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Psychology and Metaphysics-7

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Psychology and Metaphysics-7


Words of wisdom tales fables parables proverbs and such other edifying

discourses are not lacking everywhere, particularly in the Indic traditions.

However it is another question of how many of these who relate these tales

assimilate the essence and APPLY them to their life. The mind quite often seem

to take away people from the world so that what transpires there is something

they don't see and hence understand. These edifying scriptures instead of

uplifting people, become drugs to continue life without accommodating oneself

to reality

meaningfully, with an understanding. So it becomes imperative that not only we

think afresh by extricating ourselves from the debris of the past literature (

having benefited as much as possible) and realize our essential independence and

autonomy, our essential self and in relation to the world. As Sankara says we

may be deluded for all we know but it remains a fact also that we can grasp

and accommodate ourselves to REALITY, the FACTICAL structure only by reflection,

something Sankara must have believed in also for otherwise he would not have

written so many books. He could NOT be deluding himself and the world by his



While the mind can play and trap us in WISH-WORLDS, but it is the same mind

that CAN FREE us from such illusions. There is the FACTICAL and which is the

TRUTH and it is this witnessing and accommodating ourselves to it that would

provide the necessary illuminations that would put us aright . But as said by

Punitavati (6th cent.) , the women philosopher of outstanding merits and who

helped to shape the Bakthi movement : meyppouLLaik kaaNum vitiyudaiyeen....

eppporuLum aavatu emakku : because I am blessed a way of life where I see only

TRUTH, there appears nothing for me to reject as unacceptable.


There is a corner in our mind where TRUTH SEEKING and SEEING ( Ta. mey kaaNal)

is what we desire though it is not that easy to be quite persistent and

steadfast in that way of life. But nevertheless having grasped that is what we

have to pursue and go along the way it leads, we have to pursue it

disconstructing ourselves in that journey to gain the understanding of REALITY


Can the Gunas Explain Destruction?


Earlier we have seen the Sunyata or Brahman-Self and all such things that

populate both the mental and physical world can be wiped out, destroyed or

withdrawn into the limbo of DARKNESS so that it is only a TOTAL EMPTINESS that

prevails. There is DEATH not only of creatures but everything , there is NOTHING

permanent, everything is subject to death decay disintegration and

disapperance. Even the SadGuru who sits pompously in BrahmaNjanam is already

dying though perhaps unaware of it and even if aware continues without

accommodating himself to it having become trapped in Brahmanjanam. But it is a

fact of

life as much as the universe and certainly nothing new. There is no thinker in

India who hansn't said something about the impermanence of life and the world.


So they will grant us : Yes there is death and decay and NOTHING in the world is

PERMANENT but not in the sense of the photon-metaphysics of Buddhists which is

just an ingenious construction of the mind. There is this Prakiriti Maayai

composed of the Gunas --Satviikam Rajasam and Tamasam -- and always on the move

on its own and this restlessness caused by the IMBALANCE of these gunas, a view

that resembles in some ways the ENTROPY concept of Thermodynamics. The Prakriti

that moves on it own thus brings out the Satviikam by overcoming the Tamasam and

Rajasam and it this Satviikam, as the Pure is the Sunyata and self that has

attained this state of Being in the world is Brahman-Self, the Self resplendent

.. Among the world processes dead decay disintegration and so forth are the

processes that takes place because of the Tamasam and when a person becomes full

of this Gunas in relation to the others he is arrogant, cruel ,aggressive,

murderous, evil , immoral, irrational , fiendish , fanatical and so forth.


This view is very ancient and is attributed to Samkhyas and widely prevalent

in Bagavath Gita and many other schools of thought in India including some

strains of Saiva and Vedantic thinking. But let us pause for a moment with the

question : Can DEATH including that of the WHOLE UNIVERSE be explained as the

effect of the Dominance of Tamata Guna?


Once we have raised the question this way, it becomes immediately clear that it

CANNOT for death is the DEPRIVATION OF PRESENCE, what is there as such and such

is NO MORE. A person when dead is gone and so are all the living things. So

is the case with the cults cultures religions and such stuff of the mind. So are

the planets, galaxies milky ways and what not. In becoming DEAD they are NO MORE

PRESENT. Then it follows that the Prakiriti that contains within itself the

Gunas including the Tamasam becomes NO MORE PRESENT and hence making it

impossible for the Guna theory to explain DEATH and Disappearance.


Death Terrorism and Black Holes.


LIVING is PRESENCE of creatures , a presence that is worked out within the

presence of the body and some ecological conditions and hence the planets and

the whole universe. While living the Prakiriti may be there but when dead and

gone, it also becomes absent. Thus we are forced to recognize the presence of

something like what astrophysicists call the Black Hole, that which swallows

everything and makes it ABSENT. It looks as though there are Black Holes in

everything including the self for no one is exempt from death. There is this

Black Hole in the cats and dogs, the trees and plants, this earth and the

planets and in fact in the whole universe. It is that which causes DEATH as an

event in the world and which being present in the self always asserts itself and

against which the self has to wage internal wars to continue living.


Now suppose it's presence is not so strong to cause death but strong enough in

the mind to influence thinking and thereby determine behavior. What kind of

behavior will it be? Certainly something that would rejoice in bringing about

DEATH and turn the whole world into the Burning Grounds. What would be that

pleases such an individual will be the FLOW of blood and hence murder, wanton

killing, terrorism, genocide, meaningless wars and crimes of all kinds. He will

be TYRANT and seek to strike TERROR into the heart of all. He will be

transformed into the Satan, the Devil, the Evil Force where there would be the

demand for human and animal sacrifice.


These Black Holes originate from what the Saivites call aaNavam, that which

makes the self an aNu, atomic and delimited and all because the VISION is very

narrow and confined.


Where terrorism holds sway, we have the dance of this aNu that is bent in

turning the world into a crematory, the desert landscape where no life would








Dear friends! You are most welcome to visit the following websites I maintain:


For World Saivism : http://ulagan.tripod.com/index.htm

For Dravidian Philosophy: http://loga.tripod.com/tindex.htm

For Agamic Psychology :


For ArutkuRaL studies:


For studies of Tamil Sacred scriptures in

English: http://arutkuraL.tripod.com/tmcampus/tmc-open.html

For SumeroTamil and related studies:





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