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Unprejudicied Observer

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Here is an article form Rama Phaniraj, a student of

Swami Dayananda Saraswati.



1.Can there be an unprejudicied observer?



First of all, there is no unprejudicied or

unconditional observer.

There can be different degrees of conditioning. So

basically we should be asking two questions

1. Who is the observer and

2. Can there be observation without observer.


To understand more about observer is called yoga and

is very much relevent in transaction

and all phenomenal relationships. Where as second

question is more relevent in vedantha or Absolute


Observer is a status assumed in time and space(a

locus) and is born with reference to an observation.

This involves a medium or a means in the form of a

thought or conclusion which we call an instrument of

observation. The observed is always interpreted by the

observer who is conditioned by apriori knowledge

accumulated through upbringing, culture, society,

parents, education etc along with previous

inclinations or samskaras. All the three, the

observer, the observed and the observation are

different modes of the mind,each depending on the

other. They are born in time and so they

end. There is no constancy. the observer, depending on

the conditioning can be 3 types-Satvic, Rajasic or

Thamasic. Kartha as detailed in Bhagavad Gita(chap 18,

verses -26,27,28) Satvic observer-one who is

forbearing,enthusiastic,relatively less

egoistic,dispassionate, non-reacting or varying


Rajasic observer-is one who is passionately attached

to results, aggressive,ambition,greedy, not given to

purity(values) subjected to swings of elations and


Thamasic observer-is one who is confused,

disorganised, passionately materialistic,

gross,lethargic,obstinate,procastinating and self

pitying. When we say observer, is a status. He is

isolated, divided, fragmentated because he is

different from the observed and the instruments of

observation. Therefore observer gains all reality in

the context of ignorance about the true nature of



2) As distinct from this is the Upanishadic mantra ,

which is from Kaivalopanishad, mantra 18

"Thrishu Dhamasu yad Bhogyam, Bhokta Bhoghasheha yad

Bhavet Thebhyo vilakshana Sakshi ..." speaks of

witness consciousness(sakshi) which is distinct from

all the three-observer,observed,observation and

indicates the truely unprejudicied. What distinguishes

sakshi from observer is its

undivided nature, unmodifying , non-changing nature

and its non temporal(not subjected to time or locus,

which doesnot come and go) nature, which forms the

basis of all the three. Observer comes(born) into

existance while witness doesnot come because it

never ceases to exist. Observer depends on process of

observation and observed while sakshi is

untainted,whether or not observer exists. Observation

is borrowed for an observer while observation

is nature of witness. Observer is in time but time is


To come to this vision is the purpose of all

scriptures. This is from highest, absolute stand

point. For all transaction purpose effort

is to mellow down a thamasic to rajasic to satvic

observer. Then alone the other or the higher vision is









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