Guest guest Posted July 14, 2001 Report Share Posted July 14, 2001 Namaste: Poojya Swami Atmanandaji, the founder of Vedanta Mission studied under the guidance of Swami Chinmayanandaji and he is a great Vedantin.Let me take this opportunity to thank Swamiji for granting permission to post this excellent article on Holistic Approach to Sadhana, Swamiji explains basic concepts and terms of Advaita Philosophy in very clear terms. (Source: warmest regards, Ram Chandran Holistic Approach to Sadhana by Pujyaswami Atmanandaji Life is one : Sarvam khalvidam Brahma thunder the Upanishads. Everything is Brahman alone. It is one divinity alone which is manifesting in multifarious ways. He who realises this transcendendal divinity as his own Self exudes its fragrence at all his or her levels of personality. Whether it is the experience of the ever-existent, self-effulgent joy at the level of mind, the vision of all-pervasiveness of oneself, the realisation of the fact that the Self alone is the real essence behind every process of creation etc, whether it is acting with a motivation of pure love, or it is the natural revealing of divine qualities - the stitha pragnya - the man of true knowledge, very naturally exhibits it all. This has to be very obvious because afterall it is one divinity alone expressing in various ways. A man of knowledge does not have to be all, but discover himself to be all. During the time of his sadhana he does aligns & integrates all his faculties to facilitate the realisation of this one non-dual reality, but later just discovers himself to be all, even at the level of creation outside. He discovers himself to be in the chirping birds, in the smiling flowers, in the rising sun, in the wafting winds or in the flowing waters of streams. All are manifestation of one eternal life - which he knows to be his real essence. The thrust of his sadhana is only to rectify the errors which were erroneously brought about at the various levels of his personality. As ignorance also has pervaded at all our levels so a concerted effort is called for to tackle the problem in a holistic way. Integral approach to sadhana : Strangely enough a fallacious idea about sadhana is prevelent that there are different paths to the realisation of truth. The so called Gyana Marg, Bhakti Marg, the path of Karma, Raja Yoga etc. All sadhanas have a role to play. All of them are directed at completely different levels of our personlity. Physical well being and intelligent mind are not alternates to choose from. Both are important. We have balanced food, multifaceted education so also has to be the approach in ones sadhana. There has to be very clear viveka between end & means. Just as before undertaking any journey we are firstly clear about the nature of our goal and the available means to attain it, so also before undertaking any sadhana it is extremely necessary that we are clear about some fundamentals. Like a specialist one should first discern the real problem and the means to handle that problem. There is something called the real means and secondary means. That which is the real means eliminates the real problem, while that which is the secondary means helps us to get prepared for eliminating the real problem. What is our real problem ? It is a sense of limitation, conditionings of time & space. As this is not natural to us there is an intrinsic motivation to be free from this limitation. The pangs of finitude are eliminated only by awakening to the infinite. The posibility and the methodology of this awakening is revealed in the Upanishads. They provide us the whole map of this unique journey. Luckily infinite is something which unlike finite things is present at all places and times. It is right here & now. It pervades everything, every pore, every cell, every gene, every thought and every emotion. It is our very being. Just as water pervades all waves & ripples so also everything is already pervaded by this eternal truth. That which is already present but is just not known needs no action for its attainment. It just has to be known. Action is a means to attain something unattained or maybe change that which is attained. None of this is applicable here. Knowledge alone brings about its so called attainment. There can be no other paths than this. Self-realisation is the only way to God-realisation. But in order to bring about this realisation we have to prepare our mind. We need a particular kind of mind for every kind of knowledge. For Self-knowledge we need a mind which is highly intelligent, at peace with itself, fully integrated, sensitive, simple yet very dynamic, daring & fearless. To bring about such a mind we have to use various sadhanas. There has to be an integral approach to sadhana. Role of different sadhanas : Bhakti plays an important role to make a person sensitive, selfless & loving. Such a person doesnt have any ego-centric problems. He is at peace with himself, and has various good divine qualities. The role of karma is to help purge various vasanas. They are lingering impressions of our various past experiences prompting their repeatition. The role of Yoga is to help bring about a physical well-being, equanimity, concentration & integration in the mind. It gives us the ability to switch off the mind and turn intensely in any direction you like. The role of gyana is to understand the truth of oneself. Who am I ? What is this world ? How has it come about ? etc. Vratas help bring about greater will-power etc. Every sadhana has a definite role to play, and all are directed at a different level all together. None of them is an alternate for the other. So the ideal plan should be to give time for some studies, practice Yoga, invoke devotion and also learn to actively & positively do your karmas. Texts like Bhagwad Gita are no super markets which have different stalls for different sadhakas. It offers a holistic approach to sadhana to help bring about the integration of all our faculties at the earliest. Thereafter it is just the realisation of the infinite truth. Aham Brahmasmi Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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