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Gita Satsang - Chapter 5 - Final Thoughts

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Arjuna was still undecided whether or not to fight. Shri Krishna had

laid stress on renunciation of action and yet advised him to follow

the path of action. Arjuna wanted to know which of the two was

superior. He wanted an explanation in a language simple enough for him

to understand.

Shri Krishna told Arjuna the Yoga of Knowledge and the yoga of Action

both lead to supreme bliss. However, the Yoga of Action is superior to

the Yoga of Knowledge. It is also easier to practice. The Karmayogi

through selfless action becomes a Sannyasi. The aim of the Sannyasi

and the Karmayogi is the same and both attain to salvation. The

Karmayogi has the wisdom of the Sannyasi and is the master of his/her

senses. Such a Yogi is like a lotus leaf unaffected by its

surroundings. The Karmayogi always performs selfless action which

results in self-purification and works without caring for the fruits

of his actions.


Such a Karmayogi obtains all Knowledge and realizes that the Atman is

not the doer of deeds and understands that it is nature that works.

The Yogi becomes aware that the attachment is the cause for the

illusionary doer and consequently comes nearer to God and finally

united with Him. At this stage the Yogi has the same respect for all,

may they be wise or unwise, humans or beasts. Such a person is blessed

by God and is not affected by pain or pleasure. The realized Sage is

always happy and is not hurt by any circumstances because the source

of happiness is his/her inner self and not external objects. Such a

sagely person has no desires or passions and is never angry and is

always at peace. He is the master of senses, mind arid intellect. He

is friendly towards all and looks after their welfare. He is the soul

of love and compassion and does good to all without expecting anything

in return. He is not afraid of anything. Such a true devotee attains

the eternal peace!


It is cutomary to conclude the Gita Chapter as follows:

When all is said and done, it is all Om tat sat. In the Bhagavadgita —

in the Gita of Bhagavan or in the Gita whose topic is Bhagavan — which

contains the teaching that is called Upanisads whose subject matter is

the knowledge of Brahman which is also the karma-yoga-sastra, in the

dialogue that took place between Krsna and Arjuna there is the topic,

yoga, called `renunciation,'sannyasa-yoga, which is the fifth chapter,

pancamo'dhyaya, is concluded.


Om tat sat

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