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Spiritual Power

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Dear Atman,

Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3-5-1) tells us, baalyena tishthaaset, i.e. "we

should remain in our state of powerfulness".

What I think, every person in this world has endless problems before him.

Every body has to face them and try to overcome them with his powers, I mean

with mental, physical or spiritual powers. Therefore, we always should

remain powerful, physically, mentally and spiritually.

A true religion should make us powerful on all these three levels. Not to

harm others indeed, but for our own protection. Vedism and Veda related

scriptures teach us Yoga Asanas for to remain physically powerful. They

teach us mind-controlling techniques, called Dhyana or meditation, for to

remain mentally powerful. And They teach us an alternative way of living,

some codes of conduct, some universally applicable rules, for to remain

spiritually powerful.

However, spiritual power is the greatest power. Even people, who lack

physical or mental power, are very much powerful when they gain spiritual

power. This sort of power can only be gained by the help of obeying to the

rules described by the Vedic texts. A person who obeys Vedas, in their true

significance, would become spiritually the most powerful person. I can just

remember for now a statement of the Upanishads, "This Self can not be

realized by a person, who lacks power". Which sort of power is meant here?

Indeed, Spiritual Power.

Therefore, let us walk on the path as described in the Vedas, towards the

abode of this Spiritual Power. When once this sort of power is obtained, a

person becomes the most powerful in this universe. He doesn't become a

Superman, but a superhuman, like Rama, Krishna, Christ, Buddha, Mahavira

etc. He rules the entire universe. Indeed, he doesn't rule the nations, but

he rules the heart of the people living in those nations. And I think, the

first manifestation of this Spiritual Power is "unconditioned Love towards

everybody". As the Vedic Seers prays, "O my Lord! May I always look at all

with a friendly eye", mitrasya-aham cakshushaa sarvaani bhuutaani samiikshe

(Yajur Veda).

Only a very powerful person can really love. Love is not something which is

for a weak person. A weak person might be able to love those who love him,

but he would never be able to love those who hate him. That can only be done

by a Superhuman. Let us try to become something like that. Whatever we try

sincerely becomes true one day. We just should try that we should not be

deceived by things, like hatred, jealousy etc. All these things can only be

forsaken by the help of Spiritual Power.

Our scriptures, like Veda, Upanishad, Gita, Bible, etc., teach us those

Spiritual exercises, which create Spiritual Muscles.

Loving Regards,




Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih, Om

(Om Peace, Peace, Peace, Om)

° "da da da" (Control your self! Give to others! Have compassion towards

all! - The three Vedic commandments)

° ° my e-mail address: siddharthakrishna

° ° ° Like to read about Vedism? please visit:

http://www.geocities.com/vedism/ or


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advaitin, "Siddhartha Krishna"

<siddharthakrishna@v...> wrote:

> Dear Atman,

> Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3-5-1) tells us, baalyena

tishthaaset, i.e. "we

> should remain in our state of powerfulness".



> Only a very powerful person can really love. Love is not

something which is

> for a weak person. A weak person might be able to love those

who love him,

> but he would never be able to love those who hate him. That

can only be done

> by a Superhuman. Let us try to become something like that.

Whatever we try

> sincerely becomes true one day. We just should try that we

should not be

> deceived by things, like hatred, jealousy etc.. All these things

can only be

> forsaken by the help of Spiritual Power.

> Our scriptures, like Veda, Upanishad, Gita, Bible, etc., teach us


> Spiritual exercises, which create Spiritual Muscles.

> Loving Regards,

> Siddhartha



This message you shared is so beautiful and so wise! It is truly

encouraging to see so much common ground in the divine Love

that enfolds us all, whether we be Christian, or Hindu, or

Buddhist, or Sufi, or Muslim.


Reading your last paragraph, I could not help feel the resonance

and sympathy with these words from my own tradition, words of

Christ which seem "impossible" or "superhuman" without that

very spiritual power of Love of which you wrote, and of which

mankind's holy scriptures write so beautifully.


"But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse

you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which

despitefully use you, and persecute you; That ye may be the

children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun

to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just

and on the unjust. For if ye love them which love you, what

reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same? And if ye

salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not

even the publicans so? Be ye therefore perfect, even as your

Father which is in heaven is perfect. "


Surely if we strive to do this, to express this divine Love one to

another, seeking to awaken to that perfect Love that knows no

opposites, no conflict, nothing but it's own equipoise, we shall

awaken in the likeness of the One that knows no second!


In the interim or temporal, I hope to gain some of that "spiritual

muscle" you mention! The art of striving without striving, and

seeking without seeking, of fighting without fighting is indeed

hard work, because it demands such a sacrifice of the false self

that believes *it* knows how to be spiritual, when in fact, all we

can do is let go of it and let God be God to us!


By the way, I was inspired especially by your three Vedic

commandments: "Control your self! Give to others! Have

compassion towards

all!" I had never heard them before, but they have the ring of

universal truth.


God bless,


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Namaste Steve,


You may find it interesting that T.S.Eliot's poem, The Waste

Land [1922], ends with exactly this quotation!!['What the Thunder











advaitin, stevenfair wrote:

> advaitin, "Siddhartha Krishna"

> <siddharthakrishna@v...> wrote:

> > Dear Atman,

> > Brihadaranyaka Upanishad (3-5-1) tells us, baalyena

> tishthaaset, i.e. "we

> > should remain in our state of powerfulness".


> By the way, I was inspired especially by your three Vedic

> commandments: "Control your self! Give to others! Have

> compassion towards

> all!" I had never heard them before, but they have the ring of

> universal truth.


> God bless,

> Steve

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