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Kundalini Yoga - The Totality of Being - not focused on either siddhis nor the images of the projected mind, rather their dissolusion

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Dear Madhava,


There may be a misunderstanding regarding Kundalini Yoga practice in that many

have the idea that it leads to siddhis. In fact all yogas lead to siddhis, the

highest suddhi being the abiding as the Singularity of the all pervasive Self.


In the practice of Kundalini Yoga various powerful breathing techniques are

combined with specialized movements and postures, many of these postures being

similar to those practiced in hatha yoga, but many other specialized positions

as well. The result of this practice is that super pranic vitalized blood flows

into the areas of the body put under pressure by the postures and movements,

which causes nerve groupings, where only some nerves developed and not others,

and glands and organs that function or secrete partially to begin to open up.

Capillaries open and release accumulated toxins and the cells release

accumulated waste and gradually the nerves, organs and glands come up to a

normal balanced voltage, which begins to be felt throughout the body field.


Once the body field is charged up to its normal balanced voltage, the entire

field resonates with an etheric stillness that is above the vibratory level of

thinking - moods - impressions, and it comes to the vibratory level of the

source of intuition, which is pure reflected consciousness. As the body field

becomes charged, special Kundalini Meditations, involving chanting openly, in

whisper and silently of sacred sounds (mantra) in combination with certain

mudras and postures and angles and proper breathing bring about an overall

harmonization and balance throughout the major nerves, chakras (nerve, organ and

gland groupings), and significantly the 3 great Force Centers begin to open

revealing expanded pervasive Being Consciousness.


The Kandal Foce Center, between the navel and 4th vertebra, releases its flow of

pure biochemical energy to meet and support the demand throughout the nervous

system of greater and greater voltages of energy awareness. The Sahasrara is

the governor of universal energy which floods inward through the 10th gate in

the Crown. These 2 being the evolutionary and involutionary force centers.

Finally, at the Center of this awakening is the Singularity of infinite density

of the Hrdayam, which is the Center that dissolves and swallows entirely the

sense of "I" as having any identity to the thoughts and images that have

accumulated in the sub-conscient.


As the voltage increases and the body field (electromagnetic field) balances,

the sense of the single "I" begins to outshine the images in the mind and

withdraws into Itself with the steady pulsation of "I. I, I, I, ..." known as

atma sphurana. At this point the illusion of the Atman as being separate from

Brahman begins to dissolve altogether and one experiences single pervasive

spacelike Being Consciousness spoken about in the several Gitas and other

spiritual texts.


All this is simply a description of a mechanism that has been created by God,

which begins to function as Awareness of Self dawns on the consciousness. This

Awareness goes by many names. Some call it Kundalini. As this Awareness dawns

the mechanism opens automatically and relentlessly.


This practice, while it may bring about some siddhis, is entirely oriented

towards the balancing of the body field to the point where the hold of attention

to images and "takes" within the sub-conscious, gives way to a still pure

intuition, where buddhi yoga manifests by itself, which is to say the

realization of the Truth. The mind suddenly inverts, relinquishes attention

altogether and becomes absorbed in and dissolves into the sun of the heart - the



Now, for the highly evolved from birth, whose minds are inherently pure, a

single telling or reading of the Truth of the Self [either in the architypal

centers God has manifested for such telling (namely the churches and cathedrals

and temples and Monestaries and other places denoted for sacred gatherings) or

in books or from a Guru], immediately brings about the recollection and firm

abidance as the Truth. But for most there is a weakness in the body field that

eventually leads to the mistaking of appearing images in the mind for self, and

an imaginary identity evolves and is held in a tight grip within the mind.


Some means was needed to restore the balance of awareness in the body field,

something that would bring about the pouring forth of the ever present

substratum of light that illumines our consciousness. And so, the ancient

Sages, Saints and Saviors also taught these yogas that have the simple purpose

of bringing about the necessary purity to the consciousness, so that the inner

Light outshines the images in the subconscious and we awaken to the realization

that this "I" Light is always the same as the Universal All-Pervasive Being

Consciousness, which Christians call Father and Vedantists call Brahmin and is

universally known as God and Self.


All this to say that the practice of Kundalini Yoga is not a focus on either

powers or the projections of the mind, but rather directly on the outshining and

dissolution of the mind and relinquishment of attention to the idea of



In India and other cultures, we can still see the remnants of this once

universal practice of the Totality of Being from past Golden Ages, in the many

Brahmin families and some of the wealthier families, where the children are

brought up to do certain kriyas, mantras, pranayamas every morning. But the

rediscovery and reassembly of these practices is emerging again as predicted by

the Saviors of every religion.


The world is Real and the Self is Real. It is the idea of differentiation that

needs to be relinquished, and this requires the increasing voltage of the light

of awareness throughout the body field, otherwise called the purification of the

mind. This can happen through a partially focused practice or a total practice.

This total practice is Kundalini Yoga.


Thank you for the opportunity to clarify this.






Message: 15

Sat, 08 Dec 2001 09:39:29 +0100 (CET)

Madhava K Turumella <madhava

Re: Direct experience of the Truth


Quoting Pieter Schoonheim Samara <pietersa:

In this sense, I feel that the posting of 'Beyond the Spectrum' is entirely

appropriate to the topics that revolve around the inspired words of ancient

Sages, Saints and Saviors in the Upanishads, the several Gitas and other Advaita

and spiritual texts from the many religions, traditions and cultures.






namastE Pieter-ji,


Members may express their opinions regarding any posting which appears on this

list. And it is highly appropriate that in this reply post you have clarified

your standpoint. Thank you for that.


Personally, I don't see any controdiction to Advaita vis-a-vis to Kundalini

marga. I believe Advaita is a goal and all means are trying to achieve the

goal. But again, when the goal is you and reaching your *pure* self is the goal

then any means of trying to achieve it is a valid means. However, our great

Seers have cautioned us, and they told us "you have a freedom of your path

*provided* as long as the path which you choose does not disturb the common code

and conduct of the civil society which runs on the grounds of a mutual code of

conduct (yAni anavadyAni karmANi tAni sEvitavyAni nO itarANi - taittiriya



With regards to the Jnanamarga, he who sincerely seeks knows the truth ---- that

which is hailed as Kundalini Yoga is also achieved by the seekers of

Jnanamarga, but the Jnanis let those siddhies pass away with out giving them

much importance. When everything is just a projection why unnecessarily give

importance to the projection instead of the projected!



I thank you for your thoughts.







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