Guest guest Posted January 24, 2002 Report Share Posted January 24, 2002 Namaste, mat chittaaH mat gata-praaNaaH bodhayantaH parasparam.h . kathayantaH cha maa.n nitya.n tushhyanti cha ramanti cha .. shriimad-bhagavad-giitaa 10:9 'With their thought on Me, with their life absorbed in Me, instructing each other, and ever speaking of Me, they are content and delighted.' Ch.10:v.9. ___________________ atha ashhTamo.adhyaayaH . Chapter 8 : Verses 11-15 [with Shankara-Bhashya, tr. Sw.Gambhirananda] akshara-brahma-yogaH. The Yoga of the Imperishable Absolute. ___________________ ===================================================================== yadaksharaM vedavido vadanti vishanti yadyatayo viitaraagaaH . yadich{}chhanto brahmacharya.n charanti tatte padaM sa.ngraheNa pravakshye .. 8\.11.. 11. I shall speak to you briefly of that immutable Goal which the knowers of the Vedas declare, into which enter the deligent ones free from attachment, and aspiring for which people practise celibacy. Pravaksye, I shall speak; te, to you; samgrahena, briefly; tat, of that; which is called the aksaram, immutable-that whch does not get exhausted, which is indestructible; padam, Goal to be reached; yat, which; veda-vidah, the knowers of the Vedas, the knowers of the purport of the Vedas; vedanti, declare, speak of It as opposed to all qualifications-'It is neither gross nor minute' (Br. 3.8.8) etc.-, in accordance with the Upanisadic text, 'O Gargi, the knowers of Brahman say this Immutable (Brahman) is that' (ibid); and further, yat, into which, after the attainment of complete realization; visanti, enter; yatayah, the diligent ones, the monks; who have become vita-ragah, free from attachment; and icchantah, aspiring to know (-to know being supplied to complete the sense-); yat, which Immutable; people caranti, practise; brahmacaryam, celibacy-at the teacher's house. Commencing with, '"O venerable sir, which world does he really win thereby who, among men, intently meditates on Om in that wonerful way till death?" To him he said, "O Satyakama, this very Brahman that is (known as) the inferior and superior is but this Om"' (pr.5.1-2), it has been stated, 'Again, anyone who meditates on the supreme Purusa with the help of this very syllable Om, as possessed of three letters,...he is lifted up to the world of Brahma (Hiranyagarbha) by the Sama-mantras,' (op.cit.5) etc. Again, beginning with '(Tell me of that thing which you see as) different from virtue, different from vice,' it has been stated, 'I tell you briefly of that goal which all the Vedas with one voice propound, which all the austerities speak of, and wishing for which people practise Brahmacarya: it is this, viz Om' (Ka.1.2.14-15), etc. In the above quotations, Om which is going to be spoken of is presented as a name of this supreme Brahman, and also as Its symbol like an image. This has been done as a means to meditation on it (Om) for the attainment of the supreme Brahman by poeple of low and mediocre intellect, in as much as this leads to Liberation in course of time. Here also that very meditation on Om in the manner stated above-which is the means of attaining the supreme Brahman introduced in, '(He who meditates on) the Omniscient, the Ancient,' and in, '(I shall speak to you birefly of that immutable Goal) which the knowers of the Vedas declare,' and which (meditation) leads to Liberation in due course [Realization of Brahman leads to immediate Liberation (sadyomukti, whereas meditation (contemplation, upasana) leads to gradual Liberation (krama-mukti).-Tr.]-has to be spoken of along with 'adherence to yoga' as also whatever is connected directly or indirectly with it. For this purpose the following text is begun: sarvadvaaraaNi sa.nyamya mano hR^idi nirudhya cha . muu{dh{}nyaa}.rdhaayaatmanaH praaNamaasthito yogadhaaraNaam.h .. 8\.12.. 12. Having controlled all the passages, having confined the mind in the heart, and having fixed his own vital force in the head, (and then) continuing in the firmness in yoga; Samyamya, having controlled; sarva-dvarani, all the passages, the doors of perception; niruddhya, having confined; the manah, mind; hrdi, in the heart-not allowing it to spread out; and after that, with the help of the mind controlled therein, rising up through the nerve running upward from the heart, adhaya, having fixed; atmanah, his own; pranam, vital force; murdhni, in the lead; (and then) asthitah, continuing in; yogadharanam, the firmness in yoga-in order to make it steady-. And while fixing it there itself, omityekaaksharaM brahma vyaaharanmaamanusmaran.h . yaH prayaati tyajandehaM sa yaati paramaa.n gatim.h .. 8\.13.. 13. He who departs by leaving the body while uttering the single syllable, viz Om, which is Brahman, and thinking of Me, he attains the supreme Goal. Yah, he who; prayati, departs, dies; tyajan, by leaving; deham, the body-the phrase 'leaving the body' is meant for qualifying departure; thereby it is implied that the soul's departure occurs by abandoning the body, and not through the destruction of its own reality, having abandoned thus-; vyaharan, while uttering; the eka-adsaram, single syllable; om iti brahma, viz Om, which is Brahman, Om which is the name of Brahman; and anusmaran, thinking; mam, of Me, of God who is implied by that (syllable); sah, he; yati, attains; the paramam, supreme, best; gatim, Goal. Further, ananyachetaaH satataM yo maa.n smarati nityashaH . tasyaahaM sulabhaH paartha nityayuk{}tasya yoginaH .. 8\.14.. 14. O son of Prtha, to that yogi of constant concentration and single-minded attention, who remembers Me uninterruptedly and for long, I am easy of attainment. Partha, O son of Prtha, tasya yoginah, to that yogi; nitya-yuktasya, of constant concentration, who is ever absorbed (in God); and ananya-cetah, of single-minded attention, a yogi whose mind is not drawn to any other object; yah, who; smarati, remembers; mam, Me, the supreme God; satatam, uninteruptedly; and nityasah, for long-. By satatam, uninterrupteldy, is meant 'without any break'. By niryasah, is meant along duration. Not six months, nor even a year! What then? The meaning is: He who remembers Me for his whole life, continuously. To that yogi aham, I; am sulabhah, easy of attainment. Since this is so, therefore one should remain ever absorbed in Me, with mind given to nothing else. 'What follows from Your being easy of attainment?' This is being answered: 'Hear what follows from My being easy of attainment.' maamupetya punarjanma duHkhaalayamashaashvatam.h . naap{}nuvanti mahaatmaanaH sa.nsiddhiM paramaa.n gataaH .. 8\.15.. 15. As a result of reaching Me, the exalted ones who have attained the highest perfection do not get rebirth which is an abode of sorrows and which is impermanent. Upetya mam, as a result of reaching Me who am God-as a result of realizing My nature; mahatmanah, the exalted ones, the monks; gatah, who have attained; the paramam, highest; samsiddhim, perfection, called Liberation; na, do not; apnuvanti, get; this kind of punarjanama, rebirth. As to what kind of rebirth they do not get, the Lord states its characteristics-duhkhalayam, which is an abode of sorrows, a resort of physical and other sorrows, i.e. a birth to which sorrows adhere. It is not merely an abode of sorrows, but also asavatam, impermanent, having no fixity of nature. On the other hand, those who do not reach Me, they come again. Again, 'Is it that those who attain someone other than You return?' This is being answered: ===================================================================== For Gita Dhyana Shlokas/Mantras and Mahatmya </message/advaitin/6987> --- Adi Shankara's commentary, translated by Swami Gambhirananda, at URL: <advaitinGita/Shankara1/gmbCH6.htm> ___________________ Swami Chinmayananda's commentary at URL: <advaitinGita/Chinmaya/COMM6.HTM> Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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