Guest guest Posted April 16, 2002 Report Share Posted April 16, 2002 Psychology and Metaphysics-6 Let us hold onto the little clarities we have attained as the anchor to move further on. We have seen that the human beings can delude themselves with the Metaphysics of Denial of the Ordinary World, of the commonsensical daily experience but all in the laudable interest of being in the Brilliance of Sunyata or Brahman-Self , the Atman as the Vedantins are prone to describe. We are in agreement as far as this goes and we shall see that this is NOT the end of the matter but rather only a beginning. There are Deeper Truths hidden in this claim and we shall interrogate that as well later. But it is clear that and against these metaphysics of Denial that the world is not simply a cascade of photon-like energy pulses that generate various kinds of Gestalts that give the impression of permanence where as a matter of fact there is NOTHING of the sort as in the experience of the Paramartika as opposed to the worldly viyavakarika they do not prevail and condition the mind. This is certainly not the case as the SELF exists as the experiencer of even this Paramartika stage having elevated itself from the Viyavakarika. We cannot go along also with the Vedantins who keep on repeating ad nauseam that all these are because of names and forms ( nama rupa) and once the mind is FREED of names , it will automatically shine forth as the Brahman-Self and that this is only possible in the presence of the Sad Guru etc. But the immensely ODD thing here is that all these are stated in words and that even such names as Sadguru Brahman Atman and so forth are WORDS. It is THOROUGH words that even these Vedantins communicate betraying an inner contradiction between what say and do. But nevertheless we can see something good that they are hinting at : the primary trouble in the world is the identities to which we ATTACH ourselves and which are realized because of NAMES : I am a Muslim, a Christian, a Saiva , a VaishNava, a Vedantin, a Siddhantin and so forth. But the solution to this is NOT to distrust words but arise from the state of linguistic way of being to that beyond language, to the state of Deep Silence as the language of communication. But we shall attend to that later and now concentrate on something more immediate. Why am I the CLINGING type of individual, who clings to this now to that later and sometimes even lost and confused because I have nothing to cling onto as raft to swim against the stream of life and maintain myself in some sanity? The Fantasy and the Factual Yes, in the moments of crisis I fantasize, imagine the impossible , day dream , built castles in the air, to creation myths, to the notion of flying saucers, to the notion of strange creatures from outer space having come down to the earth and initiating civilization and so on and on. Such purely mental acrobatics are endless. That some people IMAGINE thus is a TRUTH but what they imagine about is an UNTRUTH, a pure mental fiction. So we see then that there are INTENTIONALITIES of various kinds in which in addition to UNDERSTANDING the FACTUAL structure of the world and existence in general, the FACTICITY of existence, there is also departing from it and indulging perhaps in mental exercises that are of the type adhyasa aaropitam and so forth. But these are too INTENTIONALITIES -- wishes of sorts. I have a CHOICE to fantasize thus or remain FREE of such imaginations and note reality as it is and understand things as they in themselves or Heidegger would say, understand them as disclose themselves from within themselves that the Tamils in Tolkaappiyam period called Iyal NeRi, the noting of things as they are in the world. Thus there are TWO different ways in which NAMES enter into our mind -- one through fantasizing and another through accommodating ourselves to the FACTICAL. That the object in my Garden is a Mango Tree is NOT vain imagination but accommodating myself to a FACT. But when I go on to say that That is Haunted , there is Ghost living in it, that may be a fiction , an imagination. And this difference is shown by the fact another would AGREE with me as to the tree begin a Mango Tree while he may to my claim that it is haunted. Death and Nasunyata or Maalam Now another FACTICAL thing about existence is that there is DEATH in various ways. There are elements of Mental Death where memory is lost and because of which I cannot RECALL anything. I may lose also my CONSCIOUSNESS and remain in a death-like comma for several days and recover and begin to recognize later and all because of good medical care. I may also become schizophrenic psychotic insane and so forth because the capacity to process the stimuli from the environment and act accordingly is DEAD, already snatched away from me and which makes me a lunatic, mad. And despite all these I may just die a natural death or an unnatural death. I may even choose to commit suicide and put an end to my existence. Thus DEATH is NOT a fiction, a matter simply there only because we name it. In naming DEATH and allied experiences as related to it, I am accommodating myself to FACTICITY, what is there in the fabric of the world process. Thus over and above the consciousness endowing processes I notice now there are consciousness- depriving processes, processes that snatch away the various forms of consciousness I enjoy. And I notice that this APPLIES to the WHOLE WORLD, to this VAST COSMOS itself. This whole world can be wiped out , caused to DIE and disappear ! At this point we notice that there will NOT be this Sunyata, this BRAHMAN too. When the vast cosmos is DEAD only DARKNESS prevails -- a notion that the Saivites accommodate in their metaphysics and acknowledge the presence of Maalam ( the aanava malam in both Kashmir saivism and Saiva Siddhanta) as the cause of it. Thus we have to see that over and above the possibility of shining in Sunyata or as the Brahman-Self, there is also the possibility of being deprived of it all by something that is there is the world as a reality, as something there beyond my mental constructs and imaginations. Death is an event in the world that the world as a whole may also suffer and this certainly is NOT my fiction, a matter that is there because of names (to continue) 6 ======================================================= Dear friends! You are most welcome to visit the following websites I maintain: For World Saivism : For Dravidian Philosophy: For Agamic Psychology : For ArutkuRaL studies: For studies of Tamil Sacred scriptures in English: For SumeroTamil and related studies: ======================================================= Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 Dear Sir, I am not a scholar, a psychologist, an academician. However, I have read all your posts with meticulous care and endeavoured my best to understand your ideas. That you don't to vedanta and Budhdhism is already clear to all of us here. However, you persist to send posts to this forum, to the thought of which you don't , because you believe you have an alternative better than advaita to offer. What that alternative is like is still not clear to me. You seem to believe in keeping all of us in suspense! I can be critical about many points in your posts. But, as I said, I don't believe this is the right forum to express such opnion and our moderators have already made it clear before. However, permit me to mention your following two important conclusions which I cannot digest at all as a very common thinking being and an aspiring advaitin: Firstly, in your earlier posts, you concluded that when human beings confront soonyatha, they tend to exhbit a defensive "non-average" behaviour in order to vindicate, substantiate and justify their being. (These may not be your exact words but your thought as I understood it.) Agreed, such aberrations are possible, particularly if you have in mind the post-World War II European intelligensia that grew beards and lamented the pointlessness of existence, the western youth fed up and frustrated with material comforts, who took the wrold to drugs with him. But, you seem to apply this even to the present day terrorists who include those guys who crashed those jumbo jets into the WTC towers! That type of thinking is an outrage on anybody's sensibility, Sir! To say those headless fanatics "tasted" soonyatha, a concept that requires a high degree of intellectual capability to appreciate, is the height of absurdity. They had no sense of soonyatha. They knew what they were doing. They did not belong to a faith that has the concept of soonyatha at all, even an iota of it, anywhere in their thinking. They were trying to force on the world what they thought was right and, from that point of view, they very much believed in this world, the life therein and the "promise" that lay thereafter! The second outrageous conclusion is in your latest post and quoted below. You have killed soonyatha and brahman - both in one clean stroke! Let the Buddhists rush in to rescue soonyatha if they want. But as for our brahman, you have already said that DARKNESS will prevail and failed to mention who will be there to "see" that residual darkness! That "who" is what we advaitins are all after, whether we accept your scenario or not. I wrote this only because you asked for an explanation in one of your previous posts and I thought that you deserved one. Forgive me, if I have been very frank in expressing my sentiments. Thanks and best regards. Madathil Nair _____________________________ advaitin, "Dr.K.Loganathan" <subas@p...> wrote: > Psychology and Metaphysics-6> > > > Thus DEATH is NOT a fiction, a matter simply there only because we name it. In naming DEATH and allied experiences as related to it, I am accommodating myself to FACTICITY, what is there in the fabric of the world process. > > Thus over and above the consciousness endowing processes I notice now there are consciousness- depriving processes, processes that snatch away the various forms of consciousness I enjoy. And I notice that this APPLIES to the WHOLE WORLD, to this VAST COSMOS itself. This whole world can be wiped out , caused to DIE and disappear ! > > At this point we notice that there will NOT be this Sunyata, this BRAHMAN too. When the vast cosmos is DEAD only DARKNESS prevails -- a notion that the Saivites accommodate in their metaphysics and acknowledge the presence of Maalam ( the aanava malam in both Kashmir saivism and Saiva Siddhanta) as the cause of it. > > Thus we have to see that over and above the possibility of shining in Sunyata or as the Brahman-Self, there is also the possibility of being deprived of it all by something that is there is the world as a reality, as something there beyond my mental constructs and imaginations. > > Death is an event in the world that the world as a whole may also suffer and this certainly is NOT my fiction, a matter that is there because of names > > (to continue) 6 > > > > > > ======================================================= > Dear friends! You are most welcome to visit the following websites I maintain: > > For World Saivism : > For Dravidian Philosophy: > For Agamic Psychology : > For ArutkuRaL studies: > For studies of Tamil Sacred scriptures in > English: > For SumeroTamil and related studies: > > ======================================================= > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 Namaste Sri Madathilnair: Thanks for bringing some valid points to the attention of Dr. Loganathan. While reading Dr. Loganathan's postings, I am of the opinion (it is only my impression and others may or may not agree) that they are more like reading newsitems in newspapers - lots of news but without substantive facts. Such news items may be useful to some but or others they are quite irrelevant especially those who have no interest on such news. Specifically, this list focuses its discussions mostly on advaita philosophy and related materials. In this context, the materials presented by Dr. Loganathan does not appear relevant. Any new ideas criticising existing philosophies need lots of supporting references and facts. This is only my personal opinion, and it is quite possible that I could be wrong! If Dr. Loganathan feels that I am wrong, let me express my sincere apologies. I do respect Dr. Loganathan's enthusiasm and his willingness to share his scholarship with the list members. I wish that he takes little more time to review the Advaita Philsophy before offering his conclusions. warmest regards, Ram Chandran advaitin, "madathilnair" <madathilnair> wrote: > Dear Sir, > > I am not a scholar, a psychologist, an academician. However, I have > read all your posts with meticulous care and endeavoured my best to > understand your ideas. > > That you don't to vedanta and Budhdhism is already clear to > all of us here. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 advaitin Mr. Nair wrote:I am not a scholar, a psychologist, an academician. However, I have ead all your posts with meticulous care and endeavoured my best to understand your ideas.That you don't to vedanta and Budhdhism is already clear to all of us here. However, you persist to send posts to this forum, to the thought of which you don't Dear Nairji, Hari Om You have spoken for most of us and well said. I think the best that can be done is not to extend this discussion further as it will only extend arguments and take time from waht we want to hear. Yes, we should have some idea of contra-ideas and we have it now, but we have to follow our goal. We can't be running after every new idea just because the propenent is more persuasive in repeating them. We all are interested in the direction of Advaita and self-realization through proven traditional methods. If there are other ways, let other groups follow them. Pranams to all P.B.V.Rajan Get Your Private, Free E-mail from Indiatimes at Buy Music, Video, CD-ROM, Audio-Books and Music Accessories from Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 Namaste I made this same appeal to him while I was a member in his (Dr Loganathan's) Meykandar List. It fell into deaf ears. I've d ever since. The obsession to 'disconstruct (whatever that means)' Vedanta has been the subject of many mails posted by Dr Loganathan even in the Meykandar list. There was even a discussion in the List to relate the word 'Veda' to 'Vedanai' which means 'pain' or 'sorrow' in tamil. Dr Loganathan is not completely ignorant of the Vedanta philosophy. During my membership in the Meykandar list, I discovered that he has studied the Brahma Sutras, Upadesha Sahasri and a tamil text by Swami Satchitanandendra Saraswati on his own. I would also like to echo Ramji's request to Dr Loganathan to provide textual references to support his claims. Thank you. Kathi > > ramvchandran [sMTP:rchandran] > Wednesday, April 17, 2002 8:53 PM > advaitin > Re: Psychology and Metaphysics-6 > > Namaste Sri Madathilnair: > > Thanks for bringing some valid points to the attention of Dr. > Loganathan. While reading Dr. Loganathan's postings, I am of > the opinion (it is only my impression and others may or may not agree) > that they are more like reading newsitems in newspapers - lots of news > but without substantive facts. Such news items may be useful to some > but or others they are quite irrelevant especially those who have no > interest on such news. > > Specifically, this list focuses its discussions mostly on advaita > philosophy and related materials. In this context, the materials > presented by Dr. Loganathan does not appear relevant. Any new > ideas criticising existing philosophies need lots of supporting > references and facts. This is only my personal opinion, and it is > quite possible that I could be wrong! If Dr. Loganathan feels that I > am wrong, let me express my sincere apologies. I do respect Dr. > Loganathan's enthusiasm and his willingness to share his scholarship > with the list members. I wish that he takes little more time to review > the Advaita Philsophy before offering his conclusions. > > warmest regards, > > Ram Chandran > > > advaitin, "madathilnair" <madathilnair> wrote: > > Dear Sir, > > > > I am not a scholar, a psychologist, an academician. However, I have > > read all your posts with meticulous care and endeavoured my best to > > understand your ideas. > > > > That you don't to vedanta and Budhdhism is already clear > to > > all of us here. > > > > Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of > Atman and Brahman. > Advaitin List Archives available at: > > To Post a message send an email to : advaitin > Messages Archived at: advaitin/messages > > > > Your use of is subject to > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 Dear Nair, Thank-you. I can see that your obervations and questions are quite to the point and quite stimulating. So let me respond to some of your points as below madathilnair wrote: > Dear Sir, > > I am not a scholar, a psychologist, an academician. However, I have > read all your posts with meticulous care and endeavoured my best to > understand your ideas. Loga: Actually you fins that I continuously refer to very commonsensical things and therefore nothing that requires examining more than what we generally know. It is NOT necessary to provide scriptural evidence for such facts of life as memory lose, death and so forth. Death is a fact of life, anything that comes to birth also dies. This is also a feature of the world as a whole and the one of the meanings of MAYA may simply be this though perhaps not as it occurs in "Mayaavaatam". Even here the Vedantins may mean something quite deep and not simply illusion delusion etc. That you read or in fact study my postings with meticulas care is very pleasant to hear So don't worry -- there will be more to come as a theme crystallizes in my mind with a unity. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > That you don't to vedanta and Budhdhism is already clear to > all of us here. However, you persist to send posts to this forum, to > the thought of which you don't , because you believe you > have an alternative better than advaita to offer. What that > alternative is like is still not clear to me. You seem to believe in > keeping all of us in suspense! Loga: This is NOT quite accurate. I LEARN from all great thinkers but of course I use my Buddhi ( as recommended by the Vivekananda Center). I do not as yet have an alternative to offer but working towards it with valuable input , even if negative , from people like you. Suspense? no, it is an ongoing search where clarities are worked out and illuminations attained. Of course as we develop more and more questions swell in the mind and which is a good sign for the inquiries take definite shapes. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > I can be critical about many points in your posts. But, as I said, I > don't believe this is the right forum to express such opnion and our > moderators have already made it clear before. However, permit me to > mention your following two important conclusions which I cannot > digest at all as a very common thinking being and an aspiring > advaitin: Loga: Please be critical. That will be the best homage you can pay towards Sankara who was immensely critical. He remains one of the great masters from whom I learned to be critical and which also means I have to be critical towards him as well as much to others, Ramanuja Meykandar Tirumular and a host of others. I am sure the moderators will approve of it as one of the stated goals as I already pointed, that of searching for Ultimate Reality. Of course they demand that all these take place with emotions under control. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > Firstly, in your earlier posts, you concluded that when human beings > confront soonyatha, they tend to exhbit a defensive "non-average" > behaviour in order to vindicate, substantiate and justify their > being. (These may not be your exact words but your thought as I > understood it.) Agreed, such aberrations are possible, particularly > if you have in mind the post-World War II European intelligensia that > grew beards and lamented the pointlessness of existence, the western > youth fed up and frustrated with material comforts, who took the > wrold to drugs with him. But, you seem to apply this even to the > present day terrorists who include those guys who crashed those jumbo > jets into the WTC towers! That type of thinking is an outrage on > anybody's sensibility, Sir! To say those headless fanatics "tasted" > soonyatha, a concept that requires a high degree of intellectual > capability to appreciate, is the height of absurdity. They had no > sense of soonyatha. They knew what they were doing. They did not > belong to a faith that has the concept of soonyatha at all, even an > iota of it, anywhere in their thinking. They were trying to force on > the world what they thought was right and, from that point of view, > they very much believed in this world, the life therein and > the "promise" that lay thereafter! Loga: Fanaticism, terrorism in the name of religion is a phenomena that we have think about very seriously. I am THINKING about it, go down right to its roots. In due course I will come to it. I have to be clear about certain other issues before I can tackle it adequately. The sunyata perhaps exists in their heart as the DESERT LANDSCAPE and an imageless EMPTY place as the place of worship. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > The second outrageous conclusion is in your latest post and quoted > below. You have killed soonyatha and brahman - both in one clean > stroke! Let the Buddhists rush in to rescue soonyatha if they want. > Loga: No , I have not killed it but just pointed the possibility that Sunyata and Brahman-Self ,( if it the same as that) is subject to destruction and disappearance. But of course it is there for when we are metaphysical it comes back to our deep recesses of the mind. So just simply it raises new questions about it. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> But as for our brahman, you have already said that DARKNESS will prevail and failed to mention who will be there to "see" that residual darkness! That "who" is what we advaitins are all after, whether we accept your scenario or not. Loga: A very interesting and thought provoking question, I must say. Of course we have to analyze further the notion of SEEING itself. Do ants SEE? And furthermore there is a sense in which BRAHMAN sees even this DARKNESS. This may be the real meaning of the second sutra of the Vedanta Sutras: (Brahman is that omniscient, omnipotent cause) from which proceed the origin etc. (i.e. sustenance and dissolution) of this (world) (trans by. Swami Vireswarannadna) If Brahman is the cause of the dissolution of everything, and the ONE who brings about Darkness, HE must be seeing it. There is NO blindness in Brahman here. But then if this the true meaning of Brahman, then it cannot be the Sunyata or the Brahman-Self ! Now what is true meaning of Brahman? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > > Now I wrote this only because you asked for an explanation in one of your > previous posts and I thought that you deserved one. Forgive me, if I > have been very frank in expressing my sentiments. > Loga: No , no at all. I am quite used to controversies ( also to being abused in that process). But so was Sankara, wasn't?. If you want : I want to be a Sankara as much as a Meykandar -- just simply critical and OPEN to truths that I cannot deny and go on CLARIFYING myself accumulating truths after truths, all with the Satyam Eva Jayate well entrenched in my mind. What remains undying is TRUTH what we must keep steadfastly in our mind if Mey KaaNal, truth seeking and seeing. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> > > Thanks and best regards. > > Madathil Nair > _____________________________ > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 Dear Sir, Thanks for your response and desire for critical discussion. Currently, my main interest is this forum and that should be evident to you in the way I take interest in the goings on here amidst my other responsibilities. I would, therefore, like to express my opinions, if at all any, on the issues raised by you, directly to you at your e-mail address, and exclude this forum and its members from being subjected to mail they are not interested in. Kindly see that such desire has been expressed by other members. Please help me honour their feelings. Thanks and best regards. Madathil Nair ________________________ advaitin, "Dr. K. Loganathan" <subas@p...> wrote: > Dear Nair, > > Thank-you. I can see that your obervations and questions are quite to the point and quite > stimulating. So let me respond to some of your points as below > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted April 17, 2002 Report Share Posted April 17, 2002 Dear Nair, I appreciate your interest but unfortnately hard pressed for time and hence don't normally encourage private correspondences unless they are personal. You have some very stimulaing and interesting questions that will benefit all including the Vedantins. Any way if you feel uncomfortable you are most welcome to post or c.c. them to akandabratam where there are many other scholars as well and who can participate actively in such an inquiry from which I think all the Indian scholars can benefit . Loga madathilnair wrote: > Dear Sir, > > Thanks for your response and desire for critical discussion. > > Currently, my main interest is this forum and that should be evident > to you in the way I take interest in the goings on here amidst my > other responsibilities. I would, therefore, like to express my > opinions, if at all any, on the issues raised by you, directly to you > at your e-mail address, and exclude this forum and its members from > being subjected to mail they are not interested in. Kindly see that > such desire has been expressed by other members. Please help me > honour their feelings. > > Thanks and best regards. > > Madathil Nair > ________________________ > > advaitin, "Dr. K. Loganathan" <subas@p...> wrote: > > Dear Nair, > > > > Thank-you. I can see that your obervations and questions are quite > to the point and quite > > stimulating. So let me respond to some of your points as below > > > > > Discussion of Shankara's Advaita Vedanta Philosophy of nonseparablity of Atman and Brahman. > Advaitin List Archives available at: > To Post a message send an email to : advaitin > Messages Archived at: advaitin/messages > > > > Your use of is subject to Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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