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global dharma 2001: the role of jnana

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hariH OM! dear friends.



in light of the u.s./british decision to attack the taliban,

etc, i decided to share the following letter to the human rights

commission of the UN, the u.s. dept of state and others, despite

that it's yet a rough draft and incomplete.


last week i spoke to a member of the white house staff as well

as left a 10 min message on the opinion line of the state dept,

relaying the gist of this letter.


i'm offering it to the List is--among other reasons--because

there is much we can learn by way of creative approaches in

human communication, effective debating, the need for full

disclosure, integrity, and maintaining--as advaitins--the

underlying [focus on] unity at all costs(!)...upholding our

best and most honest understanding into the nature of the

dharma, and doing what we must [if it is our karma to do so].


thus have i written this letter: having *watched* it happen;

yet with more than a small measure of personal concern for

my loved ones, my people of the world, and myself as well,

for i love to live to love. this leela, regardless of its

component of treachery and illusion, is truly sacred.


the way the relative leela must work however is through the

maya of duality, and thus the forgetfulness begins, and chaos

and war can erupt.


only that part of the letter is shown below (i.e. its first

paragraphs), where i felt it has direct bearing on the

interest of the List, especially in terms of effective

debating/arbitrating potentially highly charged conflicting

views, and how we might be able to share our opinions without

adversely impacting the rights of each other to constructively

express our views. the means to true communication, beyond

the individual impress of socio-cultural indoctrination, must

be our goal, bot individually and as members of the global



i then provide a link where the letter can be read in its



i would appreciate any suggestions as to how to deliver the

message as effectively and clearly as possible. please email

me at egodust ..thanks!


the potential for wisdom-insight has never been so high.


peace in ONE,





Office of the United Nations

High Commissioner for Human Rights

Geneva, Switzerland



Dear Hon. Commissioner:


Before anyone prepares to debate a given issue, they must tell

themselves there's always a possibility they can be wrong. Even if it

seems to them that it must be impossible, adopting the attitude that

they *can* be wrong increases their capacity to be open-minded and

better able to hear and be empathetic to the viewpoint of the other.

Before any debate, therefore, if both parties openly established and

acknowledged this to each other, the level of learning and

understanding that could take place would better their chances of

solving problems literally exponentially.


Having said that, I will now open with the acknowledgment that the

following are my views, and I fully realize there is indeed a chance

that I could be partially or even completely wrong.


I ask that the reader acknowledge the same [to themselves] upon

reading this, for their own edification. Of course, ordinarily, the

reader will determine for him/herself the relevance and accuracy of

these statements and views. The difference is that by mutually

acknowledging fallibility in our respective views, we're opening a

unique possibility for true communication to take place, human to

human, where the real interest is finding out the truth as best we

can, under given circumstances.


The second thing we should bear in mind, and also openly acknowledge,

is that since none of us are perfect as individuals, neither are we as



Now, let's cut to the chase of the problem before us.


The idea that we can defuse and eliminate the brand of terrorism we're

dealing with is utterly false if we think we can do so without

addressing its cause. However, the problem is that, as a nation,

we're not even aware that there's a cause to address! This is nothing

new. It's the result of the manipulation of public opinion through



remainder of letter:


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Dear Frank,

Your attempt to mold the US government into peaceful discussions is laudable.

But it does not make sense under the current situation. My responses are given

below in bold. My point is not to criticize your approach but to point out it is

misplaced in time and sequence.

-- Vis




Monday, October 08, 2001 7:43 AM

global dharma 2001: the role of jnana

> Before anyone prepares to debate a given issue, they must tell

> themselves there's always a possibility they can be wrong.

Bin Laden is neither ready for debate nor discussion. He wants annhilation of

everything which is not

subjugated to fundamental Islamic view that all non-believers have no right to

exist unless they embrace Islam. To think we can be "wrong" plays into his hand

as our weakness in front of his Islamic almighty power. No need to defeat

ourselves by our own confusion just as Arjuna would have done but for Lord

Krishna telling him the nature of real action.

> Before any debate, therefore, if both parties openly established and

> acknowledged this to each other, the level of learning and

> understanding that could take place would better their chances of

> solving problems literally exponentially.

Bin Laden does not know acknowledgement of another except himself. The

understanding then is truly illusary.


> Having said that, I will now open with the acknowledgment that the

> following are my views, and I fully realize there is indeed a chance

> that I could be partially or even completely wrong.

My appreciation is for your frank opinion that you can be partially or

completely wrong. In reality you are only partially wrong!


> The idea that we can defuse and eliminate the brand of terrorism we're

> dealing with is utterly false if we think we can do so without

> addressing its cause.

Bin Laden's cause is very clear. Destroy all infidels, the non-believers of

Allah. The mother of all infidels is US. Naturally it must be slain -- That is

his cause. Knowing Bin Laden's cause do you want all of us in this world to

become true believers of Islam, Mohammad, and Allah?


To conclude: Lack of timely action is sometimes more violent than the action

which is apparently violent. Our history (world history) should prove it again

and again. Even great and powerful accomplished persons such as Ravana, Maha

Bali, Kamsa, Hiranyakashibu, etc. had to be destroyed (surely by violent means),

if one wants to look at ancient histories! Let's teach the people responsible

how to perform Dharmic action (no vengeance and anger) agains Adharma specially

when it is pure evil such as the Sep 11 terrorist actions.




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Frankji in his reply to Madhavaji correctly pointed out that he would

conduct the discussions privately. Frankji is quite right. The subject

matter under discussion is more political than spiritual and as such

should be conducted by the discussants privately.


Members are once again reminded that please make sure that your reply

is meant and also relevant for other members of the list. When you are

in doubt, please just send your reply to the poster as a private mail.


The moderators are very confident that the members of this list

understand the problem and will fully comply with the list policies.


Advaitin List Moderators.


Note: Currently, when you send a reply to a mail from the list, it

goes back to the list unless you delete the mailing address with the

poster's email address.

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