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Credit belongs to Sri Madathilnairji's / Whence adhyAsa?

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Madhava K Turumella [madhava]

Saturday, February 23, 2002 12:30 PM


RE: Re: Whence adhyAsa?


Quoting Harsha :


> This was what I was trying to tell when I answered Dennis's

> questions. I just wanted to be simple. I was not "misguided". If

> anyone thought so, then that was an unpardonable insult on my guru

> parampara.


Dear Harshaji,


Hari Om!


I enjoy your clear-cut, straight answer to whatever-you-may-ask :-)



Thank you Sri Madhvaji for your kind and generous comments. I feel your love

and accepted it gratefully. Although we are all One, the compliments you

make are intended for Sri Madathilnairji.


Of course, I agree with the spirit of Sri Madathilnairji's message.


Love to all









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Hari Om !!


> >

> > This was what I was trying to tell when I answered Dennis's

> > questions. I just wanted to be simple. I was not "misguided".


> > anyone thought so, then that was an unpardonable insult on my


> > parampara.



Someone said to me, "You are a donkey", and I accepted it,

superimposed a donkey on myself, and did not like the image of

myself, so shouted back, "you are a donkey", and possibly do some

more breying. Ofcourse, my donkey friends joined me applauding me

with their breying.


Even if someone truly said to me some thing wrong, if it be out of

their mis-apprehension, why should I superimpose that image on

myself ?


Some people think, they exist, and hence their Gurus exist. And they

can not bear a word against their opinions, hence they bring in their

guru parampara to defend their EGO, and existance, for they have no

other proof to offer.


Sri Atmachaitanya is offering and challenging us to think from a

different point of view. However, he did not contradict the

possiblity of Realisation based on Sankara's own words which are

likely to be less controversial.


yes, there has been some heat. Nevertheless, it has provoked

thinking, so it has been worth it. Why should anyone be cowed to

accept one view. This is very important for a beginner like me to

know all sides and choose a course that takes me to realisation. I

believe, there must have been a solution to this promoted riddle, for

there have been great thinkers before me.


In Psychology we learn to teach someone correct spelling of a word,

and by making the student do the exact opposite consciously, the

correct one can be learnt. So, discussing exhaustively both sides of

the argument, one can clearly know the truth. It is said, the most

accurate way of learning is to know the similarities and difference

of two things.


Om Namo Narayanaya !!




> Dear Harshaji,


> Hari Om!


> I enjoy your clear-cut, straight answer to whatever-you-may-ask :-)



> Thank you Sri Madhvaji for your kind and generous comments. I feel

your love

> and accepted it gratefully. Although we are all One, the

compliments you

> make are intended for Sri Madathilnairji.


> Of course, I agree with the spirit of Sri Madathilnairji's message.


> Love to all

> Harsha


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srikrishna_ghadiyaram [srikrishna_ghadiyaram]

Saturday, February 23, 2002 2:15 PM


Re: Credit belongs to Sri Madathilnairji's / Whence



Hari Om !!


> >

> > This was what I was trying to tell when I answered Dennis's

> > questions. I just wanted to be simple. I was not "misguided".


> > anyone thought so, then that was an unpardonable insult on my


> > parampara.



Someone said to me, "You are a donkey", and I accepted it,

superimposed a donkey on myself, and did not like the image of

myself, so shouted back, "you are a donkey", and possibly do some

more breying. Ofcourse, my donkey friends joined me applauding me

with their breying......snip....


Om Namo Narayanaya !!




Namaste Srikrishnaji


Sri Madathilnairji's simply expressed an honest opinion. I think if we were

all looking over our shoulders and worrying about Donkey specialists

analyzing our every word and emotion for advaitic weakness, hardly anything

could be said.


You certainly have every reason to rejoice that you are benefiting from the

conversation. We can all support you on that.



Love to all









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Sri Krishna ji

Thank you for your words about the discussion that is going on. My heart

goes with what you said. I am greatful for I find more interesting to

understand my true self.

Raju Das


Hari Om !!


> >

> > This was what I was trying to tell when I answered Dennis's

> > questions. I just wanted to be simple. I was not "misguided".


> > anyone thought so, then that was an unpardonable insult on my


> > parampara.



Someone said to me, "You are a donkey", and I accepted it,

superimposed a donkey on myself, and did not like the image of

myself, so shouted back, "you are a donkey", and possibly do some

more breying. Ofcourse, my donkey friends joined me applauding me

with their breying.


Even if someone truly said to me some thing wrong, if it be out of

their mis-apprehension, why should I superimpose that image on

myself ?


Some people think, they exist, and hence their Gurus exist. And they

can not bear a word against their opinions, hence they bring in their

guru parampara to defend their EGO, and existance, for they have no

other proof to offer.


Sri Atmachaitanya is offering and challenging us to think from a

different point of view. However, he did not contradict the

possiblity of Realisation based on Sankara's own words which are

likely to be less controversial.


yes, there has been some heat. Nevertheless, it has provoked

thinking, so it has been worth it. Why should anyone be cowed to

accept one view. This is very important for a beginner like me to

know all sides and choose a course that takes me to realisation. I

believe, there must have been a solution to this promoted riddle, for

there have been great thinkers before me.


In Psychology we learn to teach someone correct spelling of a word,

and by making the student do the exact opposite consciously, the

correct one can be learnt. So, discussing exhaustively both sides of

the argument, one can clearly know the truth. It is said, the most

accurate way of learning is to know the similarities and difference

of two things.


Om Namo Narayanaya !!



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Namaste Shri Harshaji,


Thank you very much for your support and appreciation

of the spirit of what I wrote.


Best regards.





--- Harsha wrote:

> Namaste Srikrishnaji


> Sri Madathilnairji's simply expressed an honest

> opinion.






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Shri Srikrishnaji, first I thought I will ignore your

criticism and endeavour to imbibe your advice.

However, upon rereading your mail, I felt I ought to

reply. Now, how can I do that without an “EGO”? No

way. So, for the time being, I am not surrendering my

EGO to any bank vault or to the Lord Himself. Anyway,

the Lord would not like to have it, I am sure. The

banks too would frown as they don’t like to see even

Dollars (American, I mean) these days. An Indian ego

depleted by the vagaries of “adhyaasa” has no use for



Let us take the “donkey part” of your message. Since

I have an EGO, I feel immensely offended by your

bringing in the donkey image. Even that animal would

object for being drawn into a group of blabbering (of

course, from the point of view of the donkey),

humourless advaitins. You could have tried a gibbon

or chimpanzee as we can behaviourally empathize with

them more effectively. Anyhow, that is a suggestion

for your future consideration.


If you have not understood it yet, I did not object to

Shri Atmachainaji’s views or erudition. In fact, I

admire them, as does Shri Svenkat and others in the

group. My objection was simply to his using the word

“misguided”. As Shri Atmachaitanyaji is a wise man, I

am sure he has weighed and measured each of his words

before sending them to print. So, you don’t have to

defend his case, Shri Srikrishnaji.


What is that statement of yours: “Some people think,

they exist, and hence their Gurus exist.”? I “know”

that I exist and, since I do exist, my gurus do too.

This was one of my first lessons in Advaita. You, an

advaitin, shouldn’t have any doubts about it.


Now about having proof, I believe you are referring to

that “adhyaasa” thing again. I said I have no proof;

I know that it can never be empirically understood;

questions like “where” and “when” (which I also used

to pester my teachers with) have no relevance to it;

as such I would not like to waste my time hunting for

an answer to that intractable conundrum; I don’t think

anybody, including Shri Atmachaitanyaji, has an

answer, although, as Shri Svenkat said, we are all

waiting with bated breath for his return to the ring;

and if at all and when his “answer” comes (because,

going through past mail, I find that he has a record

of default on at least one previous promise), many

pugilists (again to borrow from Shri Svenkat) other

than me are out there who have intractable questions

up their sleeves for Shri Atmachaitanyaji to answer

interminably till eternity. What a waste of human

existence that is going to be, particularly, for a

renunciate, assuming that Shri Atmachaitanyaji is one!


Since you are enjoying the goings on, Shri

Srikrishnaji, please do not commit the mistake of

surrendering your EGO as yet, because, after all, you

need to have an enjoyer-EGO for the promised matinee

show. And, my guru parampara, whom I am accused of

using as a defence shield, has taught me that the EGO

cannot be surrendered without having a

surrenderer-EGO. So, let us reach a compromise, you

keep your EGO and I keep mine for the proceedings to



I am with you in calling all this a promoted riddle.

However, I feel that you should have apostrophied the

word “promoted”. I would have used the adjective

“engineered” or, at best, “contrived”. Shri

Srikrishnaji, you are prepared to withdraw from all

that you “know” to focus your gaze on the “knower”

called “I”. Why don’t you simply include this

“adhyasa” riddle also among those things you are aware

of (That is the truth, isn’t it?) and look at that “I”

only? You would be much better off; you would not

have wasted your time watching the matinee show. Shri

Atmachaitanyaji can follow suit and leave the ring.

(Those who have bought the tickets can quietly go home

taking their refund.) Let us hope the dissertation he

is currently reading enlightens him to do so and puts

him right on the path of Advaitic “ahimsa” (a la the

most "inadvaitic" Shah Rukh Khan). Coming from a

disciple of our indomitable Poojya Swami Dayananda

Saraswathiji, I can certainly hope the book to do the

impossible. (I have not seen that dissertation. Do I

need to read it too, Shri Kathirasanji!? Please be



And, about your psychological technique of learning by

doing the exact opposite, let us all sing in unison as

Lotos Eaters trapped in the unending Lotos Island

afternoon a la Lord Tennyson (and our own Charvakas

who perished without a trace):


“If death is the end of life, why should life all

labour be?”.


and expect advaitic knowledge to drop down on us like

Newton’s apple. We can then shout “Eureka”, “Eureka”

and run out of our “adhyaasa” bathtubs naked (in puris



No offence meant, Shri Srikrishnaji. All this is

written in a very light vein as there is already a

feeling that we have no sense of humour. If you feel

offended, then I am not to be blamed. The villain is

Mr. EGO right inside you without whom neither you nor

I can “operate”. And “operate” we must to make this

group tick.


Apologies and pranams to all.


EGOistically yours,


Madathil Nair



--- srikrishna_ghadiyaram

<srikrishna_ghadiyaram wrote:

> Someone said to me, "You are a donkey", and I

> accepted it,

> superimposed a donkey on myself, and did not like

> the image of

> myself, so shouted back, "you are a donkey", and

> possibly do some

> more breying. Ofcourse, my donkey friends joined me

> applauding me

> with their breying.


> Even if someone truly said to me some thing wrong,

> if it be out of

> their mis-apprehension, why should I superimpose

> that image on

> myself ?


> Some people think, they exist, and hence their Gurus

> exist. And they

> can not bear a word against their opinions, hence

> they bring in their

> guru parampara to defend their EGO, and existance,

> for they have no

> other proof to offer.


> Sri Atmachaitanya is offering and challenging us to

> think from a

> different point of view. However, he did not

> contradict the

> possiblity of Realisation based on Sankara's own

> words which are

> likely to be less controversial.


> yes, there has been some heat. Nevertheless, it has

> provoked

> thinking, so it has been worth it. Why should anyone

> be cowed to

> accept one view. This is very important for a

> beginner like me to

> know all sides and choose a course that takes me to

> realisation. I

> believe, there must have been a solution to this

> promoted riddle, for

> there have been great thinkers before me.


> In Psychology we learn to teach someone correct

> spelling of a word,

> and by making the student do the exact opposite

> consciously, the

> correct one can be learnt. So, discussing

> exhaustively both sides of

> the argument, one can clearly know the truth. It is

> said, the most

> accurate way of learning is to know the similarities

> and difference

> of two things.


> Om Namo Narayanaya !!


> Srikrishna





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