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planetary kurukshetra 2001

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hariH OM!

namaskaaram to all.


this is a powerful living example of the inscrutable

Plan of isvara unfolding.


yet we also have the incomprehensible *coexistance* of

the freedom to act, which represents a *subset reality*

within that plan. (this is the paradox of brahman, which

is the unity of being the Relative Manifest [the saguna]

and the Absolute Unmanifest [nirguna]).


this conception is from the highest relative perspective,

wherein emerges the invincible reality that there can

never be an incident capable of derailing the focus of

the one who knows in the Heart (buddhi), the true nature

of what he is, which is the unified reality mentioned above.

(this, we know, is the essence of what nondual metaphysics

is teaching us and what we're attempting to make practical

in our living awareness.)


we know this is the everpresent Substratum...to never be

lost sight of. is the reality inhering in all Beings; only

not yet realized by all..


at the same time, we cannot ignore or fail to acknowledge

the component of reality associated with brahman's leela.

and, as alluded to above, within this, we are charged with

the necessity to act. the relative leela is therefore

vital *within a range*, requiring insight and involvement

according to one's svadharma. however--and this is the

important stipulation (and, of course, what the *universal

esoteric teachings* based on nonduality reveal), within

a proper perspective: being ever attentive to one's primal

base in the Substratum. (this is also the fundamental

lesson of the bhagavad gita.)


the Absolute supports no death, per se. neither does it

recognize the idea of suffering. however and nevertheless,

and again paradoxically, each of these [relative] dynamics

necessarily *has* a component of reality--albeit spacio-

temporal, thus ephemeral to the [equally fleeting] recording

apparatus of the senses--and must yet be addressed within

their own sphere [of the vyavaharika].


let us take comfort therefore, and regardless of what has

happened or will happen, in the fact that we are individually

and collectively the indestructible Self brahman...


that we act as though everything matters (the vyavahara of

saguna brahman), yet within our essential Self--our vital primal

awareness-base--BE as though nothing does (the paramartha of

nirguna brahman).


in this, peace is at the core of all sentient beings, regardless

of their role and regardless if they need to be [temporarily]

removed from a given world plane in the name of the greater good

(universal dharma), if not for the very survival of the species

itself, which is usually dependent on restoring the former.


(please note, the last resort option of "removal" refered to above

is not my personal belief *in this case*! i am submitting a formal

proposal to the US Dept of State, which matter i've worked with them

directly in the past, and which letter i'll post in a few days [for

reasons i'm sure will become apparent to all here concerned]. also

note, i severely doubt they will be open minded enough or have the

capacity for vision of the potential consequences associated with

my viewpoint and its admonitions. regardless, there is nothing in

truth for us to fear; we can only do what we believe is our best,

within the vyavahara, where the concept of an agent with free will

has a relative reality.)


this was the svadharma of [an *indestructable*] arjuna.


as is ours now equally *at hand*, as proponents for a global

free world co-occupied by many [as] ONE humanity.


(now, the notion of an idyllic utopia isn't here implied, neither

is it possible [or even desirable!......]..however, the dharma

has swung far to the negative side (adharma) and needs some

critical correction.)


consider also:

the Plan of isvara is equally unfathomable and *inscrutable*.

for example:

such events have a way of jostling stuck consciousness.

numerous people in the world ready for a critical shift in

awareness, will benefit most. others will accordingly...


regardless.....remember and *realize* that peace is the eternal

condition of the Substratum of all there is. this is the "peace

that passeth understanding."


take heart.

for, simply,

thou art That.


OM shaanthi shaanthi shaanthiH.

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