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the word 'moksha' in upanishads

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I read recently (in book "Ascetism in ancient India" by

Haripada Chakraborti) that the word 'moksha' does not appear

in the upanishads. I wonder if it is a factual statement.

And if so, can the learned members care to speculate on why

this word is conspicuous by its absence in the upanishads.



Gummuluru Murthy


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Svetashvatara upan: 6:16 ...sa.nskaara moksha sthiti bandha hetuH .


Maitri upan.: 6:30 ....doshha-kshayaad hi mokshaH .....


6:34:8 ...etaj j~nana.n cha moksha.n cha.......


6:34:11 mana eva manushhYaaNaa.n kaaraNaM bandhamokshayoH


Muktika upan: 2:68 .....mokshaH syaad vaasanaakshayaH ....


Chandogya upan.: 6:16:2 ....atha muchyate ...


Brihad. upan.: 1:5:17 .......sarvasmaat putro mu~nchati ....


Katha upan. 2:3:8 .....ya.n j~naatvaa muchyate jantuH......


There are numerous references to moksha in other upanishads [108].










advaitin, Gummuluru Murthy <gmurthy@m...> wrote:


> namaste.


> I read recently (in book "Ascetism in ancient India" by

> Haripada Chakraborti) that the word 'moksha' does not appear

> in the upanishads. I wonder if it is a factual statement.

> And if so, can the learned members care to speculate on why

> this word is conspicuous by its absence in the upanishads.


> Regards

> Gummuluru Murthy

> -

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Within few minutes after Murthygaru raised this important question

regarding 'moksha,' Sunderji beautifully posted several quotations

with the answers from the Upanishads. Such interactions between the

learned members of this list benefit everyone in several ways: First,

everything that is printed in a book by a known or unknown author may

not necessarily be accurate. Second, when anyone sees some doubtful

statements they could post them to the list and request for

clarifications. This will benefit not only the poster, but everyone

else also. Finally, when anyone sees some interesting and useful

statements in any book, they could post them to the list so that

everyone can enjoy and benefit from them. This list can and will serve

better if more members participate in the deliberations in a small



warmest regards,


Ram Chandran




advaitin, sunderh wrote:

> Namaste,


> Svetashvatara upan: 6:16 ...sa.nskaara moksha sthiti bandha hetuH .


> Maitri upan.: 6:30 ....doshha-kshayaad hi mokshaH .....


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yyyyyes! beauty.


easily qualifies as a nominee for the

*Advaitin Post of the Month* award! :-)


hariH OM!




Sandeep Chatterjee wrote:


> Whether the term "moksha" has been used by the singing farmers ala Upanashidic

Rishis or has been the later insertions to establish and perpetuate a "goal" of

spirituality, thereby effectively establishing the power of control over the

lesser mortals, the term moksha meaning liberation ,itself is an oxymoron.


> To seek Moksha, is to apriori assume that

> A)there is an entity which can be "mokshed" (by whichever means)

> B)That this entity is currently "unmokshed", bounded and thus seeks the

liberation from the bondage.


> Both the apriori assumptions, in their very existence, perpetuate the bondage.


> Whereas "moksha" would denote the apperception that there is none to whom

moksha itself is relevant.


> Even to say that the seeker is already free is a corruption.


> When Freedom and Liberation, both have no relevance, then.......


> Mis conceptual dos centavos


> Cheers


> Sandeep

> -

> Gummuluru Murthy

> advaitin

> Thursday, March 22, 2001 04:21 AM

> the word 'moksha' in upanishads


> namaste.


> I read recently (in book "Ascetism in ancient India" by

> Haripada Chakraborti) that the word 'moksha' does not appear

> in the upanishads. I wonder if it is a factual statement.

> And if so, can the learned members care to speculate on why

> this word is conspicuous by its absence in the upanishads.


> Regards

> Gummuluru Murthy

> -


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Hiya Gummuluru



Whether the term "moksha" has been used by the singing farmers ala Upanashidic

Rishis or has been the later insertions to establish and perpetuate a "goal" of

spirituality, thereby effectively establishing the power of control over the

lesser mortals, the term moksha meaning liberation ,itself is an oxymoron.


To seek Moksha, is to apriori assume that

A)there is an entity which can be "mokshed" (by whichever means)

B)That this entity is currently "unmokshed", bounded and thus seeks the

liberation from the bondage.


Both the apriori assumptions, in their very existence, perpetuate the bondage.


Whereas "moksha" would denote the apperception that there is none to whom moksha

itself is relevant.


Even to say that the seeker is already free is a corruption.


When Freedom and Liberation, both have no relevance, then.......



Mis conceptual dos centavos







Gummuluru Murthy


Thursday, March 22, 2001 04:21 AM

the word 'moksha' in upanishads






I read recently (in book "Ascetism in ancient India" by

Haripada Chakraborti) that the word 'moksha' does not appear

in the upanishads. I wonder if it is a factual statement.

And if so, can the learned members care to speculate on why

this word is conspicuous by its absence in the upanishads.



Gummuluru Murthy

















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My opinion is that the author of the book you have quoted is

inaccurate in his statement, as well as others on this list who

have taken the author's words at the face value. I would take

the same words with a pinch of salt! And here is why:


the terms "atimokShA" and "vimokShA" appear in the

bR^ihadAraNyaka. "mokSha" in Sanskrit stands for liberation from

anything. "vimokShA" is a special kind of liberation that stands

for the liberation of the highest kind. If the theory is that

mokSha is an oxymoron, then vimokSha should be the highest



Again the term "vimokShye" appears in the chhAndogya

upaniShad (see Shankara's commentary on 6.14.2).

The term saMsAra-mokSha-sthiti-bandha-hetuH appears in the

shvetAshvatara upaniShad. The gaNapati-upaniShad has the

term "dharmArtha-kAma-mokShaM". I could go on, but I will

stop here.


If we accept there is no moxa, then it follows that there is no

bondage either. With no bondage and no liberation, we might as

well dump all scriptures into the sea and take to hedonism, since

there is nothing to strive for, no higher ideal. From the

pAramArthika point, there is indeed no liberation, no bondage, but

we have to get to that stage to realize it. Otherwise, it will

be like some ignorant person who only knows the equation

E=mc^2 but does not know the REAL significance of it. Just

memorizing the equation or parroting it will be in vain.




advaitin, Gummuluru Murthy <gmurthy@m...> wrote:


> namaste.


> I read recently (in book "Ascetism in ancient India" by

> Haripada Chakraborti) that the word 'moksha' does not appear

> in the upanishads. I wonder if it is a factual statement.

> And if so, can the learned members care to speculate on why

> this word is conspicuous by its absence in the upanishads.


> Regards

> Gummuluru Murthy

> -

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Namaste Anandji:


Well said! I will not be surprised if Frankji

qualifies this reply for the nomination for the

"Advaitin Post of the Month Award!"




Ram Chandran


anandhudli writes:


....... If we accept there is no moxa, then it follows

that there is no bondage either. With no bondage and

no liberation, we might as well dump all scriptures

into the sea and take to hedonism, since there is

nothing to strive for, no higher ideal. From the

pAramArthika point, there is indeed no liberation, no

bondage, but we have to get to that stage to realize

it. Otherwise, it will be like some ignorant person

who only knows the equation E=mc^2 but does not know

the REAL significance of it. Just memorizing the

equation or parroting it will be in vain.



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Hi Anand,




Thursday, March 22, 2001 09:53 PM

Re: the word 'moksha' in upanishads





If we accept there is no moxa, then it follows that there is no

bondage either. With no bondage and no liberation, we might as

well dump all scriptures into the sea and take to hedonism, since

there is nothing to strive for, no higher ideal.




Who is the "we" that you referring to here, who can dump the scriptures in the

sea and head for the beaches eyeing the beauties? <s>


Who is the "we" who strives?


Who is the "we" which decides not to strive?


Who is the "we" who apriori concludes a "higher ideal" (and would that be

anything else but an expression of his/her conditionings) and then work towards

achieveing it?


Produce that "entity" Anand, and I will liberate that entity from all it's

bondage, this very moment, through the medium of cyber space.


Where is "Anand" in the body-mind complex which society have labelled "Anand"

to functionally differentiate it from another body-mind complex?




From the

pAramArthika point, there is indeed no liberation, no bondage, but

we have to get to that stage to realize it.





And I suggest to you, that the 'we" or the "me" can never realize that, no

matter what song and dance it gets upto.

For the "me" is the very obstacle.


The apparent presence of phenomenon is the apparent absence of noumenon.




otherwise, it will

be like some ignorant person who only knows the equation

E=mc^2 but does not know the REAL significance of it. Just

memorizing the equation or parroting it will be in vain.




Do you know Einstein shared, that the equation 'appeared to him as if from


Incidentally, the basic tenet of that equation, which is that speed of Light

is constant, that has been recently breached in experiments at the Princeton



Some time back, this got posted through "Sandeep" in cyber space






I wonder whether anybody here noticed that the speed of Light thought to be

THE constant for Life, has been breached.


On the breaking of the "ultimate" barrier, the speed of light currently

sanctified at 186,000 miles per sec, I was in Europe few months back when the

London Sunday Times carried a report on an experiment carried out at the NEC

Research Institute in Princeton, USA where "light pulco" has been accelerated to

300 times their normal velocity of 186,00 miles per sec.


The details of the findings I am told had been submitted to the International

Scientific journals "Nature" and "Science" for verification and validation

before open publication.


This validation and verification took place in the last month.

The experiment has been validated and reported by the Science magazines and

journals, including BBC, Washington Post and other leading newspapers.


The implications of this finding, as I said are not mind- boggling but

mind-annihilating.The Human Genome project is nothing in comparison.


For the experiment showed that light pulse existed in two places at once.

In effect, it is "leaping forward in time" (Sunday times)

What is making the scientists aghast is that "if light can travel forward in

time, it could carry information".


This (carriage of information) is being hotly argued against, by the rest of

the scientific community, but that to me is like a Scientific DNS(Dark Night of

the Soul, where all your life long dearly cherished beliefs are getting exposed

for what they are. Obviously you are pissed off, in agony)


The breaching of the speed of Light, would breach one of the basic principles

in Physics-Law of causality which is based on the premise that cause must come

before effect.


It would also shatter Einstein's theory of Relativity." (Sunday Times)



However for me, the Princeton experiment is completely aligned to the premise

or concept that mystics have indicated for the last 5,000 years, that everything

that has happened, is happening, is to happen, have all, already happened.


And thus has anything ever happened?


Is there anything like a cause, an effect or are both "existing" together


Is the totality of the Picture already IS?


If yes, the concept of karma goes out of the window, the concept of effort

which really is a process of becoming (from an un-enlightened state, you

meditate or whatever your favorite poison, towards enlightenment), all that is




Relating to this scientific development, else where in cyber space, a question

was posed to me.



How does these developments reflect on the concepts of karma and




Let's take the concept of enlightenment, first.

In the conceptual world of phenomenality, something has a meaning only on the

basis of it's opposite.


"Good" has no meaning unless the definition of "evil" is in place and



Saddam and Bill Clinton may not have an mutually agreeable definition, for



The concept of "enlightenment" has no meaning unless you define what that

state is to be, (which off course is a joke) and this you define by defining

what an "Un-enlightened" state is to be.


After all one can only know about freedom, when one defines what bondage is

and pursues to be free, by accepting that one is bound in the first place.


The very pursuit perpetuating the bondage, but let's get back to the question



One then assumes that one is curently "un-enlightened" and then proceeds to

adopt, swear by, "paths", "efforts", "practices", which one believes will move

oneself from one state to the other.


I wonder whether you see the absurdity of all this( akin a dog chasing it's

own tail), but let's get back to the consequences of the breaching of the Speed

of Light.


When you define the two states of "un-enlightened" and a separate

"enlightenemt", you are actually accepting the process of "becoming".


You are "this" and you believe that you can become "that".


And you assume that this "becoming" can be achieved through X, Y, Z, etc etc.


With the assumption of "becoming", you give birth to the concepts of "time".

as you need a postulate of "duration" in which this "becoming" is to be

completed and you give birth to the concept of space, in order to cognize

the "becoming" .


With the birth of the concepts time and space, you give birth to the concept

of the Causality, a cause, which occurs in time and gives birth to an effect,

also in time and space.

(X,Y,Z , can get me enlightenemnt or a Million dollars, ability to walk on

water or seduce that blonde, whatever, a cause and an effect of that cause)


Now with the breaching of the speed of Light, the experiment reached 300 times

the current record at Cosmic Olympics of 300,00- kms per sec, why not 30,000

times the current standard, why not 3 Million times, why not infinite



If speed of light is actually infinite (another concept), we have only been

able to recognise it as 300 times 300,000 kms per sec as of now, what you are

really seeing is that there is not even a trillionth of a nanosecond

difference between the starting point of light and ending point of light.


Existence in two place is simultaneous, Existence in infinite points is



(At the moment, even the team at NEC, Princeton, do not claim this is

possible, but as I said earlier that is like a Scientific DNS).


Cause and effect IS simultaneously.

All that has happened, is happening, is to happen, has already happened.


The totality of the picture, is already there, was always.


Hence the postulate of time goes out of the window and with that movement is

an impossibility, and with movement becoming an impossibility, the postulate of

space is a joke.


Ergo, "becoming" is a joke, if totality of the picture IS already.


Cause, "becoming" an effect, is a joke, because there is really no cause and



Causality, is thus a joke.

The states of "un-enlightenment" and "enlightement" and movement between the

two, is a joke.


In oneness, which is nothing but "existing" at infinite point simultaneously,

who is there "un-enlightened" which is to become "enlightened"?


Let's now take our good old friend- karma.


The concept of karma essentialy being the consequences of a previous "self"

effecting the current "self" is all based on the process of "becoming" which is

a joke.


In oneness, who is laying karma on whom?


My right hand reaches out in love and "shakes hand" with my left hand accruing

"good" karma or reaches out in anger and slaps my left hand accruing "bad"

karma, it's all I, all the time, isn't it?


Dobeeee, Dobeee dooo.












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advaitin, Ram Chandran <ramvchandran> wrote:

> Namaste Anandji:


> Well said! I will not be surprised if Frankji

> qualifies this reply for the nomination for the

> "Advaitin Post of the Month Award!"


> regards,


> Ram Chandran


> anandhudli writes:


> ...... If we accept there is no moxa, then it follows

> that there is no bondage either. With no bondage and

> no liberation, we might as well dump all scriptures

> into the sea and take to hedonism, since there is

> nothing to strive for, no higher ideal. From the

> pAramArthika point, there is indeed no liberation, no

> bondage, but we have to get to that stage to realize

> it. Otherwise, it will be like some ignorant person

> who only knows the equation E=mc^2 but does not know

> the REAL significance of it. Just memorizing the

> equation or parroting it will be in vain.


> Anand


Yes the exchange between not knowing & knowing, & seeker to sought is

the greatest Love affair worth Living.


Life wishes to be lived.

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