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Debate with Vyasa

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If my memory is correct, the reported debate between sri Veda Vyasa and Bhagavan

Sri Shankaracharya is reported in Madhaviya Shankara Dig Vijaya.


Refer the English translation by Swami Tapasyananda of Sri Rama krishna Math.

Available with Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras.




S. Venkata Subramanian


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Your memory indeed has served you well. The debate is described

in Chapter 7[Madhava-Vidyaranya Digvijaya]. There is another edition

[1985] in print, with the original Sanksrit, and English translation

by K. Padmanabhan.


The debate is said to have taken place in the Muktikamandapa in

Varanasi, on the banks of river Ganga. Shankara, a 16 year old

genius, was expounding the Brahmasutras to his disciples and other

scholars. An old brahmin appeared and began to debate with Shankara,

It went on for 8 days, when Padmapada hinted that this Brahmin was

none other than Vyasa himself, and prayed to both debaters to conclude

the debate as none in the audience was capable of ending it!


Vyasa then approved Shankara's commentary, after which S.

wanted to take 'samadhi'. Vyasa gave him a boon for an extension of

his life for 16 more years so he could debate all the heterodox

scholars, and establish the Vedic religion. [shankara had previously

been granted a boon at the age of 8 yrs. by Rishi Agastya, for 8 more

years of life.]








advaitin, "venkata subramanian" <venkat_advaita@r...>


> If my memory is correct, the reported debate between sri Veda Vyasa

and Bhagavan Sri Shankaracharya is reported in Madhaviya Shankara Dig



> Refer the English translation by Swami Tapasyananda of Sri Rama

krishna Math. Available with Sri Ramakrishna Math, Madras.

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The followers of each school of thought felt that it is important to

get a seal of approval for their interpretation of the Brahmasuutra-s

and Upanishad from Bhagavan Vyasa. Whether Shankara or Madhava had

any debate with prehistoric Vyasa is a questionable preposition, but

each school nevertheless claims in their digvijaya-s that their

master's interpretations have been approved by Vyasa Bhagavaan.

There is no problem in that until a rational intellect start

questioning how Vyasa Bhagavan can give seal of approval to

contradictory philosophies.


I am not sure if similar seal of approval exists in vishishhTadvaitic



Hari OM!




K. Sadananda

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  • 2 weeks later...


I was far away from computers when this thread was

discussed but would like to give this quote from Swami

Tapsyananda's translation of Madhava-Vidyaranya

account of Sankara's life...p75. The debate with

Vyasa has been completed and the great sage departed:

'Though himself an illumined sage, Sankara felt sad at

the departure of the great Vyasa. How can any person

help feeling sad when the force of circumstance

separates him from such centres radiating universal

love? Sankara, the greatest among Sannyasins, somehow

assuaged his own grief by feeling Vyasa's presence in

his heart through meditation, and soon started, as

desired by him, on a spiritual conquast of the whole

land of Bharata.'

I find this a wonderful passage that reveals someone's

deep insight and whether it really happened is not of

any concern for me because it brings out an aspect of

advaita that can be sometimes superimposed by academic


I hope that this late entry still may have relevance,





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A further thought on this, following up on shri Ken Knight's

observation of a day ago.


Great R^iShi-s can envisage and bring in front of them personal

God, or any entity from different times. That is the capability

of the sages. So, I am not surprised that shri shankara had

discussions with veda vyAsa. These discussions can take place

in the mental plane. We have other examples of such episodes.

Yogi paramahamsa [Autobiography of a Yogi] had discussions

with His teacher of an entirely different generation in a

hotel room (I think) in Bombay. The personal God appears

before us in form when we concentrate our thoughts with

deep devotion. So, in my view, shri shankara having discussions

with veda vyAsa is not a surprising or unlikely event at all.




Gummuluru Murthy


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Three other famous happenings that readers may enjoy reading

about were:


1. Sw. Vivekananda: People used to hear him debating loudly with

'somebody' in his room, at night, before his lectures the following

day. All he disclosed was there was no-one else in the room, and he

would fall exhausted on his bed wondering what he would lecture on the

next day!


2. Sri Aurobindo: While in Alipore jail on charges of anti-government

conspiracy in 1912, Sw. Vivekananda [d. 1902] instructed in detail

over a period of 2 weeks, about the yoga he subsequently developed.


3. Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni [d. 1936]: He recognised Sri Ramana's

greatness and was the first to address him as Bhagavan Sri Ramana

Maharshi. He had taken a vow to complete Uma-sahasra-nama [1000 names

of Uma devi] by a particular date. He completed 700 verses over a

month, revising them about 6 times. Only one day was left to complete

the rest. He went to Sri Ramana in a mood of total despair. The Grace

flowed in such torrents from the Maharshi that the Muni completed the

the 300 remaining verses in a day, and did not have to revise them

even once!! [if Maharshi himself composed anything in Sanskrit, he

would always check with Muni first! After Muni's passing away,

Maharshi did not compose anything in Sanskrit.]











advaitin, Gummuluru Murthy <gmurthy@m...> wrote:


> namaste.


> A further thought on this, following up on shri Ken Knight's

> observation of a day ago.


> Great R^iShi-s can envisage and bring in front of them personal

> God, or any entity from different times. That is the capability

> of the sages.

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