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Hari OM

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To love man is to love God alone. Man is the true image of

God. He is his amsa (part). In the Gita you will find: "A

portion of mine own self, transformed in the world of life

into an immortal spirit, draweth around itself the senses,

of which the mind is the sixth, veiled in matter." Chapter

XV - 7. And: "Knowledge of sacrifice adhiyajna speaks of Me

as wearing the body, O best of living beings." (Chapter

VIII - 4.)


Love is the fulfilling of the law. The aim of charity,

social service, altruism, humanitarianism, and so many

other 'isms', is to develop this universal love, to expand

one's heart ad infinitum. Theosophy speaks of universal

brotherhood and tries to unite all through the common

thread of cosmic love. Love is a great leveller.

There is no power on earth greater than love. You can

conquer this world even if you have one ray of this divine

commodity which is absolutely free from even a tinge of

selfishness. Pure love is a rare gift of God. It is the

fruit of one's untiring service of humanity and

incalculable virtuous actions in several incarnations. It

is rare indeed.


He who possesses even a ray of this is a veritable God on

earth. He is a mighty potentate. St. Paul says: "Though I

speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and if I have

not love, I am become as sounding brass or a tinkling

cymbal, And though I have the gift of prophecy and

understand all mysteries and all knowledge, though I have

all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not

love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to

feed the poor and though I give my body to be burned, and

have not love, it profiteth me nothing",


True religion does not consist in religious observances,

baths and pilgrimages but in loving all. Cosmic love is all-

embracing and all-inclusive. In pure love no one is shut

out from its warm embrace. It is wide enough to include the

humblest of us, from the tiny ant to the mighty elephant,

from the condemned prisoner to the mighty emperor, from the

worst scoundrel on the surface of the earth, to the reputed



It is hatred that separates man from man, nation from

nation, country from country. It is pride and egoism that

divide one man from another man. Hatred, pride, egoism all

are mental creations - the products of ignorance only. They

cannot stand before pure love. Just as darkness is

dispelled by the penetrating rays of the burning sun, so

also jealousy, hatred and egoism are dispelled by the rays

of divine




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