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Vivekachoodamani - 1

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Guru Brahma Gurur Vishnu Guru Devo maheshwara

Guru Shakshat Parabrahma Tasmai Sri Guruve Namah




1.Sarva- vedantha -siddantha-gocaram tam agocaram

govindam paramanandam sadgurum pranto'smyham



I tender my obeisance to my sadguru,govinda,the embodiment of supreme bliss,who

is beyond thought and speecg and who is the goal of all vedantic truths

(It is to be noted that Sri Bhagavadpada combines in this sloka his obeisance

both to his own immediate guru,Sri Govinda bhagavadpada and to supreme God Sri

Govinda HimselfHe identifies his guru with the supreme god)



2.Jantunam narajanma durlabham atah pumstvam tato viprata

tasmad vaidika-dharmamargaparata vidvattvam asmat param

atmanatmavivecanam svanubhavo brahmatmana sasmsthitih

mukitrno satakotijanmasu krtaih punyairvina labhyate


To those who take birth, birth as a human being is difficult to get;more

difficult than it is birth as a male;and more than it is birth as a

brahmana.Because it is so,steadfastness in pursuing the path of dharma

prescribed in the Vedas(must be got by present effort).After that( after

securing requisite learning), discrminination betwenn self and non self(must be

made) and also perfect experience. Liberation which is premanent being as

Brahman cannot be obtained without meritorious deeds done in hundreds of crores

of births.








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