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Algebra and Maaya and mathematics

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Namaste Ramchandranji / Prabodhji,


I remember from my rusty knowledge of algebra learnt long ago at school,

that any number multiplied by itself yields a positive number always , even

if it was itself a negative number. The square root of minus one does not


Yet, it is used in many algebraic operations, and yields legitimate results !

Has this got anything to do with the concept of maayaa ?



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Namaste Sundaramji:


Since maayaa is present everywhere, mathematics is no exception. Here

is an example:


Real Algebra

Any real number multiplied by itself yields a positive number (True)

(All rules of real algebra become valid)


Imaginary (Illusion) Algebra

The illusionary number, 'square root of minus one' multiplied itself

will yield a negative number (-1) which is an exception to the

algebra of real numbers (the reality!).


Complex Algebra

A complex number is the combination of a real and an imaginary number

In complex algebra, the two parts are separated and all

inconsistencies are removed appropriately.


If we return back to Vedanta, it is a complex algebra which deals with

both 'reality' and 'maayaa.' The seers and sages including VedaVyaasa

and Shankaracharya(who were also great mathematicians) have resolved

the inconsistencies beautifully using the Vedanta Philosophy!




Ram Chandran


Note: My knowledge of mathematics is both limited and dated and please

feel free to correct my errors.


advaitin, "V.M.Sundaram" <venkataraman@p...> wrote:

> Namaste Ramchandranji / Prabodhji,


> I remember from my rusty knowledge of algebra learnt long ago at


> that any number multiplied by itself yields a positive number

always , even

> if it was itself a negative number. The square root of minus one

does not exist.

> Yet, it is used in many algebraic operations, and yields legitimate

results !

> Has this got anything to do with the concept of maayaa ?


> V.M.Sundaram

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Namaste RamChandranji/Sundaramji



I did not want to criticise any one. I thought that when Zero and Infinity

are quoted that means we are not going away from the principle of the list.

Raising and asking doubt clearance is I suppose not that bad. If something

is not clear or going against what you know and there is a chance of knowing

it well then I understand that there is no point in wrong interpreting

ourselves. With that intensions only I made my points clear and raised some

silly doubts. I thought that something new would be given regarding Zero

,Infinity, and Identity.


But it seems that I am unnecessarily dragging list to go away from the

principles. So I will have to conclude it logically of my own.


I personally feel that Zero formation itself is a MAYA. If we understand the

theory behind Zero we conclude that the picturque representation of MAYA is

figure of ZERO(Rig Ved). That is Advait. Zero is Advait.Hence it is MAYA.


Entire Arithmetic number system is a Ved product. Ved ends(Ved+Anta) with

Nothing(Zero,Avyakta).It begins with Nothing(Zero,Avyakta) as well. Knowing

this is Brahama.Bramha word is created from the sanskrit dhatu 'Bhru' that

means that produces naturally with out any cause. So this entire Vishwa is

created from Nothing because of Brahama and it will end up in Nothing again

and another Vishwa will start. This cycle continues. We come across them and

belive that we are cause of all the actions. This is MAYA.


Zero is Absence,Unmanifest and One is Presence,Manifest,or Absolute.


Personal request:


We attach "ji" as a mark of showing our respect to those who are elder(in

Age or in Knowledge). Actually "ji" suffixing is a distorted

form(Apabrahansha) of sanskrit word(Dhatu) 'Arr' ; 'Arr' is Arrow . That

means a person that moves like an Arrow to get the desired results is called

as 'Arya'. People say that German 'Hrr' and English 'Sir' is also distorted

verion of sanskrit 'Arr'. In short a person should be progressive like an

Arrow so as to be Arya. Hence I am not Arya. Moreover I am too young to be

adressed with "ji".




Thanks for your Time and Space.


Prabodh Vekhande


> Namaste Ramchandranji / Prabodhji,


>I remember from my rusty knowledge of algebra learnt long ago at school,

>that any number multiplied by itself yields a positive number always ,


>if it was itself a negative number. The square root of minus one does not


>Yet, it is used in many algebraic operations, and yields legitimate results


>Has this got anything to do with the concept of maayaa ?











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More on Maayaa and Mathematics!


Part of an article from the book, `Acharya's Call' written by

Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamigal:


How do we verify the correctness of an arithmetical question in

division? We multiply the quotient with the divisor and check whether

the resulting is equivalent to the dividend given in the question. In

this Khaharam, or division. In this Khaharam, or division of any

number by zero, the number that is divided stands for the Prapancha

9the pluralistic universe of infinite variety), the divisor, zero or

Poojyam, which in mathematical language is an indefinable factor,

approximating to nothingness, stands for Maya, and the quotient is the

Infinite, that is Brahman. For the purpose of creating the Prapancha,

which is dividend, Brahman , which is the quotient , multiplies itself

by Maya, which is divisor. Even as I divided by Zero, or 2 divided by

Zero, or 3 divided by Zero, will give the same quotient, when the

Infinite is multiplied by Zer, it is undeterminate, and therefore, it

can take the values 1,2,3 etc., which are Bheda sankhyas, or numbers

connoting differences, standing for the plurality of the world. The

Upanishad says that the One Absolute determined to become many, and

for that purpose. It associated itself with Maya, and become Many.

When this Absolute Infinite multiplied Itself in association with

Maya, which is tantamount to zero, it appears as 1,2,3,4 etc., the

several objects of this Prapancha. But when any number is multiplied

by Maya. The dividend, which is the plurality of the prapancha is the

Infinite variety. The quotient, which is Brahman, is Real Akhanda and

Ananta. In the Saanti Mantra, Poornam adah is the quotient , Absolute

Infinity, and Poornam idam is the dividend, pluralistic Infinity.

Advaita anantam multiplied by Poojyam is Dvaita anantam. if the latter

is divested of is Maya -- by a process of Khaharam-dividing by Poojyam

which is Maya -- we get the Advaita anantam. Maya multiplies the

formless Infinite which is One only without a second , into an

infinity of finite forms. Th One alone , that is real, has value; the

Many, which are products of Maya, are like Maya, without ultimate

value. So Brahman is not affected either by diminution from It

(creation or Srsti) or by the addition to It(merger or Laya) of

Prapancha, which has no ultimate value.


The Divine Mother is the Creative Principle of the universe, the Maya

Sakti aspect of Brahman, which makes the Infinite One appear as the

Infinite Many. She presents the formless Supreme in finite forms. It

is only by her grace that one can transcend the Maya and obtain the

advaitic realisation of the One without a second.


Source: Concept of Maya , WebSite:



Note: An ocean of information is available at the above Website on

Advaita Vedanta and related scriptural materials written by well known

scholars. I strongly recommend members to take time to visit the site.

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Hari Om!

I have for quite sometime now regarded "i" (the square root of -1)

as the "mayaa operator". Mayaa, as you know, makes the real (Brahman)

unreal by its veiling power and the unreal (world) real by its projective

power. So too, in ,mathematics the "i" operator makes a real number unreal

by its association (i.e. when a real number is multiplied by "i" it becomes

imaginary) and an unreal real! As Ramchandran noted, you combine real and

unreal and you get a complex thing in your hand. No wonder the world of

conscious, intelligent human beings-each a mixture of matter and

Consciousness - is bewilderingly complex!


Also, is it not an amusing coincidence that the root cause of my world is

the little me, my ego, denoted in the English language by the same letter I?


No doubt, "i" is strikingly similar to the illusory, imaginary ego.



- Raju Chidambaram



>"V.M.Sundaram" <venkataraman



> Algebra and Maaya and mathematics

>Fri, 16 Feb 2001 11:14:31 +0800


> Namaste Ramchandranji / Prabodhji,


>I remember from my rusty knowledge of algebra learnt long ago at school,

>that any number multiplied by itself yields a positive number always ,


>if it was itself a negative number. The square root of minus one does not


>Yet, it is used in many algebraic operations, and yields legitimate results


>Has this got anything to do with the concept of maayaa ?











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Namaste Ramchandranji







>More on Maayaa and Mathematics!


>Part of an article from the book, `Acharya's Call' written by

>Paramacharya Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Swamigal:


>How do we verify the correctness of an arithmetical question in

>division? We multiply the quotient with the divisor and check whether

>the resulting is equivalent to the dividend given in the question. In

>this Khaharam, or division. In this Khaharam, or division of any

>number by zero, the number that is divided stands for the Prapancha

>9the pluralistic universe of infinite variety), the divisor, zero or

>Poojyam, which in mathematical language is an indefinable factor,

>approximating to nothingness, stands for Maya, and the quotient is the

>Infinite, that is Brahman. For the purpose of creating the Prapancha,

>which is dividend, Brahman , which is the quotient , multiplies itself

>by Maya, which is divisor. Even as I divided by Zero, or 2 divided by

>Zero, or 3 divided by Zero, will give the same quotient, when the

>Infinite is multiplied by Zer, it is undeterminate, and therefore, it

>can take the values 1,2,3 etc., which are Bheda sankhyas, or numbers

>connoting differences, standing for the plurality of the world. The

>Upanishad says that the One Absolute determined to become many, and

>for that purpose. It associated itself with Maya, and become Many.

>When this Absolute Infinite multiplied Itself in association with

>Maya, which is tantamount to zero, it appears as 1,2,3,4 etc., the

>several objects of this Prapancha. But when any number is multiplied

>by Maya. The dividend, which is the plurality of the prapancha is the

>Infinite variety. The quotient, which is Brahman, is Real Akhanda and

>Ananta. In the Saanti Mantra, Poornam adah is the quotient , Absolute

>Infinity, and Poornam idam is the dividend, pluralistic Infinity.

>Advaita anantam multiplied by Poojyam is Dvaita anantam. if the latter

>is divested of is Maya -- by a process of Khaharam-dividing by Poojyam

>which is Maya -- we get the Advaita anantam. Maya multiplies the

>formless Infinite which is One only without a second , into an

>infinity of finite forms. Th One alone , that is real, has value; the

>Many, which are products of Maya, are like Maya, without ultimate

>value. So Brahman is not affected either by diminution from It

>(creation or Srsti) or by the addition to It(merger or Laya) of

>Prapancha, which has no ultimate value.


>The Divine Mother is the Creative Principle of the universe, the Maya

>Sakti aspect of Brahman, which makes the Infinite One appear as the

>Infinite Many. She presents the formless Supreme in finite forms. It

>is only by her grace that one can transcend the Maya and obtain the

>advaitic realisation of the One without a second.


>Source: Concept of Maya , WebSite:



>Note: An ocean of information is available at the above Website on

>Advaita Vedanta and related scriptural materials written by well known

>scholars. I strongly recommend members to take time to visit the site.








>Discussion of Sankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of

Atman and Brahman.

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Namaste Rajuji:


Due to the spell of Maayaa (or otherwise) I couldn't resist adding

some additonal points on 'i.'


In reality, mathematicians have smartly dealt with the imaginary

number, i by igonoring it by using only the real component of the

imaginary part. This is possible because they had great faith in

their axioms, fomulas, rules and with strict discipline to follow the

rules. Those mathematicians who violated any rule have invariably

faced the consequence of unexpected results which caused them

unnecessary sufferings and miseries.


The Vedantins similarly have put great faith on the SELF and followed

the scriptural path of shraddha and sadhana to ignore the imaginary

'i' (ego) while conducting their duties. Those who failed to recognize

the distinction between the SEL and self have similarly experienced

sufferings and miseries!


As long as we know how to deal with 'i' it doesn't matter whether the

'i' really exists or not!




Ram Chandran



advaitin, "Raju Chidambaram" <RAJUCHID@H...> wrote:

> Hari Om!

> ......

> Also, is it not an amusing coincidence that the root cause of my

world is

> the little me, my ego, denoted in the English language by the same

letter I?


> No doubt, "i" is strikingly similar to the illusory, imaginary ego.


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