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Events Beyond Comprehension - What does the Scripture Say?

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Namaste Sri Kent:


Thanks for sharing your wisdom and insightful passages and discussion

from Gita. Somehow the subject title "Good-Muslim" is not

appropriate for the spiritual discussions that conduct in the

list. Members can continue their discussions with the new

subject title and the list welcomes all such discussions.

When unforeseen events in life, we always look for shelters

such as the temples, churches, mosques and the scriptures.


Mahatama Gandhiji for example explains how he gained from the

teachings Gita when he faced disappointments. Here are some quotations

from Gandhiji:


" Though I admire much in Christianity, I am unable to identify myself

with orthodox Christianity:.. Hinduism as I know it entirely satisfies

my soul, fills my whole being, and I find a solace in the Bhagavadgita

and Upanishads that I miss even in the Sermon on the Mount. Not that I

do not prize the ideal presented therein, not that some of the

precious teachings in the Sermon on the Mount have not left a deep

impress upon me, but I must confess to you that when doubts haunt me,

when disappointments. stare me in the face, and when I see not one ray

of light on the horizon, I turn to the Bhagavadgita and find a verse

to comfort me; and I immediately begin to smile in the midst of

over-whelming sorrow. My life has been full of external tragedies and,

if they have not left any visible effect on me, I owe it to the

teaching of the Bhagavadgita. (From an address to Christian

Missionaries, Young India, 6-8-1925)"


"The Gita has become for me the key to the scriptures of the world. It

unravels for me the deepest mysteries to be found in them. I regard

them with the same reverence that I pay to the Hindu scriptures.

Hindus, Musalmans, Christians, Parsis, Jews are convenient labels. But

when I tear them down, I do not know which is which. We are all

children of the same God. "Verily I say unto you, not every one that

sayeth unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter the Kingdom of Heaven, but he

that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven shall enter the

Kingdom," was said, though in different words, by all the great

teachers of the world." The Message of Gita, by Gandhi.


Let us use this forum to clarify our thoughts and purify our mind,


warmest regards,


Ram Chandran


advaitin, ken knight <hilken_98@Y...> wrote:


> > Thank you for sharing that truly beautiful passage

> > from the Gita.



> Dear Steve, I return the thanks as I was worried that

> to introduce this text at such a time would be

> inappropriate. Personally I have learned to always

> turn to scripture when the events we face seem so vast

> that they seem to be beyond our comprehension. The

> Gita begins with the two words Kurukshetre,

> Dharmakshetre. From these two words I understand that

> all the events/battles of the physical world have a

> subtle level as well as the manifest forms and we have

> to learn to observe both while resting in the

> substratum without which they could not manifest.

> I agree with the list organisers that this strand

> should not be followed for too long but if we look to

> the scripture the outer emotional responses will soon

> be sublated by the ever flowering Vedantic teachings

> which I hear in every scripture that I study,

> Peace and Happiness to all

> Ken

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Venerable Sirs (or Ladies),


May all our relatives be well and secure and get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives be happy at heart and get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives prevent and abandon doings that lead to someones

downfall and get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives raise and develop doings that lead to the highest

blessings and get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives raise and develop doings that lead to a noble

maintencance and support of the sense-mediums, the hindrances, suffering

and everything that dependently arises and get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives raise and develop bodhipakkiya dhamma with its

requisite conditions and get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives raise and develop shame and fear of wrong-doings and

get sufficient help with that.

May all our relatives share their merit with all beings and get sufficient

help with that.


Koran about killing

O believers!

Do not consume your wealth

Among yourselves in vain.

But may there be trade

Out of mutual consent among you.

And do not kill yourselves;

For God has been merciful to you.


Anyone who does kill

Through enmity or oppression

We will expose to fire;

and that is easy for God.


If you avoid the gravest

Of what you are forbidden,

We will blot out our sins

And lead you

Into a noble entry.

Women 29-32 [The essential Koran Thomas Cleary ISBN 9780785 809029]


The Koran about Christianity.

And we caused to follow after them (book of God and his signs)

Jezus, son of Mary,

Confirming the truth

Of the Torah before him;

And we gave him the Gospel,

In it guidance and light

Also confirming the truth

Of the Torah before it,

As guidance and admonition

For the conscientious.

The Table (5)-46 [The essential Koran, Thomas Cleary; ISBN 9 780785



The importance of virtues.

In this way he has given us the very great and precious gifts he promised,

so that by means of these gifts you may escape from the destructive lust

that is in the world, and may come to share the divine nature. For this

very reason do you best to add goodness to your faith, to your goodness add

knowledge. 2 Petrus 1:4-5 Good news Bible ISBN 8780005


Do not commit murder .

Exodus 20 : 14


Why should one strive earnestly for virtues.

These are the qualities you need, and if you have them in abundance they

will make you active and effective in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus


But those who do not have them are so short sighted that they cannot see

and have forgotten that they have been purified from their past sins

2 petrus 1 : 8-9


The continueance of unvirtuous behaviour of others.

So do not worry about tomorrow, it wil have enough worries of its own.

There is no need to add to the troubles each day brings.

Matthew 6:34


How to go on?

Lift up you tired hands, then, and strenghten your trembling knees! Keep

walking on straight paths, so that the lame foot may not be disabled , but

instead healed. Try to be at peace with everyone and try to live the holy

life, because no one will see the Lord without it. Guard against turning

back from the grace of God. Let no one become like a bitter plant that

grows up and causes many troubles with its poison.

Hebrews 12 : 12-15


"You have heard that it was said, `Love your friends, hate your

enemies.´But I tell you: love your enemies and pray for those who persecute

you so that you may become the children of your father in heaven. For he

makes his sin to shine on bad and good people alike, and gives rain to

those who do good and to those who do evil. Why should God reward you if

you love only the people that love you? Even the tax collectors do that!

And if you speak only to your friends have you done anything out of the

ordinary? Even the pages do that! You must be perfect - just as your father

in heaven is perfect! Matthew



Ishwara about tollerance

Tolerance consists of not killing, honesty, not stealing, self-control and


Yoga Suttas Patanjali Chapter 2 vers 30 (ISBN 9789020 224269)


Confucius about handling others

Tzu-kung asked :Ìs there only something which a human should act

everyday?´The master said;Maybe it is the saying about respect towards

others. Do not do to others what you don´t want others to do to you.`

Analects of Confusius Arthur Waley 198;15.23


Oesjas the dawn

Come to us, banish the enemy with your light!

Prepare us to the green fields free from fear!

Send away the hatred, bring us your invaluable gifts!

Noble One, enjoy you blessings over the singer!

Oesjas the dawn nr 4, Rig Veda ,Alexandra Gabrielli, ISBN 906271 6598


Who can condemn someone to death?


If people are not afraid of death

What good will it do to threaten with death.

If people would fear death all time,

And someone would commit a criminal act

And he would be hunted down and caught

Who dare to kill him?


There is alwayss someone

Who is occupied with a sentence of death

And the execution of it.


But if someone, on the other hand,

Is occupied with the death sentence

And is the executioner

Does that mean

That he acts

In stead of the creator?


Who executes in stead of

The creator rarly does not

Injure his own hand.

Daodejing Laozi nr 74, ISBN 9789020 224245


A personal weakness.

Do not judge others, so that God will not judge you, for God will judge you

in the same way as you judge others, and he will apply to you the same

rules you apply to others. Why, then, do you look at the speck in your

brothers eye and pay no attention to the log in your own eye? How dare you

say to you brother,´Please let me take that speck out of your eye´, when

you have a log in your eye?

Matthew 7:1-4


May all beings be well and secure and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings be happy at heart and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings prevent and abandon doings that lead to someones downfall

and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings raise and develop doings that lead to the highest blessings

and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings raise and develop doings that lead to a noble maintenance

and support of the sense-mediums, the khanddhas, the hindrances, suffering

and everything that dependently arises and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings raise and develop bodhipakkiya dhamma with its requisite

conditions and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings express shame and fear of wrong-doings a lot and in a noble

way and get sufficient help with that.

May all beings share their merit with all beings and get sufficient help

with that.


Met mudita,

Ratananam Matar.

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