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Psychology and Metaphysics-1

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Dear Advaitins,


A true Hindu is one who thinks for himself and gets to enjoy deep metaphysical

insights. After reading and understanding the different schools of Indian (not

all) and a number of key Western thinkers specially the Hermeneutic

philosophers like Heidegger and so forth, I ventured to think for myself and

clarify the issues for my satisfaction.


I have written only four essays so far in this adventure each essay quite

complete in itself. Now I want to follow up this inquiry in the company of the

Advaitins . So I shall repost these to the list and then follow up with new

studies with critical inputs from the Advaitins where I intend to take up also

the notion of Advaita in a new way within the new principles I enunciate.







Psychology and Metaphysics


The Essential Framework-1


Depth Psychology, despite many attempts both in the West and the East still

remains scientifically untidy with methodological issues still ill understood.

While the East has penetrated unfathomable Depths and has seen the need to

destroy the Ego in order to attain metaphysical reaches that are absolutistic,

but all appear to be shrouded in a mysticism that seem to lack rigor. The West,

despite its methodological sophistications, has remained afraid of such reaches

not withstanding the valiant attempts of great philosophers like Kant who

refused to go beyond Directed Space and Time and would assign matters beyond to

transcendental imagination of a kind and hence beyond the reaches of science as

such. The Humean ethos still appears to reign supreme , it would appear. There

is a metaphysical Darkness in the Western psyche while the East has shed light

on area and hence immensely relevant despite the mystical garb within which much

of it presented. Thus there is a need to look into these matters with a

freshness that brings together similar developments both in the East and the

West to chart out a Depth Psychology that simultaneously brings metaphysics into

the realms of science and as we shall see into Hermeneutic Science, a notion of

science that is more inclusive than positive sciences. ( and which has been

developed as integral part of Hinduism)


I have been concerned with such matters for the last several decades and in this

series I hope to write essays touching upon these matters refining the notes

that I have jotted down that

incorporate useful insights into such issues. I want to bring to this enterprise

the best of East and West I have come to know and approach the matter always

remaining faithful to the notion of seeking out and seeing TRUTH ( Ta. mey

kaaNaL) that constitutes the essential nerve of Indian rationality as well as

the West, in fact the human rationality all over the world. The concern with

TRUTH is what destroys all prejudices and makes man rise above all differences

and enjoy a certain universality and commonness. So this inquiry will appeal ,

hopefully , to all who are genuinely concerned with understanding self, the

Atmabotam, as they say in the Indian circles.


The Meaning of Existence


Let us assume that we have to write a book that is concerned with Psychology and


What will be its chief concern? As psychology it will be concerned will behavior

or Praxis, the

doing this and that. And as metaphysics it will seek to fathom the Depths, the

realms beyond the physical and where presumably are forces that configure the

various praxis that become the

EXISTENCE, the life individuals lead, including here even the animals. So Depth

Psychology as an area of study that seeks to understand behavior in terms of the

archaic and underground forces that configure the whole range of behavior,

including the religious, will be concerned with the theme of The Meaning of

Existence. It will seek to unravel the mystery surrounding man being thrown into

EXISTENCE , why this at all as there in the world.


With this clarity of the THEME of Depth Psychology, that area of study that

seeks out the

metaphysical depths of human praxis , we can also see that broadly speaking

there will be FOUR different parts to it.


First of all there has to be clarity pertaining to the methodological issues and

I believe the most universal rational component of Human behavior is that of

LEARNING where by learning we do not mean changes in behavior due to

conditioning of various kinds but rather in the naive sense where there is



Now once we are clear on this then we see that there has to be a LEARNER and

hence concern

about the psychic entities as those in fact which learn. Thus the second part

will be about the

anmas, the psychic entities, their essential structures, why they are as they

are and so forth. Here we shall also be led to the questions about BEING that

popularly is known as God and so forth. This will constitute the second part

where the source of the psychodynamics of the creatures will be understood in

all its depths. Here too will emerge the central question of metaphysics -- that

of Fundamental Ontology, what are the basic elements that go into the networking

of the phenomenal reality, the dynamics of human experience.


This will lead us to the question of the Sadhana, the science of spiritual

technology and hence also, I believe Mantrayana, a science again very inclusive,

that which would include the machine

technology along with the yantra technologies where prayers, meditations chants

yoga asanas

alchemical diagrams and so forth will have a place.


The final section will be psychotherapy but redefined as that science that cures

the illness of the soul, the miseries of life of even the normal persons and why

the authentic metaphysical mode of existence is the real solution to all

including unhappiness in life and why that kind of life is in fact the most

fulfilling. Psychotheraphy understood in this essentially Eastern sense does not

mean it is for the abnormal and aberrant but for the normal and who is forever

restless discontended .


In the essays following we shall deal with these themes by way of adumbrating





Dear friends! You are most welcome to visit the following websites I maintain:


For World Saivism : http://ulagan.tripod.com/index.htm

For Dravidian Philosophy: http://loga.tripod.com/tindex.htm

For Agamic Psychology :


For ArutkuRaL studies:


For studies of Tamil Sacred scriptures in

English: http://arutkuraL.tripod.com/tmcampus/tmc-open.html

For SumeroTamil and related studies:





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