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Psychology and Metaphysics-8

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Psychology and Metaphysics-8


In our inquiry and without referring to any traditional scriptural lore and just

by interrogating what happens to oneself and the world, we have accessed the

presence of Black Holes in us and everywhere as the CAUSE of DEATH both the

living creatures including me and world at large. There is something that's

there but which has escaped by awareness till I sat outside the stream of my

life and inquired into its dynamics. It appears to me that whatever we want to

learn about metaphysics is ALREADY there in the world and my existence that is

configured there and because of which I LIVE.




Thus I realize that as a corollary to that the SCRIPTURE that I need to study is

the WORLD and my EXISTENCE in it and not the Bible AlKoran the Vedas and what

not. These so called scriptures are things that I can consult for further

illuminations but my PRIMARY TEXT remains the WORLD and the EXISTENCE for it is

that which I seek to understand. As a normal and ordinary person I LIVE through

this EXISTENCE but without an UNDERSTANDING of it and it is the UNDERSTANDING

that I lack in ordinary life , as the average man, is what I seek. And in

choosing the WORLD itself as my TEXT, I immediately effect something -- I FREE

myself from the nonaverage individuals who want to ENSLAVE me into their

religion, Sampradaya, cult and so forth. I take a giant step forward in the

realization of my AUTONOMY, my essential

FREEDOM that I am NOT subject to anyone ( Appar : yaam yaarkkum kudi alloom: we

are not subject to anyone). Not only that -- it serves to unite me with the

philosophical quest of all such individuals who have realized their FREEDOM in

this way. I and he are same in that we are concerned with the world, with the

existence in which of us are already in.


What is SEEING?


On further reflection I notice that I could have seen the presence of Black

Holes everywhere and aNu as the stuff that appears as these Black Holes sucking

out the very life force that allows me to live -- to enjoy , suffer, exalt etc.

But by a sinister force already there also I have been PREVENTED to recognize

this, be aware of it as well. Well at this point the Vedantins may jump in and

say as they say ad nauseum, it is all the

workings of Maya Sakti, you are continuosly deluded into thinking other than

what you are, you are NOT in touch with the your REAL SELF and once you are in

possession of it , the dilemmas of life will not appear there etc. etc. But a

close examination of life shows that there is NO SUCH THING as Maya Sakthi,

continuously deluding you, preventing you from realizing your essential Self

which Brahman-Self.


The fact is I am busy LIVING and in that concern for living and living well and

as pushed by various kinds of INTENTIONS I am MADE to be forgetful of the DEATH

producing Black Holes around and hence the presence of the metaphysical stuff of

aNU, the aaNavam, a MALAM because it introduces ABSENCE, a DARKNESS ( Ta. maal:

dark). In my concern with the business of LIVING I am made to be forgetful of

the possibility of DEATH as there that can bounce upon me at any time and put an

end to my existence , to my presence as a living entity in the world. This is

very commonsensical anyway -- if I am busy LIVING my ATTENTIONS are directed at

the economical political sexual aesthetical and what not. I am LOCKED up in

such INTENTIONALITIES and it is this state of Being, living or EXISTING that

makes me become UNAWARE of the possibility of death lurking around the corner.

But however when I am thrown out from this normal stream of life through

personal crisis of some kind or other where existence itself becomes a burden or

a worry because it is going to be snatched away from me, then I begin to think

about life metaphysically and seek to UNDERSTAND it. It is at this point that

tear way myself from the business of living, the Viyavakarika as the Buddhists

would say and as the Vedantins would re-echo , and making the EXISTENCE itself

a TEXT and the World along with it, and standing apart and above all I seek to



Thus emerges the HERMENEUTIC dimensions of my inquiry. As an average person I am

lost in the living, as a nonaverage person too I am lost to a cult or religion

or race or language busying myself with EGO promotion exercises -- my religions

is the best of all, my race is superior to all others , my caste is of divine

origin, as Brahmanah I emerge from the face of Purusha, as a Kastriya from the

shoulders while that fellow there , the Sudra is from the foot and hence

inferior, my language is Deva Bhasa while all others are Niica Bhasa and so on

and on. These are CONCERNS that keep me away from encountering DEATH and its

cause. This is NOT the Maya Sakti of the Vedantins but purely a matter of


intentionalities as above I am DISTRACTED AWAY from SEEING what is there as a

FACT and accommodate myself to it. Intentionalities while engrossing me in

worldly PRAXIS allow me to LEARN, but by BINDING me to such concerns PREVENTS

me also to SEE what is there already!


The PRESENCE and its Cause.


While in undertaking this inquiry I am already outside this spell, I have freed

myself from the concerns of the average and nonaverage and thus mentally ready

to learn and understand LIFE itself . My worldly intentionalities are put aside

but always there for me re-appropriate and LIVE again. My wife and children will

not allow me to be unconcerned with LIVING. However when I re-enter it , I

re-enter not like the man before but rather as a man who UNDERSTANDS that this

EXISTENCE that I enjoy now with my wife and children can be snatched away from

me at any time, that is a GIFT that I enjoy.


But I notice that in LIVING and not being dead yet, I am PRESENT as a person!

This recognition of my PRESENCE against the presence of the Black Hole that can

wipe it out, takes on a NEW significance. Not doing this and that for ego

promotions but the VERY PRESENCE of myself in the world as living thing all of

sudden becomes miraculous! Then I begin to SEE that there must be forces AGAINST

the Black Holes, fighting with them and keeping them at bay so that I can be



My LIVING itself that allows me to do all the EGO promotion exercises like a

stupid child -- so emotionally taken up with caste identity, racial composition,

linguistic heritage, religious affiliations and what not and in this also makes

me become forgetful of the very PRESENCE of myself as living entity that

enables me to do all these. I fail to SEE my very presence in the world in my

viyavakarika concerns and think reflectingly on it and UNDERSTAND it. My concern

with living, with my EGO preoccupations take me away from being aware of the

VERY PRESENCE that makes it possible at all.


But my understanding of the presence of Death immediately ALERTS me that, being

alive , in being NOT DEAD YET but will be sooner or later I am PRESENT and hence

there must FORCES working against the Black Holes, the aNu that allows me to be

living and busying myself with so many different kinds of PRAXIS.


Thus I SEE now what is ALREADY there -- the death producing forces along with

life blessing forces -- forces of destruction and regeneration, the anukkraham

and nikraham - as already there . I am a living creature ALREADY caught is such

a process -- I am at their MERCY and I can continue to LIVE only if I am

blessed by the forces that keep the black Holes away.


All these are extra personal. They are NOT my conceptual constructions,

fictions, adhyasa or aaropitam or simply kaRpitam. Nothing of the sort. It is

simply SEEING what I was prevented from seeing and accommodating myself to them

by naming them as such and such. Death, the aNu that causes death - the nikraham

, keeping them away and thus allowing PRESENCE against the possibility of death,

the anukkraham , the aruL etc. are elements of my METAPHYSICAL UNDERSTANDING in

which I am NOT deluded but rather illuminated. I have gained an UNDERSTANDING

in which what I was prevented to see is now seen and hence better informed and

more enlightened.









Dear friends! You are most welcome to visit the following websites I maintain:


For World Saivism : http://ulagan.tripod.com/index.htm

For Dravidian Philosophy: http://loga.tripod.com/tindex.htm

For Agamic Psychology :


For ArutkuRaL studies:


For studies of Tamil Sacred scriptures in

English: http://arutkuraL.tripod.com/tmcampus/tmc-open.html

For SumeroTamil and related studies:





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