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Ken Wilber ~ Spirituality Marrying Philosophy

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Hello dear Friends. I am sharing these words from Ken Wilber as I see

him as a man who definitely aims to unite philosophy with

spirituality. Oftentimes I find his work too intellectual for me but

there is also heart represented too in places in his writings.


This quote is from his conclusion in his book "Sex, Ecology,

Spirituality" & as it reveals the joy of Love dancing as life I will

share it; for unity dances as duality.


I also wonder if someone can share with me what 'I I' means? I know

this term kind of started with Ramana Maharshi whom I know Ken is

very influenced by.







"Let the world be quiet. Let the heavens and the earth and the seas

be still. Let the world be waiting. Let the self-contraction relax

into the empty ground of its own awareness, and let it there quietly

die. See how Spirit pours through each and every opening in the

turmoil, and bestows new splendor on the setting Sun and its glorious

Earth and all its radiant inhabitants. See the Kosmos dance in

Emptiness; see the play of light in all creatures great and small;

see finite worlds sing and rejoice in the play of the very Divine,

floating on a Glory that renders each transparent, flooded by a Joy

that refuses time or terror, that undoes the madness of the loveless

self and buries it in splendor.

Indeed, indeed: Let the self-contraction relax into the empty ground

of its own awareness, and let it there quietly die. See the Kosmos

arise in its place, dancing madly and divine, self-luminous and self-

liberating, intoxicated by a Light that never dawns nor ceases. See

the worlds arise and fall, never caught in time or turmoil,

transparent images shimmering in the radiant Abyss. Watch the

mountain walk on water, drink the Pacific in a single gulp, blink and

a billion universes rise and fall, breathe out and create a Kosmos,

breathe in and watch it dissolve.


Let the ecstasy overflow and outshine the loveless self, driven mad

with the torments of its self-embracing ways, hugging mightily

samsara's spokes of endless agony, and sing instead triumphantly with

St. Catherine, "My being is God, not by simple participation, but by

a true transformation of my Being. My me is God!" And let the joy

sing with Dame Julian, "See! I am God! See! I am in all things! See!

I do all things!" And let the joy shout with Hakuin, "This very body

is the Body of Buddha! and this very land the Pure Land!"


And this Earth becomes a blessed being, and every I becomes a God,

and every We becomes God's sincerest worship, and every It becomes

God's most gracious temple.


And comes to rest that Godless search, tormented and tormenting. The

knot in the Heart of the Kosmos relaxes to allow its only God, and

overflows the Spirit ravished and enraptured by the lost and found

Beloved. And gone the Godless destiny of death and desperation, and

gone the madness of a life committed to uncare, and gone the tears

and terror of the brutal days and endless nights where time alone

would rule.


And I-I rise to taste the dawn, and find that love alone will shine

today. And the Shining says: To love it all, and love it madly, and

always endlessly, and ever fiercely, to love without choice and thus

enter the All, to love it mindlessly and thus be the All, embracing

the only and radiant Divine: now as Emptiness, now as Form, together

and forever, the Godless search undone, and love alone will shine



~Ken Wilber~

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advaitin, colette@b... wrote:



> I also wonder if someone can share with me what 'I I' means? I know

> this term kind of started with Ramana Maharshi whom I know Ken is

> very influenced by.


> Peace,


> Col





Here is the poetry on 'I', by none other than Sri Ramana:




The verses comprising Muktaka-Traya (Three Verses on Liberation) were

composed on different occasions and later collected together.


The first of these, Ekam Aksaram, was written when a devotee,

Somasundaraswami, went to Bhagavan with a new notebook and requested

him to write one letter (akshara ) in it. Bhagavan replied with the

punning Tamil verse, which he later translated into the Sanskrit.


The second verse, Hrdaya Kuhara Madhye, was written at the request of

a devotee and appears in chapter two of Sri Ramana Gita.


The third verse, written in 1927, later was translated into Tamil and

included as verse number 10 of Ulladu Narpadu Anubandha (Appendix to

Forty Verses on Reality ).



ekam-aksara.n hR^idi nirantaram.h .

bhaasate svaya.n likhyate katham.h ..


1. The one imperishable (letter) itself shines continually in the

Heart. How is it to be written?



hR^idaya-kuhara-madhye kevalaM brahma-matram.h .

hyaham-aham-iti saakshaad-aatma-ruupeNa bhaati ..

hR^idi visha manasaa sva.n chinvataa majjataa vaa .

pavana-chalana-rodhaad-aatma-nishhTho bhava tvam.h ..


2. In the center of the heart-cave Brahman alone shines in the form

of the Self with immediacy as 'I-I'. Enter into the heart by diving

deep, with the mind investigating itself, or with control of the

movement of the breath and abide in the Self.



dehaM mR^iN-maya-vaj-jadaatmakam-aham-buddhir-na tasyastyato .

naaham tat-tad-abhaava-supti-samaye siddhaatma-sadbhaava-tah ..

ko'haM bhaava-yutah kuto vara-dhiya dR^ishhTvaatma-nishhThaatmanam.h .

so'ha.n-sphuurti-tayaaruNacala-sivah purno vibhaati svayamh ..


3. The body, like things made of clay, is insentient in nature and

has no 'I'-concept. Also the existence of the Self is admitted at the

time of sleep when there is non-existence of the body. Therefore, I

am not the body. To those established as the Self and having seen

with a sharp intellect adhering to the enquiry 'Who am I?' and 'From

whence?', Arunachala-Shiva itself shines full as the manifestation

of 'I am that'.





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advaitin, sunderh wrote:


Sunder thankyou.


> Namaste,


> Here is the poetry on 'I', by none other than Sri Ramana:


> 2. In the center of the heart-cave Brahman alone shines in the form

> of the Self with immediacy as 'I-I'. Enter into the heart by diving

> deep, with the mind investigating itself, or with control of the

> movement of the breath and abide in the Self.


"My Lord

Is neither Absolute nor relative

For it is Absolute & relative

Both together,

It is mysteriously both together ..


My Lord

Thou art Changeless Eternal

And Thou art everchanging temporary,

Thou art Eternal & temporary,

Both together."


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

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--- colette wrote:


> "My Lord

> Is neither Absolute nor relative

> For it is Absolute & relative

> Both together,

> It is mysteriously both together ..


> My Lord

> Thou art Changeless Eternal

> And Thou art everchanging temporary,

> Thou art Eternal & temporary,

> Both together."


> Maharishi Mahesh Yogi



OM mani padme hum

OM nama sivaya





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