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I'm looking for someone to help answer a few voluntary questions for

a study I'm doing for my own sake. (I'm not out to preach or convert



Please email me privately with your answers. If anonymity is a

concern, get an anonymous email account from hotmail.com or some

other service and use an alias.


I am curious about the intensity and nature of feelings associated

with your religion.


If you would be so kind, please answer the following questions with

as much detail as you prefer. These are very personal questions,

however, I would hope you are completely honest.


The following questions will refer to the word "true," I

define "true" here as being "the correct religion/scripture,the

divine plan in its fullness," or "the favored path back to

God/divinity with all the blessings possible in the afterlife"


Please submit your results to drpepper1220. (Scott G) If I

write an essay about it (ensuring anonymity of course) I will post

the URL in this forum for you to examine.



1. Have you read a good portion of the scriptures or canon which your

religion offers?


2. Have you ever asked God or the divinity in which you believe

specifically if those texts are "true"? (Please see "SUBQUESTIONS"



3. Have you ever asked God or the divinity in which you believe

specifically if the religion in which you participate is "true"?

(Please see "SUBQUESTIONS" below)


4. Have you ever asked God or the divinity in which you believe

specifically if the founder of your religion was "chosen" by

God/divinity or was a "true" prophet/leader? (Please

see "SUBQUESTIONS" below)


**SUBQUESTIONS for #s 2-4: (Please refer to these when answering the

above questions)


a) If you did ask, could you please sum up how you asked the

higher power (outline of a prayer, for example).


b) If you did ask, please describe as fully as possible what the

answer was (if any) and how it was conveyed to you. Also please

describe as best you can the feelings you experienced, if any, in

regards to the answer. If you prayed but did not receive an answer,

please indicate that.


c) How sure are you that any answer you received was actually

sent in some form from God/Divinity? Explain.


c) If you did not asked your divinity specifically about the

above points, on what basis do you believe in them?


5. Does your religion urge people who are studying your religion to

specifically ask God/Divinity if your religion/scripture/leaders

are "true?"


6. If not, in what manner do they promote a belief in the religion?

In other words, how do they convince someone to join?


7. Do you believe that God or Divinity answers prayers? If so, how

does he/she/it answer them. If not, please explain why.


8. Choose one:


Do you __________ that your religion is "true"

a) know

b) believe

c) have faith

d) hope

e) feel

f) think

g) don't believe

h) don't know

i) other (please explain)


and... Please describe WHY you chose what you did for question 8.


9. Are feelings an accurate indicator of truth if you feel that they

come from God/divinity? (For example, if you are praying and have a

peaceful or warm tingly feeling, is that an answer from God?) Why or

why not.


10. What is your religion?


11. Are you a convert to your religion or were you born in it?


12. In your religion, is it emphasized that you should have a deep

belief about the religion, the scriptures, and the leaders as

being "true?"




Thanks so much for your participation. All the input I can gather

will help form my ideas.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at


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These are the same questions I get when the Jahova Witness or some

jealous Christian converter knocks my door.


I request you to get the permission of the monitors of the advaitin

list before you post privates surveys on this list serve.


I appreciate your cooperation.



Hari Om!







K. Sadananda

Code 6323

Naval Research Laboratory

Washington D.C. 20375

Voice (202)767-2117





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I agree that they might seem odd. I will take up your advice to get permission

from the list owners to perhaps more fully explain my intentions before posting

a survey such as this.


If you're curious, here's my goal. ....


Again, I reiterate, I am not out to convert anyone or to even post my views on

the subject. I was raised in a religion that put value on the subject about

which I surveyed. Now I am questioning that epistemology. However, I am curious

about 'how people believe.' And upon being challenged by my peers, I set out to

discover how people gained their "belief" of their own religion.


That's about it. Again the survey is voluntary and anonymous. I hereby promise

not to send any Christian missionaries to anyone's email inbox, etc. That would

be pretty low.


Thanks for your concern, and thanks to those who have answered my request,

Scott G




Message: 3

Fri, 16 Feb 2001 07:03:49 -0500

"K. Sadananda" <sada

Re: Survey




These are the same questions I get when the Jahova Witness or some

jealous Christian converter knocks my door.


I request you to get the permission of the monitors of the advaitin

list before you post privates surveys on this list serve.


I appreciate your cooperation.



Hari Om!


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