finally Veda-s alone can provide the shabda pramaaNam to establish Brahman. This idea is conveyed by this suutra. The general meaning of the suutra - shaastra yonitvaat means shaastra vishhayatvaat -It means the Brahman is the subject matter of Vedanta alone as it is beyond the scope of logic. This can be stated as - brahma na anumaana vishhayaH, shaastra vishayatvaat , dharmavat that is Brahman cannot be the subject matter of the logic, it is the subject matter of shaastra alone which is apaurushheyam , like puNyam or merits. In the first interpretation Vyasa states that Brahman sarvaj~nam , shaastra kart^Ritvaat . In the second interpretation Vyasa states that Brahman na anumaana gamyam , shaastra vishayatvaat . yoni means source and in the first interpretation it is the source (author) of Vedas and in the second interpretation it is source for knowledge of Brahman. vishhaya vaakyam for the suutra : It is again from bR^ihadaaraNyaka from shaakalya braahmanam (debate between yaaj~nvalkya and shaakalya) and is the basis for this second interpretation- tantu aupanishhadam purusham pR^ichchhaami - Here the word purushha means Brahman - After yaaj~nvalkya successfully answering all the questions of shaakalya, yaaj~nvalkya asks shaakalya a counter question about nirguNa brahman which is only known through neti, neti, not this, not this. In that context the above statement is made where aupanishhadam purushham means upanishhad eka vedyam brahman , that Brahman which can be known only through upanishhads. Also in shaanti paaTha we chant - sarvam brahmopanishhadam - Brahman that includes everything is to be known through upanishads, thus providing additional reference as vishhaya vaakyam. We chant the shaanti paaTha (saama veda eg kena & chhaandogya upan.) as sarvam brahmaopanishadam maaham brahma niraakuryaam | maa maa brahma niraakarot | aniraakaraNamastu aniraakaraNam me astu | tadaatmani nirate ya upanishatsu dharmaaste mayi santu | Because Brahman is not available as an object for analysis or can be established by anumaana, let me not reject Brahman. Let me accept the shaastram and through the shaastram let me know Brahman. Now the word analysis. shaastra has the same meaning as veda or vedaanta and yoni means source of knowledge or pramaaNam . Grammatical difference is also there between the two meanings. In the first interpretation it is tatpurusha samaasa or compound - shaastrasya yoniH kartaa brahma , Brahman is the author of shaaastra. In the second interpretation it is bahuvriihi samaasa or compound - shaastram yoniH pramaaNam yasya tat , shaastram is the means of knowledge of that which is Brahman. ( A little digression: To see the difference between the tatpurusha and bahuvriihi samaasa - a story is told - an intelligent beggar approached a king and said - aham cha tvam cha raajendra lokanaathau ubhaavapi | bahuuvriihi samaaso.aham shhashhTii tatpurusho bhavaan || Oh! King, myself and your self, both are lokanaatha -s (world-masters) - before the King become furious, the beggar continued, in my case the word lokanaatha should be split into bahuvriihi samaasa and in your case it should be tatpurusha samaasa. In the tatpurusha samaasa lokanaatha means lokasya naathaH - the master of the world. In the case of bahuvriihi samaasa, lokanaatha means lokaH naathaH yasya saH lokanathaH - the one for whom the world is the master. Similar story is told about rameshwara linga - the linga that Rama worshiped. Rama interprets as tatpurusha that is raamasya iishwaraH, the Lord of Rama; and Shiva interprets as bahuuvriihi samaasa that is raamaH iishwaraH yasya saH, the one for whom Rama is the Lord.) In bahuvriihi samaasa, shaastra yoni means shaastra pramaaNakam or shaastra vedyam which implies that it is shaastraa vishhayaH , brahman - Brahman is the subject matter of shaastram. Hence it is not available for anumnaana pramaaNam. Conclusion: vishhayaH - subject matter is still chetana kaaraNam brahman . sa.nshayaH - doubt - Is Brahman knowable through anumaaNam or not - anumaana vishhayam vaa , na , - can consciousness be studied objectively by a scientist. puurvapaksha - brahma anumaana vishhayaH - it is within the scope of objective science - jagat kaaraNatvaat, ghaTa kaaraNabhuuta mR^idvat .. The cause for the world just as the clay is the cause of a pot. siddhanta - brahma na anumaana vishhayaH - Brahman is not subject of anumamaana because it is shaastra vishhayatvaat , because it can be known through shaastra alone. Hence we have a definition for veda (given by Sayanacharya), pratyaksheNaanu mithyaiva yas tu upaayena budhyate| yenam vindati vedena tasmaat vedasya vedataa || Veda means that which gives the knowledge of such a subject matter which is not available for any other means of knowledge such as pratyaksha, anumaana, anupalabdhi, upamaana, arthaapatti. sa~NgatiH : Connection between this and the previous adhikaraNam. The connection between these two is technically called - eka phala kartavya sa~NgatiH. both adhikaraNam -s have a common goal or benefit - it is brahma siddhiH - Existence of Brahman is to be proved before proper inquiry is done. We have said already that to prove existence of any thing, we need lakshaNam and pramaaNam . The second adhikaraNa gives lakshaNam and this adhikaraNam gives pramaaNam. In summary connecting all the three adhikaraNam -s we can say that jagat kaaraNam brahma j~naanartham vedaanta pramaaNena vichaaraH kartavyaH | - Brahman, who is the cause for the world, is to be inquired into using vedaanta pramaaNa. With this third suutra / third adhikaraNam is over. ---------------- We will take up next the suutra # 4 which happens to be the fourth adhikaraNa also. -- K. Sadananda Code 6323 Naval Research Laboratory Washington D.C. 20375 Voice (202)767-2117 Fax:(202)767-2623 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2001 Report Share Posted February 20, 2001 Namaste, Please send corrections, additions, suggestions, &c. They will be included in the next update. Thank you. Regards, s. advaitin, "K. Sadananda" <sada@a...> wrote: > Notes on BSB I-i-3-1B aniraakaraNam = rejection aniraakaraNamastu = [aniraakaraNam + astu] anumamaana = inference arthaapatti = inference from circumstances aupanishhadam = of the upanishads bahuvriihi = a grammatical term describing a compound word bhavaan = you [an honorific address] bR^ihadaaraNyaka = name of a major upanishad brahmopanishhadam = the Reality pointed by the upanishads budhyate = understands chhaandogya = name of a major upanishad dharmaaste = [dharma + aste] dharmavat = by reason of righteousness gamyam = that which is to be reached ghaTa = an earthen vessel iishwaraH = the omnipotent Lord j~naanartham = for the sake of knowledge kaaraNabhuuta = being the cause of kart^Ritvaat = by reason of being the doer kartavya = duty linga = indicator; gender lokaH = locus; world [lokasya] lokanaatha = lord of the world maaham = [maa + aham] not me mayi = in me mithyaiva = [mithyaa + iva] as if false/illusory mR^idvat = like earthen naathaH = Master nayyaayika = followers of Nyaya school of philosophy niraakarot = reject nirate = enjoy nirguNa = attributeless pR^ichchhaami = ask pramaaNakam = valid means of knowledge pratyaksheNaanu = by actual sensory perception puNyam = merits [as a result of virtuous deeds] purushham = [to] the supreme raajendra = King of kings raamaH = Rama [raamasya] raameshwara = Rama as the lord; name of a sacred place[tiirtha] in India saama = Name of a Veda [which is set to a musical chant] saH = he samaasa = a compound word santu = may they be so! sarvam = all Sayanacharya = Sayana, name of a famous commentator on the Vedas shaakalya = name of a disciple shaanti = peace shaastraa = scripture [devoted to religious injunctions] shhashhTi = sixty tadaatmani = [tat + aatmani] in that Soul tantu = thread, fiber tatpurushha = a grammatical term to describe a particlar form of a compound word upaayena = by means of upanishhatsu = in the upanishads vedasya = of the vedas vichaaraH = discrimination vindati = knows vishhayatvaat = by reason of it being the subject of vishhayam = subject matter; objects of sensory gratification yaaj~nvalkya = the principal philosopher in the Brihadaranyaka upanishad yenam = to whom yoniH = womb; source/origin Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 20, 2001 Report Share Posted February 20, 2001 Does not Raameshwara refers to Shiva? Rama worshipped Shiva at Rameshwaram and hence the name. I think the name of Shiva in the Rameshwaram temple is Ramanathaswamy which has the same meaning as Raameshwara. Anand > > Please send corrections, additions, > suggestions, &c. > They will be included in the next update. Thank you. > > Regards, > > s. > raameshwara = Rama as the lord; name of a sacred > place[tiirtha] in > India Auctions - Buy the things you want at great prices! http://auctions./ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2001 Report Share Posted February 21, 2001 sunderh wrote: > > Notes on BSB I-i-3-1B > > aniraakaraNam = rejection a-niraakaraNam = non-rejection > budhyate = understands budhyate = is understood > ghaTa = an earthen vessel ghaTa = a pot ( not necessarily earthen) Sunderji, This glossary is supposed to give meanings of words in the context in which they are used in Notes on BSB. It will be useful (i) if there can be some cross linking indicating where the word occurs in this text. (ii) if the glossary is compiled and stored for each instalment of the notes separately. Otherwise when all the words are presented in one long comprehensive list, it will be difficult to trace the context. We are not compiling a general dictionary, are we ? Please consider this as a suggestion in consultation with Sadaaji and Dennisji. Regards V.M.Sundaram > > > > > > Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman. > Advaitin List Archives available at: > Please Note the New Changes at the Mail Server > For details, visit: /local/news.html > Post message: advaitin > Subscribe: advaitin- > Un: advaitin > URL to Advaitin: advaitin > File folder: advaitin > Link Folder: advaitin/links > Messages Folder: advaitin/messages Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted February 21, 2001 Report Share Posted February 21, 2001 Namaste, Thank you Sundaramgaru and Anandaji, raameshvara does refer to the shiva li~Nga that raama sanctified at the place after the conquest of Lanka. We are not compiling a general dictionary! I hope Dennisji and Sdaji have kept the separate files [i have not!] Generally, Sadaji has given the meanings in the text. Please give a few examples of how you would like the glossary to read. Giving the context may take up too much space. Dennisji's macro picks up new words with each successive installment, so the same word will not appear in each. I shall certainly try to accommodate every request to make the notes useful. Regards, s. advaitin, "V.M.Sundaram" <venkataraman@p...> wrote: > > > sunderh wrote: > > > > Notes on BSB I-i-3-1B > > > > aniraakaraNam = rejection > > a-niraakaraNam = non-rejection > > > > budhyate = understands > > budhyate = is understood > > > ghaTa = an earthen vessel > > ghaTa = a pot ( not necessarily earthen) > > Sunderji, > This glossary is supposed to give meanings of words in the context > in which they are used in Notes on BSB. It will be useful > (i) if there can be some cross linking indicating where the word occurs in this text. > (ii) if the glossary is compiled and stored for each instalment of the notes separately. > Otherwise when all the words are presented in one long comprehensive list, it will > be difficult to trace the context. We are not compiling a general dictionary, are we ? > > Please consider this as a suggestion in consultation with Sadaaji and Dennisji. > > Regards > V.M.Sundaram > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman. > > Advaitin List Archives available at: > > Please Note the New Changes at the Mail Server > > For details, visit: /local/news.html > > Post message: advaitin > > Subscribe: advaitin- > > Un: advaitin- > > URL to Advaitin: advaitin > > File folder: advaitin > > Link Folder: advaitin/links > > Messages Folder: advaitin/messages Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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