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Spiritual Dilemma

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I am a beginner in this spiritual journey. My

serious interest in spirituality started couple of

years ago and I have been reading books and I am doing

regularly nithya karma's like SandhyaVandhanam,

Meditation. In these years I have found out that

spiritual is more of practical than theory.

And as a beginner I am in a dilemma of basic

fundamentals of spirituality.

The one thing I am finding tough is choosing a

philosophy. The amount of scripture is enormous and to

just go through even ones might take one's full life.

And I am convinced that choosing one philosophy means

rejecting other. esp in case of Dvaita,Advaita and

Vishistadvaita. There can hardly be any reconcilation

among these philosophy. And compromising in search of

truth will lead us nowhere.


So I would like to know from members what made you

people to beleive in Advaita,


1. Is it because most of you are born Smartha's.

2. Is it that you people are conviced of Shankara's

teaching comapred to Ramanuja or Madhva. I am sure

this takes lot of effort as going through the works of

three Acharya's and their lineage is not an easy task

unless one is completely dedicated to that.

3. Or as some people say just believe in any

philosophy, God will take of everything.


sarvam vasudevamayam jagath








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>Prashanth Godrehal <gprasha


>So I would like to know from members what made you

>people to beleive in Advaita,


>1. Is it because most of you are born Smartha's.

>2. Is it that you people are conviced of Shankara's

>teaching comapred to Ramanuja or Madhva. I am sure

>this takes lot of effort as going through the works of

>three Acharya's and their lineage is not an easy task

>unless one is completely dedicated to that.

>3. Or as some people say just believe in any

>philosophy, God will take of everything.


>sarvam vasudevamayam jagath





Prashanth - Greetings too and welcome to the list of inquiry. Ultimately

the question boils down to about you and not what others believe in or

convinced about.


At this stage do not worry about - what is right - advaita,

vishishhTaadvaita or dwaita. Whatever environment you are bought up try to

assimilate that philosophy until your mind start questioning the validity of

those - then it will find propler teachers to address the issues that are or

will be bothering you. When your mind is ready to inquire Lord will provide

an appropriate guidance in the form of teachers or books that are conducive

to your growth.

Whatever made you to join this group has already installed seeds of inquiry

in your mind. Open yourself and inquire the nature of the truth as being

discussed in these discussion groups. There is also dviata and

vishhishhTaadvaita list too. It is ultimately you have to come to grips

with what is right for you and have the guts to proceed to findout the



Hari OM!





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On Sat, 8 Sep 2001, Prashanth Godrehal wrote:

> [...]

> So I would like to know from members what made you

> people to beleive in Advaita,


> 1. Is it because most of you are born Smartha's.

> 2. Is it that you people are conviced of Shankara's

> teaching comapred to Ramanuja or Madhva. I am sure

> this takes lot of effort as going through the works of

> three Acharya's and their lineage is not an easy task

> unless one is completely dedicated to that.

> 3. Or as some people say just believe in any

> philosophy, God will take of everything.


> sarvam vasudevamayam jagath

> prashanth




Dear prasanth-ji,


namaste and welcome to the List. I am wondering why

do you think *you* have chosen advaita?


Is it not more correct to say that advaita has chosen





Gummuluru Murthy


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Greetings Shree Prashanth and welcome to the list.


advaitin, Prashanth Godrehal <gprasha> wrote:

> In these years I have found out that

> spiritual is more of practical than theory.


Practice and theory are each other's strength.

> The one thing I am finding tough is choosing a

> philosophy.


My suggestion is to be open to all philosophies and digest them well.

One must be cautious do disengage judgements for or against and to

consider with reverence every thing that comes along the way.


>The amount of scripture is enormous and to

> just go through even ones might take one's full life.


Actually the whole Scripture of all religions put together above and

below the Sun is only this - 'tatvamasi'.

However, the details being overwhelming, the following short

summaries may be of help:


The Essence of All Our Sacred Books:



To Arjuna overwhelmed with grief, helplessnes and fear, Geeta [2:3],


Krishna smiles wonderfully :-) :-) :-)


and gives the answer to stimulate the Divine within. (Geeta [13:27],

Geeta [13:28]).


Swami Vivekananda's short Geeta summary of 3Shlokas:



Essential Practice:





> And I am convinced that choosing one philosophy means

> rejecting other. esp in case of Dvaita,Advaita and

> Vishistadvaita. There can hardly be any reconcilation

> among these philosophy. And compromising in search of

> truth will lead us nowhere.



Sir - this is a pitfall maya creates and smiles from above. Accepting

one is perfectly fine but rejecting others may be shutting some doors

to the wonder and mystery that is infinite. There is perhaps perfect

harmony among them as Upanishads testify.



Kind Regards,


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Namaskaram Shri Prashanth


Personally, i follow Advaita because i have been raised that way. I

also to the philosophy "Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti" (The

truth is One, the wise speak of it in different ways). So pick a way

that appeals most to you personally and follow it with all your heart

and mind.


To help you in your quest, i would like to point you towards some

links, teachings of His Holiness Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi

Swamiji of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham. The essence of His Holiness' talks

is that devotion is foremost, the philosophy does not matter

>From the Gita "bhaktiyamaam apijaanati yavaam yaschashmi



http://www.kamakoti.org/acall/ac-bhakti.html (importance of Devotion,

from "Acharya's Call"


http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part1/chap5.htm (Devotion common

to all, from Hindu Dharma a.k.a Deivathhin Kural)


And finally... http://www.kamakoti.org/hindudharma/part5/chap34.htm

(What do the Vedas teach us, from Hindu Dharma)

Here the Acharya talks of Dvaita as well as Advaita


and indeed modern science takes us increasingly close to Advaita whose

truth hitherto could not be known by anything other than the Vedas. In

the early centuries of science it wasd thought that all objects in the

world were different entities, seperate from one another. Then

scientists came to the conclusion that the basis of all matter was

constituted by the different elements, that all the countless objects

in the world resulted from these elements combining together in

various ways. Subsequently when atomic science developed it was

realised that all the elements had the same source, the same energy.



Best regards







> Greetings,


> I am a beginner in this spiritual journey. My

> serious interest in spirituality started couple of

> years ago and I have been reading books and I am doing

> regularly nithya karma's like SandhyaVandhanam,

> Meditation. In these years I have found out that

> spiritual is more of practical than theory.

> And as a beginner I am in a dilemma of basic

> fundamentals of spirituality.

> The one thing I am finding tough is choosing a

> philosophy. The amount of scripture is enormous and to

> just go through even ones might take one's full life.

> And I am convinced that choosing one philosophy means

> rejecting other. esp in case of Dvaita,Advaita and

> Vishistadvaita. There can hardly be any reconcilation

> among these philosophy. And compromising in search of

> truth will lead us nowhere.


> So I would like to know from members what made you

> people to beleive in Advaita,


> 1. Is it because most of you are born Smartha's.

> 2. Is it that you people are conviced of Shankara's

> teaching comapred to Ramanuja or Madhva. I am sure

> this takes lot of effort as going through the works of

> three Acharya's and their lineage is not an easy task

> unless one is completely dedicated to that.

> 3. Or as some people say just believe in any

> philosophy, God will take of everything.


> sarvam vasudevamayam jagath

> prashanth







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advaitin, Prashanth Godrehal <gprasha> wrote:



> Greetings,


> I am doing

> regularly nithya karma's like SandhyaVandhanam,

> Meditation.


"Simple as the Sandhya worship seems to be, it is sufficient to help

us on the highest stages. All the three aspects of karma, bhakti and

jnana are given place in the Sandhya worship" quote from the words

of Sri Chandrasekhara Bharti Swamigal, 34the Pontiff of Sringeri. So

you are already on the right track.

> 2. Is it that you people are conviced of Shankara's

> teaching comapred to Ramanuja or Madhva. I am sure

> this takes lot of effort as going through the works of

> three Acharya's and their lineage is not an easy task

> unless one is completely dedicated to that.


One common fact that underlies all 3 systems is their acceptance of

the Vedas and Upanishads as the basis for their philosophy. What is

the true import of the vedas? You can find out from the following

article: advaitin/message/9221


Apart from 'theory' there are Saints and Sages through the ages who

have testified to the Advaitic viewpoint .e.g Sri Ramakrishna, Sri

Ramana Maharishi etc


Finally as the Upanishads say "like rivers leads to the ocean, all

paths finally lead to the same truth".



Sundar Rajan

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It is a pleasure to see the on going discussions on `spiritual

dilemma' Instead of starting with the question: `Why Advaita?,'

let us begin our enquiry on `Why Vedanta?'


Fundamentally, Pure Vedanta is an exploratory journey of life. The

purpose of this exploration is a learning exercise to eradicate our

ignorance. We want to be the purest of the pure, noblest of the noble

and the kindest of the kind. All the three Vedantic philosophies

propose to achieve the above goal by approaching our life with

different perspectives. According to Advaita, we can reestablish our

`True Divine Nature' by removing our ignorance (impurity). The

Vishistadvaitans claim that we can become purest of the pure by

keeping the Lord (Narayana) in our heart. The Dwaitans believe that we

should pray and request the Lord to grant us purity. Ultimately all

these three philosophical schools believe that the Grace of the Lord

is necessary and sufficient for us to attain purity and eternal bliss.


Few months back, in our Toastmasters club meeting, one of the speech

topic was "How I am blessed?" The speaker described everything that

happened that day from morning till noon. Her day was just normal: She

got up from bed, took the bath, had breakfast, wore some decent

clothing, drove to work, prepared the speech, and finally delivered

the speech. All the above activities became normal because nothing

went wrong!


Any one of the above normals could have gone wrong:

(1) couldn't get up because the alarm didn't ring because of power


(2) there was no hot water during shower

(3) All food including the milk and bread in the refrigerator got


(4) No decent clothes in the closet,

(5) Due to Traffic jam, couldn't reach the office on time

(6) Computer failed and couldn't complete the speech


To have a normal routine, we have to be blessed and that should be our

correct attitude. With the correct attitude, we realize, that we are

always blessed and we should take every opportunity that we come

across to love, help and be kind. The Vedantic perspectives of life

can greatly help us to cultivate an attitude to lead our life with the

positive frame of mind. Then we will start enjoy our life with the

fullest extent and we will have fewer complaints, no more accusations

and we can surely attain and reestablish our 'True Divine Nature.'

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Thank you all for the responses towards my last post.

It certainly cleared some of my doubts. And thank you

for the links given. I will definitely visit those



But I have few more doubts ,


Sundar Rajan ji says,

"Apart from 'theory' there are Saints and Sages

through the ages who have testified to the Advaitic

viewpoint .e.g Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Ramana Maharishi



In this case if we see Sri RK and Sri Ramana Maharshi

realised the truth and then validated their

experiences with what Scriptures had to say. In our

case we are going through the scriputures and trying

to experiences what it says. I feel though both

approches lead to same thing, from former case we can

clearly say that to know the truth we need not know

the philosophy. So some times I wonder spending time

reading all the scriptures to know whether world is

real or not, whether brahman is Saguna or nirguna or

jiva,paramathma aikya or bhedha will anyway help in

realisation of truth. Because once we realise truth

all these things will anyway become crystal clear

whether we have read scriputes or not.


And Shri Venkatesh writes,


""Ekam sad vipra bahudha vadanti" (The

truth is One, the wise speak of it in different

ways).So pick a way that appeals most to you

personally and follow it with all your heart

and mind."


This has always puzzled me. Is it correct to say that

if we follow any philosophy we reach the same truth.

If we see our Acharya's comments it doesn't seem to me

so. I have read some of Madhva's commentries and he

clearly rejects Advaita. And ofcource Shankara says

there can never be dvaita in ultimate Reality. And the

ultimate truth itself is different in these


Or is it that for different people different

philosophy applies?


sarvam vAsudevamayam jagath







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The best would be what someone has already suggested to you. If you

have the time, study, read, investigate, and come to your own

conclusions. Either you do that or you choose a philosophy that

appeals most to you.


That is my humble suggestion






> Or is it that for different people different

> philosophy applies?





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