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BSB Notes Glossary I-i-4-1J

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[in collaboration with Geethaji, Sada, & Dennis] :


aadimataH = beginning

aapyam = obtainable

abhyudyate = speaks

abhyupedya = assumption

achintyaH = unthinkable

adharmaat = different from dharma

agR^ihyaH = incomprehensible

akR^itaat = not an object of creation

amanaH = without a mind

anaadeH = without a beginning

anaaderantavatvam = split up sandhi - anaadeH + antavatvam

anantataa = without an end

anityam = impermanent

antavatva.n = limited, temporary

anyatra = elsewhere

apanayana = refinement by the removal of impurities

apraaNaH = without breath

arhati = worthy

asa~NgaH = unattached

ashiiryaH = indestructible

asitaH = infettered

[athaatho = atha+ ataH] Now, therefore

avikaaryatvaat = by reason of not being modifiable

avishhayatvaat = not being an object

avyaktaH = unmanifest, invisible


baddhaH = bound

bhaashhyam = commentary, discourse

bhaavaH = disposition/ reverence/feeling

bhavishhyati = will be

bhavitum = becoming

bhavyaat = by reason of becoming

bhikshaacharyam = a sanyasi

bhuutaat = having become

brahma-j~naanam = knowldge of Reality

brahmalokaH = the abode of Brahma

brahmayonim = the source of Brahman


chakshushhaa = by the eyes

chakshuu.nshhi = eyes

charanti = walk, conduct

chaturvidha = four-fold

chitaH = engaged in


dhaama = abode

dharmaan = virtues

dharmaat = from virtues

dhruvaH = steadfast

doshha = defect


gR^ihyate = comprehends


idam = this

iishaM = to Lord


j~naanakaaNDa = portion (kaaNDa) of the vedas dealing with knowledge

jaatasya = of one who has taken his birth

jaiminii = in accord with the opinion of Sage Jaimini

jayyaH = obtainable

Jaimini = name of a Sage, author of Sutras on Karma-kanda of the Vedas


kaarikaa = Gaudapada's commentary on the Mandukya upanishad

kartaaram = doer

kR^itaa = done


labhyate = gains

liiyate = takes

lokaishhaNaayaaH = with the desire for worldy success


maargaH = road, route, direction

mahaavaakyam = supreme statement (upanishads)

manute = thinks

matam.h = opinion

miimaa.nsaa = analysis, inquiry

moksha = salvation, liberation, freedom from bondage of death and


mR^itasya = of or pertaining to death

mR^ityuH = death


nira~njanaH = without a blemish

nirguNatvaat = due to the transendental or the attributeless

nityaH = eternal

nityashuddhatvaat = by being eternally pure


pashyaH = seer

pashyate = sees

pashyati = sees

phalaruupa = in the form of fruit (of action)/reward

phalasya = of the result

phalgutayaa = by becoming rotten

pitR^ilokaH = forefathers' abode

praaNena = by life

praaNiti = breathed by

praNiiyate = breathes

puNyachitaH = pure virtuous mind

puNyapaape = merits and demerits

purushham = to the Supreme Spirit

putra = son

putraishhaNaayaaH = with the desire for sons

putrena = by the son


rishhyati = injured

rukmavarNam = golden-hued


sa.nnyaasii = one who has renounced worldly actions

sa.nsaarasya = of the world

sa.nskaara = purification caused by ritual

saamyam = equality

sajyate = gets attached

sarvagatatvaat = by being all-pervading

sarvavyaapakaH = enveloping all

setsyati = asserted

shhaD-li~Ngaani = six forms/six means to

shiiryate = destroyed

shR^iNoti = hears

shrotreNa = by hearing

shrutam = heard

shubhraH = pure or clean

shuklagati = [death during]waxing phase of the moon


taatparyam = essence/central theme

tadaa = then

twam [tvam] = you


upaasanaaphala = fruits /rewards of worship

upaasanam = steadfast meditation, contemplation

upaiti = obtains

utpatti = produce

uttaraayaNaM = summer solstice, North

uttaramiimaa.nsaa = upanishads [vedanta; last portions of the Vedas]


vaachaa = denoted by a word

vedaantasya = of the upanishads

vida = know

vidhuuya = after shaking off

vidya = education, knowledge

vilakshaNaH = different

virodhaat = by opposition, obstruction, contradiction

vishishhTa-advaita = a school of philosophy [Ramanuja's]

vittaishhaNaayaaH = with the desire for wealth

vyathate = suffers

vyutthaaya = having overcome


yad[yat]= who, which, what

yadaa = whenever, wherever

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