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On Mon, 22 Oct 2001, Madhava K. Turumella wrote:

> Yes you are right, I came accross an upanishad called "AllOpanishad" which

> is claimed to be a part of Atharvana Veda. But scholars discarded its

> authenticity with the help of "MouktikOpanshad". Interestingly, in this

> context only schlolars have opined that Atharvana veda is a later veda,

> while discarding Allopanishad from the Veda. In Mouktikopanishad there are

> 108 statements taken from 108 upanishads. It is told to Lord Hanuma by Lord

> Rama. So we take these 108 upanishads only as authentic. Out of them 10

> are very important.


> EsakEna kathaH prasna muNda mAMDookya taittiri

> aitarEyaMca chAMdOgyaM bRUhadAraNyakaM daSa.


> Yours,

> Madhava




namaste shri Madhava,


I have a question on mouktika upanishad. I was looking for the

text of mouktika upanishad for some time (the upanishad told to

Lord Hanuma by Lord Rama). Is the text of this upanishad available

on the internet at the sanskrit or the hindunet site? I wonder if

you or shri sunderji can give an internet reference site where I

can access the text of this (mouktika) upanishad.


Thanks very much.




Gummuluru Murthy


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Yes you are right, I came accross an upanishad called "AllOpanishad" which

is claimed to be a part of Atharvana Veda. But scholars discarded its

authenticity with the help of "MouktikOpanshad". Interestingly, in this

context only schlolars have opined that Atharvana veda is a later veda,

while discarding Allopanishad from the Veda. In Mouktikopanishad there are

108 statements taken from 108 upanishads. It is told to Lord Hanuma by Lord

Rama. So we take these 108 upanishads only as authentic. Out of them 10

are very important.


EsakEna kathaH prasna muNda mAMDookya taittiri

aitarEyaMca chAMdOgyaM bRUhadAraNyakaM daSa.







> -----Ursprungliche Nachricht-----

> Von: Narayanan.K.G [courtallam]

> Gesendet: Monday, October 22, 2001 4:20 PM

> An: advaitin

> Betreff: Atharvana Veda



> 22-Oct


> Namaste!


> In one of the issues of Mother India (Aurobindo

> Ashram's monthly journal), I read an article ( I don't

> remember the exact month of issue and the author's

> name. I'll try to find it out) which says that the

> "ATHARVANA SUKTA" contains words like "mahamad" and

> "allahu akabar". The author opines that the sukta

> equated "allah" with "parameswara".


> Is this true? Can anybody in the list throw more light

> on this please?

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Hare Krishna



I vaguely remember, in a discourse shataavadhani Sri R. Ganesh said that

*allopanishad* is all about durga/ambaa maatha. In sanskrit *alla*,

*akka* *amma* are all synonyms. Any help from Sri Suder prabhuji on this

upanishad & its teaching?? Thanks in advance.


Hari Hari Hari Bol!!


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