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Some slokas

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Hari Om!


Some nice slokas which I have in my collection. Thought of sharing them

with you:







Aakaraihi ingitaihi gatyaa cheshtayaa bhaashanenacha

Netra vaktra vikaaraishcha lakshyate antargatam manah


The inherent nature of a person is revealed by his appearance, gestures,

behaviour, actions, the way he talks, by the contortions of the face and by

the movements of the eyes.


Upadeshohi moorkhaanaam prakopaaya na shaantaye

Payaha paanam bhujangaanaam kevalam vishavardhanam


Milk consumed by snakes increases their poison. Similarly advice given to

fools make them even more furious instead of pacifying them.



Buddhiryasya balam tasya nirbuddhestu kuto balam

Pashya simho madonmattah shashakena nipaatitah


A person who has wisdom, has strength. How can there be strength to a person

who has no wisdom? Even a story says that a strong lion was drowned by a



Samudra manthane lebhe harihi lakshmim haro visham

Bhaagyam phalati sarvatra na vidyaa na cha paurusham


At the churning of the ocean, Hari (Lord Vishnu)obtained Lakshmi and Hara

(Lord Shiva)obtained poison. Hence fortune is fruitful everywhere, neither

learning nor human efforts.


Yo na vetthi gunaanyasya na tam seveta panditaha

Na hi tasmaat phalam kinchit sukrushtaat oosharaadiva


A scholar should not serve a person who does not recognise his virtues,

ploughing a barren land is futile.


Swabhaavo nopadeshena shakyate kartumanyathaa

Sutaptamapi paaneeyam punargachhati sheetataam


It is not possible to change the nature of a person by a good advice, though

water is boiled, it invariably cools down.


Vidyaa naama narasya roopamadhikam prachchannaguptam dhanam

vidyaa bhogakaree yashahSukhakaree vidyaa gurunaam guruhu

vidyaa bandhujano videsha gamaneVidyaa paraa devataa

vidyaa raajasu pujyate na hi dhanam vidyaaviheenah pashuhu


Knowledge enhances the beauty of a person. It is a well-protected hidden

treasure, which brings prosperity, fame and happiness. Knowledge is the

preceptor of preceptors. Knowledge substitutes a friend in foreign travels.

It is the supreme god. Only knowledge but not wealth, is respected by the

rulers. A person devoid of knowledge is a beast.


Santapthaayasi sansthitasya payaso naamaa pi na shruyate

muktaa kaaratayaa tadeva nalineepatra sthetam drishyate

antah saagara shukthi madhya patitam tat moukthikam jaayate

praayena adhama madhyama uttama jushaam evam vidhaa vrittayaha


When a drop of water falls on heated iron, it disappears immediately,

whereas if it happens to fall upon a lotus leaf, it appears like a pearl and

the same thing turns into a pearl if it chances to drop into the mouth of an

oyster during the swathi constellation. Thus the company (bad, mediocre or

good) in which a person moves and lives determine his future.


Agnyah sukham aaraadhyaha sukhataram aaraadhyate visheshagnyaha

Gnyaana lava durvidagdham brahmaapi naram na ranjayati


To convince an ignorant person is easy. It is even easier to convince a

learned person. But even Lord Brahma cannot explain and convince a person

who has limited knowledge but thinks high of himself.


Daurmantryaat nrupatihi vinashyati yatihi sangaat sutah laalanaat

viprah anadhyayanaat kulam kutanayaat sheelam khalopaasanaat

hreehi madyaat anavekshanaat api krushihi snehah pravaasa aashrayaat

maithree cha apranayaat samruddhihi anayaat tyaagaat pramaadaat dhanam


A king is ruined because of bad counsel; an ascetic- by attachment(to

worldly pleasures); a son -by pampering; a brahmin- by not reciting the holy

scriptures; the family-by a wicked son; modesty- by wine; character- by

association with the wicked; agriculture- by not taking proper care;

affection- due to separation(on account of being apart from each other);

friendship- due to lack of affection; prosperity- due to unlawful methods

and wealth -due to indiscretion in charity and carelessness.


Kare shlaaghyah tyaagah shirasi gurupaada pranayitaa

mukhe satyaa vaani vijayi bhujayoho veeryam atulam

hridi swachaa vrittihi shrutam adhigatam cha shravanayoho

vinaa api aishvaryena prakriti mahataam mandanam idam


Ornaments of great people are entirely different. They are all natural.

Praise-worthy charity- for the hand; submission at the feet of the elders-

for the head; truthful speech- for the mouth; matchless ever victorious

strength- for the arms; purity of thought- for the heart and acquired

knowledge of the holy scriptures- for the ears. (These are the worthy

ornaments of the great by nature despite the absence of worldly riches.)

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