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giTa Satsang First Stanza First Canto 'Arjun Vishad Yog'

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Namaste to all


It is good that we are all ready to continue with the thread. My point was

to make it clear that my analysis of the Gita and Mahabharat or Ramayan

depends upon the assumption that they are not Historical account but

Fictional work of our intelligent sages. I hope we dont mind retaining our

views. So with the "Atha Shrimad Bhagwat Gita" last time now we shall come

to the first stanza of the first canto.


The first chapter of Gita is termed as 'Arjun Vishad Yog' meaning Yog of the

melancholous and dejected mind of Arjun. One can understand melancholy and

dejection but what is this 'Yog' or science about the same? Yes, there is a

regular science regards the inception of melancholy and dejection and how it

is to be wiped out by the strong reasoning within a man himself in the form

of Lord Krishna.


Canto ONE

Dhritrastra Said:


DharmaKshetre KuruKshetre SamaVeta Yuyutsuvaha |

Mamakaha PandavaShachiiva KimKurvat Sanjay||1||




Dhritrastra said, O Sanjay, what did mine and the sons of Pandu do who

assembled in the place of KuruKeshretra and DharamKshetra, desirous to



Now if we belive that Mahabharat did happen and Gita was told in the

battelfield then the meaning of the above stanza is very straight forward.

But see the philosophy from non-historical point of view.....


Here we have to understand why Dhritrastra called the same palce with two

proper nouns,KuruKeshretra and DharamKshetra.

Our existence is made up of two fold entities,one is our physical

frame(Shareeram) and the other one is our Jivatma.The action is the natural

tendency of our physical frame. Some action or the other must be done by our

physical body in order to sustain. That is why in Sanskrit physical frame is

called as Sareeram.'Shareeram'-- 'Sheeryate Prati Kshanam Shareeram',

meaning that which is destroyed every moment. The living carbon in the lungs

is thrown out as a dead particle in other form of carbondioxide. Breathing

out is death but we live because of such death. Every thing in our body

changes sooner or later. Breathing changes our body constantly. Every moment

the outer electrons replace the body electrons thus changing the whole body

every moment. Therefore the body is termed as Shareeram in Sanskrit.So it is

the Swabhava of the physical frame that is obtained through the material

field of cultivations according to which it will behave naturally. This

field of physical cultivations is termed as KuruKeshetra by Ved Vyas.'Kuru'

means to do and 'Kshetra' means field. Hence KuruKeshretra is field of

actions.The battle of tendencies is fought on this physical frame(Shareeram)

which is term as KuruKeshretra.

Now comes the second field of cultivations of Soul or Jivatma. The

cultivations of the Jivatmas are not limited only to this life but they

compass a very large field of cultivations through innumerable past lives

which add to the account of Jivatma at every birth it accepts. This field of

Jivatma is with itself right from its birth.

It keeps the physical frame intact. This independent field of spiritual

cultivations is termed as DharamaKshetra by Ved Vyas. Here Dharma means not

the mundane rules of ethics but the very qualitative constitution of the

sprit which depends upon the relative qualitative arragement of the quality

particles in each and every cell of the physical body.This acceptence of the

qualitative arrgengment is because of the relative qualitative acceptence of

the sprit which encircles itself from birth to birth. Every Jivatma or Soul

will behave according to its own past accepted cultivations. The very

constitution of the Soul makes it behave so.Every Jivatma or Soul Or Sprit

has to behave according to its accepted cultivations to which Ved Vyas terms

as DharamaKshetra.

The KuruKshetra being a parental progeny and a progeny of social

cultivations can fetch an image of such likeness;but the DharmaKshetra of

every individual is quite different than that of others. Bad tendencies

within Sadhak, termed as Kauravas, and good tendencies as Pandavas, array

themselves so as fight and get victory in that battle, the field of which is

double but the same.

Bad or Good tendency is momentum of past cultivations accepted by Jivatma

through innumerable births. The momentum through many past births is called

DharmaKshetra. Accepted past cultivations make a person to behave

accordingly. A cow may even die but cannot eat good meat while tiger will

prefer death but will not even think to eat good grass which is hevenly

abode for a cow. This is all because of the past cultivations accepted

through evolution.The physical frames of such livesare the direct output of

the evolutionary process.The physical frames of each species behave

according to past cultivations accepted. Such a field of accepted

materialistic cultivations is termed as KuruKshetra. Both the fields are

within one and the same physical existence or body and hence Ved Vyas terms

as DharamKsherta and KuruKshetra in the same place.

Dhritrashtra is a nescient stage of Sadhak which cannot authentically

percieve or expirence the war of tendencies fought on the above said

battelfield and hence blind i.e ignorant Dhritrashtra asks Sanjay about the

eventual happenings on the battlefield.

Sanjay Sam+Jay that maps a balanced mental and intellectual stage of an

advanced Sadhak who can expeirence the fine psychological solicitudes which

are difficult to be expierenced by Dhritrashtra type of stage in the Sadhak.

Dhritrashtra and Sanjay are two stages within the same Sadhak,existing

because of his different tendencies depending upon the cultivations accepted

by the Sadhak from time to time. Hastinapur is our physical body of which

Dhritrastra becames the king in absenica. The Eshavasyopanishad tells about

such birth blind Dhritrashtra


Asurya Nam Te Loka Andhen TamasaVruta |

Tam Ste PretyabhiGachanti Ye Ke ChatmaHano Jana||




The unwise(Asur) are entangled within the material world and hence they are

blind to their own real welfare and existence. Such blind persons because of

their deeds go to the abode of sprits after deaths.Are not such blind

persons self-assassins?


This way we can see the real meaning of the Stanzas if we see that it is

clair intelligence of Ved Vyas that gives such a wealth of philosophy in the

form of Gita.




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