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--- Kumaraguru Iyer <kumaranvijaya wrote:


> Dear Friends,

> Nmaste. Is any body knows KENOUPANISHAD. I want to

> study it deeply. Can anybody could help me out.

> Kumaraguru



Second instalment:


Sanskrit Kena


Part One


1. om. keneShitaM patati preShitaM manaH kena prANaH

prathamaH praiti yuktaH

keneShitAM vAcamimAM vadanti cakShuH shrotraM ka

u devo yunakti


kena: by what agent; being

iShitam: willed,directed ; root iSh, desiring; suffix


manaH: the mind

patati: goes

pra: prefix with sense of directing

prANaH: the vital force, being

yuktaH: engaged, directed

praiti: goes, towards its own activity?

pratahamaH: first, should be an adjective of the vital

force, for the activities of all the organs are

preceded by it

imAm vAcam: this speech, consisting of words, as

ordinary people;

vadanti: they utter

kaH u devah: by which effulgent being

yunakti: engages, directs towards their respective


cakShuH shrotram: the eyes and ears



2. shrotasya shrotaM manaso mano yad.h vAco ha vAcaM

sa u prANasya prANaH

cakShuShashcakShuratimucya dhIrAH

pretyasmAllokAdamR^itA bhavanti


shrotrasya shrotaM: the Ear of the ear

manasaH: of the mind manaH: (He is) the Mind

yad vAco ha vAcaM: because the Speech of the speech

saH u prANasya prANaH: Life of life

cakShuShaH cakShuH: the Eye of the eye

atimucya: giving up self-identification with the ear


pretya: desisting, separating from this body

asmAt lokAt : from this world of empirical dealings

involving ‘I and mine’.

bhavanti: they become

amR^itaH: immortal




3. na tatra cakShurgacchati na vAggacchati no manaH

na vidmo na vijAnImo yathaitadanushiShyAta.h


tatra: there, to that Brahman

cakShuH: the eye

na gacchati: it does not go; for it is not possible to

go oneself

na vAk gacchati: speech does not go

no manaH: nor the mind

na vidmaH: we do not know

na vijAnImaH: we are not aware of

yathA: the process by which

etat: this

anushiShyAt: should be taught, instructed to a



4. anyadeva tadviditAdatho aviditAdadhi

iti shushruma pUrveShAM ye nastad.hvyAcacakShare


anyat eva: different indeed

tat: that

atho: again

aviditAt: from the unknown, from that which consists

of the unmanifested ignorance

adhi: used in the sense of ‘above’ but usually is


iti: such (was that)

shushruma: we heard

pUrveSham: of the ancient teachers

ye: who

naH: to us

tat: that Brahman

vyAcacakShiire: explained, spoke clearly


5. yadvAcA.anahyuditaM yena vAgbhyudyate

tadeva brahma tvaM viddhi nedaM yadidamupAsate


yat: that which, whose essence consists of

consciousness alone

vAk: speech

a: is all speech (ie. The letter ‘a’ contains all

letters in itself)

anabhyuditam: not expressed, uttered

yena: that by which

vAk: speech

abhyudyate: is uttered

tat eva: that indeed

tvam: you

viddhi: know as


na idam: this is not,


yat: which

upAsate: meditate (contemplate) on

idam: this


6. yanmanasA na manute yenAhrirmano mataM

tadeva brahma tvaM viddhi nedaM yadidamupAsate

yat: that which…light of consciousness that illumines

the mind

manas: means the internal organ, mind and intellect

taken as one entity

na manute: does not think or determine

yena: by which

AhuH: they say

manas: the mind

matam: is thought of, encompassed

viddhi: know

tat eva: that very one, the Self of the mind

the rest is as above



7. yaccakshuShA na pashyati yena chakShu.NShi pashyati

tadeva brahma tvaM viddhi nedaM yadidamupAsate


yat: that which

cakShuShA: with the eye

na pashyati: (man) does not see

yena: that by which

pashyati: (man) sees, encompasses,through the light

of consciousness

cakShUMShi: the activities of the eye

rest as above



8. yacchotroNa na shR^inoti yena shrotramidaM shrutaM

tadeva brahma tvaM viddhi nedaM yadidamupAsate


yat shrotreNa na shR^inoti: that which man does not

hear with the ear

yena: that by which

idam shrotram shrutam: this well-known ear is


rest as above


9. yatprANena na prANiti yena prANaH praNIyate

tadeva brahma tvaM viddhi nedaM yadidamupAsate


prANena: by the organ of smell, associated with the

vital breath (force)

yat: that which

na prANiti: does not smell, does not comprehend like


yena: that by which (the light of the Self)

prANah: the organ of smell, being illumined as an


praNIyate: is impelled

rest as above


iti kenepaniShdi prathmaH khaNDa



Part Two


1. yadi manyase suvedeti daharamevApi nUnaM tvaM

vettha brahmaNo rUpaM

yadasya tvaM yadasya deveShvatha nu mImANsyameva

te manye viditam.h


yadi: if, perchance

manyase: you think

su veda iti: I know brahman well enough

tvam: you

vettha: know

nUnam: certainly

daharam rUpam eva api: the very little form,


brahmaNaH: of brahman

yat asya: thereby

brahmanaH rUpam: that form of brahman which

deveshu vettha: know among the gods

atha nu: therefore

manye: I think

te: for you; even now

mImANsyam eva: certainly to be deliberated on

manye: (now) I think

viditam: (brahman) is known



2. nAhaM manye suvedeti no na vedeti deva ca

yo nastadveda tadveda no na vedeti deva ca


na aham manye suveda iti: I do not think that I know

brahman well enough

no na veda iti, veda ca: not that I do not know

brahman; and I know too.

na veda ca: and I do not know as well

yah: anyone who

naH: among us

veda: knows in reality

tat: that ( sentence uttered by me)

veda: he knows

tat: brahman



3. yasyAmataM tasya mataM yasya na veda saH

avij~nAtaM vijAnatAM vi~jnAtamavitjAnatAM


yasya: to whom

amatam: unknown

tasya: to him

matam: is known

yasya: he to whom

saH: he

na veda: does not know

avij~nAtam: not known

vijAnatam: to the people that know

vij~nAtam: known

avijAnatam: to those who do not know




4. pratibodhaviditaM matamamR^itatvaM hi vindate

AtmanA vindate vIryaMvidyayA vindate.amR^itam.h


pratibodha-viditam: known with reference to each state

of intelligence

matam: complete realisation

amR^itam: immortality

hi: because

vindate: one attains

amR^itam: immortality ( existence in one’s own self)

AtmanA: through one’s own self

vindate: one attains

vIryam: strength, vitality

vidyayA: through knowledge about the Self

vindate: one attains

amR^itam: immortality




5. iha cedavedIdatha satyamsti na cedihAvedInmahatI


bhUteShu bhUteShu vicitya dhIrAH

pretyAsmAlLokAdamR^itA bhavanti


cet: if

avedit: has known

iha: here

atha: then

asti satyam: there is truth

iha: here

cet: if

na avedit: has not realised

mahatI: great

vinaShtiH: destruction

dhIrAH: wise

vicitya: having known

bhUteShu bhUteShu: in all beings moving and unmoving

pretya: turning away from ( I and mine)

amR^itAH bhavanti: they become immortal


iti kenopanishadi dvitIyaH khandaH



Part Three


1. brahma ha devebhyo vijigye tasya ha brahmaNo vijaye

devA amahIyanta


brahma: brahman

ha: verily

devebhyaH: for the sake of the gods

vijigye: achieved victory

tasya ha brahmaNo vijaye: in that victory which was

indeed brahman’s

devAH: the gods

amahIyanta: became elated


2. ta aikShantAsmAkamevAyaM vijayo.asmAkamevAyaM


taddhaiShAm vijaj~nau tebhyo ha prAdurbabhUva

tanna vyajAnata kimidaM yakShamiti


te: they

aikShanta: thought

ayam vijayaH: this victory

asmAkam eva: ours indeed

ayam mahimA: this glory

ha: surely

tat: that

vijaj~nau: knew

tebhyaH: to the gods for their sake

ha: indeed

prAdurbabhUva: appeared as an object of perception

na vyajAnata: did not comprehend

tat: that

kim iti: as to what

idam yakSham: this venerable great being


3. te.agnimabruva~njAtaveda etadvijAnIhi kimidaM

yakShamiti tatheti


te: they

agnim: to fire

abruvan: said

jAtavedA: O JatavedA

vijAnIhi: thoroughly find out about

etat: this YakSha in our view

kim etat yakSham iti: as to what this YakSha is


4. tadbhyadravattamabhyavadatko.asItyagnirvA

ahamasmItyabravijjAtvedA vA ahamasmIti


tathA: so be it

iti: this much

tat: towards that

adrAvat: approached

tam: to him

abhyavadat: aid

kaH asi iti: who are you

Agnih vai: I am Fire


5. tasmi.Nstvayi kiM vIryamityapIda.N sarvaM daheyaM

yadidaM prithivyAmiti


tasmin tvayi: in you who are such

kim vIryam: what power, what ability is there

daheyam: I can burn up

idam sarvam: all this creation

prithivyAm: on this earth, everything


6. tasmai tR^iNaM nidadhAvetaDhaheti

tadupapreyAya sarvajavena tanna shashAka dagdhuM sa

tata eva nivavR^ite

naitadashakaM vij~nAtuM yadetadyakShamiti


tasmai: for him

tR^inam nidadhau: placed a straw

etat: this

daha: burn

tat upapreyayAya: went near that straw

sarvajavena: with the speed born of the fullest


tat: that

na sasAka dagdhum: he could not burn

tataH eva: from that YakSha

nivavR^ite: withdrew

na ashakam: I did not succeed

vij~natum: in knowing fully

etat: this

yat etat yakSham: as to what this Yaksha is


7. atha vayumabuvanvAvetadvijAnIhi kimetadyakShamiti



8. tadabhyadravattamabhyavvdatko.asIti vAyurvA



9. tasmi.Nstvayi kiM vIryamityapIda.N sarvamAdadIya

yadidaM prithivyAmiti


10. tasmai tR^iNaM nidadhAvetadAdatsveti

tadupapreyAya sarvajavena tanna shashAkAdAtuM sa

tata eva nivavR^ite

naitadashakaM vij~nAtuM yadetadyakShamiti


atha: after that

mAtarishvA: that which travels (shvayati) in space


idam sarvam api: all this

AdadIya: I can take up, blow away

Yad idam prithivyAm: see verse 5


11. athendramabruvanmadhavannetadvijAnIhi

kimetdyakShmiti tatheti



atha indram abruvan maghavan etat vijAnIhi: as before

with Indra who is a Great Lord and called maghAva

because of his strength

tat abhyadravat: approached that Yaksha

tasmAt: from him

ttrodadhe: vanished from sight


12. sa tasminnevAkAsho striyamAjagAma


tA.NhovAcha kimetadyakshamiti


tasmin eva AkAshe: in that very space ( part of space)

where that Yaksha vanished after revealing itself, and

the space where Indra also was at the time of the

disappearance of Brahman

saH: he

AjagAma: approached

bahushobhamAnAm: superbly charming

tAm: her, UmA

haimavatIm: one who is as though attired in dress of

gold (haimavatI, daughter of Himalayas)

uvAca: said

kim etat yakSham iti: what is this Yaksha




iti kenopanishadi tR^itIyaH khandaH




Part Four


1. sA brahmeti hovAca brahmaNo vA etadvijaye

mahIyadhvamiti tato haiva vidA~nchakAra



sA: she

uvAca ha: said

brahma iti: it was Brahman

brahmaNaH vai vijaye: in the victory of God indeed

asmAkam eva ayam vijayaH eva ayam mahimA: ours is this

victory, ours is this glory

tataH ha eva: from that alone, to be sure

vidAMcakAra: learned

brahma iti: that it was Brahman



2. tasmAdvA ete devA



pasparshuste hyenatprathamo vidA~nkAra brahmeti


tasmAt: therefore

ete devAH: these gods

atitirAm iva: surpassed greatly, through their own


anyAn devAn: the other gods

yat agniH vAyuH indraH: Fire, Air, Indra

hi: since

te: they

nediShTham pasparsuH: most proximately touched

enat: this Brahman

hi: because

te: they

prathamaH: first, being prominent

enat: this Brahman

vidAMcakAra: knew ( It to be Brahman )


3. tasmAdvA indro.atitarAmivAnyandevAnsa

hyenannedishThaM pasparsha sa

hyenatprathamo vidA~nkAra brahmeti


tasmAt vai indraH atitarAm iva: therefore did Indra

excel other deities

hi saH enat nediShTham pasparsha: inasmuch as he

touched it most proximately

rest as above


4. tasyaiSha Adesho yadetadvidhyuto vyadhyutadA itIn.h

nyamImiShadA ityadhidaivatam.h


Tasya: this

eShaH AdeshaH: this is the instruction though analogy

yat etat: that fact

vidyutaH vyadyutat: the flash of lightning

A: as it were

Iti: meant to call back to memory the word Adesha

nyamimiShat: winked

iti adhidaivatam: this is the way of showing analogies

of Brahman in a divine context



5. athAdhyAtmaM yadetad.hgacchatIva ca mano.anena




atha: after this

adhyAtmam: with regard to the indwelling Self

yat etat: that which is known as fact

gacchati iva ca manaH: as though the mind goes, as

though the mind enters into Brahman

encompasses it as an object

anena: by that mind

abhIkShNam: repeatedly

upasmarati: remembers intimately

etat: this Brahman

saNkalpaH: thought of the mind




6. taddha tadvanaM nAma tadvanamityupAsitavyaM say a

etadevaM vedAbhi haina.N

sarvaNi bhutAni saMvA~nchanti


tat: that

ha: certainly

tadvanam nAma: tadvanam is derived from tasya ( his)

and vanam ( adorable ), it is adorable to all

creatures as it is their indwelling self; through this


upAsitavyam: to be meditated upon

saH yah: anyone that

veda: meditates on

etat: the aforesaid Brahman

evam: thus

sarvAni bhutani: all beings

ha: certainly

enam: to him

abhisaMvA~nchanti: pray, as (they do ) to brahman


7. upaniShadaM bho brUhItyuktA ta upaniShad.hbrAhmIM

vAva ta upanishadamabrUmeti


bhoH: Sir

brUhi: speak of

upaniShadam: the secret thing

iti: said

te: to you

upaniShat: the secret knowledge

uktA: has been spoken of

te; to you

upanishadam vAva abrUma iti: I have spoken the very


brAhmIm: relating to Brahman



8. tasyai tapo damaH karmeti pratiShThA vedAH

sarva~NgAni satyamAyatanam.h


tasyai: of that (secret teaching)

tapaH: the concentyration of the body and the senses

and the mind

damaH: cessation ( from sense objects)

karma: rites


pratiShThA: two legs, stands as it were, of that


vedAh: the four Vedas

sarvANgAni all the six subsidiaries (vedangas)

beginning with shikSha, all the limbs beginning with

the head

satyam Ayatanam: satya is the Ayatana, the dwelling

place of the secret teaching.


9. yo vA etAmevaM veddApahatya pApmAnamanante svarge

loke jyeye pratitiShThati




Again, a check for errors is welcome


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