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Advaita : Some Basic Explanations - 1

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I have requested Sri Himanshu to post these series for the benefit of new

members and for those who are not familiar with Advaita Philosophy. On behalf

of the list, I want to thank Himanshu for the series. Sri Himanshu tried to

send his first post as an attachment and it didn't appear. I am reposting them

to be complete.




Ram Chandran



Advaita : Some Basic Explanations

-- Himanshu


Talking, discussing and understanding Advaita is quit

different from achieving Advaita.


It is felt that the aim of most of the list members is to

strive for achieving Advaita. With that hope this series of

a few postings are being initiated.



A hawker was selling "intelligence-pills" : "Rs. 20/- for a

bottle of 20 pills, take these and become the most intelligent

person in 20 days!"

I purchased a bottle. Used it for 20 days, but did not notice

any increase in my intelligence. I went back to the hawker :

"I tried your pills, but find no improvement!"

He sold me one more bottle.

After consuming this and further a third bottle, when I did

not find any improvement, I went back to him. He said :"What,

no improvement? Buy one more bottle."

I said :"You cheat, I am not going to buy any more of your

bottles. They do not help."

He smillingly said :"Yes, see the pills have worked. You do

not need intelligence-pills any more."


You need logic, learning, scriptures, Yoga, etc. only till you

realize futility (mithyaatva) of them all.


Recently, there were several questions on Advaita list,

involving technical words like kutastha, maayaa, avidyaa,

etc. Though some list members like Jaladhar, Nanda and others

have tried to explain, because the original questions were not

in a particular sequence, possibly the answers did not built

up into a sequenced exposition. Also, I felt that some inputs

from experience may help. That's why this series of postings.

It is not a summary of what they have said, though the

undercurrent is, of course, the same. The series is addressed

to new comers to the language of Advaita (and they may not

necessarily be novice seekers!)


The following sequence and topics are planned (any suggestions

welcome.) I shall try to satisfy within my limitations.


1. Doshaa.h (defects) in a person and their solutions;

What is "dehin" (one who possesses or control the

deha.h - body)?

2. Four types of chetana - consciousness;

what is "kutastha"?

3. Meaning of "exsistence" or "this is";

"satta", "bhaava"; what is "upaadhi"?

4. What is "khyaati"? Various khyaati and comparision

of asat and anirvachaniya kyaati; "maayaa", "avidyaa";

5. Concepts of naa"sa - destruction and baadha - suspension

6. the aprameya aatmaa

7. various adhikaari - persons with different preparations

and their view-points;

aikya - oneness of aatmaa and brahman;

8. ajatavaada or d.r.s.tis.r.s.ti vaada (Shri Ramana?)

9. bhaagatyaaga lak"sa.naa and mahaavaakya;


I shall use Charles Wikner's skt ASCII encoding for all

Sanskrit words (because they appear like that in my original

notes and I find it quite comfortable to use.) {Thanks Charles}


They will also be explained where necessary.


Questions/comments/brickbats are welcome, but please wait till

a thought cycle completes. Also, I request the list members not

to respond quickly, just on reading the mails. Give yourself

time to think about what is being said, how it gets integrated

in the whole subject matter. In short, do "manana" before



Note that here the subject matter is unlike usual human learning.

It is about yourself and it can be learned only if you get

involved - may be not externally by discussing with others, but

at least internally, by contemplating.


Main references for this series :

1. Pa~ncada"sii by Vidyara.nya Swami

translation by Swami Swahananda,

Shri Ramakrishna Math, Maylapore, Chinnai(Madras)


A host of texts - Geeta, Vivekachudamani, Upanishads, RigVeda

provide the background.


I also used :

Shri Vicharasagara by Mahatama Nishchaladasji

original in old Hindi.

(I use a Gujarati translation with detailed commentary

by Shri Pitambaradasji, published by Sastu Sahitya,

Ahmedabad. I do not know if an English translation is

available, I wish there were.)


Finally, I may add that several of these postings are being extracted

out of notes on Geeta that I wrote for my son, Parag. I thank Parag

for asking me to explain Geeta.


Best wishes to all.

-- Himanshu

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