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An essay on creation and evolution

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--- sgadkari2001 <sgadkari2001 wrote:

> Namaste,


> Have uploaded an essay on creation and evolution at



Namaste Hiranyagarbhaji,

Forgive me intruding upon your discussion but I have

been playing around with your creation of time and

found that through the moment ‘now’, which is a point

on the time line, magic occurs. As a line is a series

of points and each point itself is only a micro-line,

then the ‘real’ point has no dimension and cannot

exist on the time line which, clearly, it must

transcend. But in transcending it encompasses all

time. So through the moment ‘now’ I can time travel. I

am now doing this while still in the mediaeval 21st

century in order to join your researcher there in the

‘Future’ which of course, is ‘now’. I am not going

to explain how to do this as Americans could read this

site’s postings and there are those among them who

will immediately patent the idea as their own. I am

sure that you will agree that knowledge is free to all

but we must wait for the end of the American Empire or

its evolutionary progress to a more wise society

before we can talk freely.

Firstly, I must apologise for I have long been

believing that the Samkhya tradition was the earliest

and not Yoga. I must revise this opinion which I had

gleaned from books……books are so full of ignorance are

they not? Direct experience as we can have together

in the moment ‘now’ is the only way to

understanding…do you not agree?

We have a traditional problem in these times which

revolves around which came first, the chicken or the

egg and I wonder if you had parents and who they were.

Also I wonder how you came by such a splendid name

and what is its inner meaning? Some say that you are

also called sUtrAtman, is this true because it sounds

a wonderful name? Also the Rigveda, X,121 says:

‘Hiranyagarbha arose in the beginning; born, he was

the one lord of things existing.’ This goes back to

the first paragraph because I cannot see how there can

be a beginning except in the mind of your creature

humans. Maybe you explain the subtleties of this verse

some more although I appreciate that you have

attempted this in your interview. Please accept that

my intellect is still veiled and needs a shaft of

golden brilliance to dissolve the veil…but be gentle


I know that I am all questions but that is the same

with all children but I would like to know if it is

true that you are saguna Brahman?

My final question is a great puzzle for in the

theories of evolution that abound in these mediaeval

times there is the notion of the ‘survival of the

fittest’ and this makes many think that

‘self-assertion’ is the way to a successful life and

the survival of the species. But against this is a

weird group of emotions such as love and compassion.

These weird vibrations make us seek to protect the

weak; the handicapped both physically and mentally.

Was this love and compassion theme a part of your plan

to weaken our species and eventually to wipe us out?

Oh dear, I do find all this evolutionary theory hard

to cope with so I will return to my own little world.




With respect


Ken Knight




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advaitin, ken knight <hilken_98@Y...> wrote:

> Forgive me intruding upon your discussion but I have

> been playing around with your creation of time and

> found that through the moment `now', which is a point

> on the time line, magic occurs. As a line is a series

> of points and each point itself is only a micro-line,

> then the `real' point has no dimension and cannot

> exist on the time line which, clearly, it must

> transcend. But in transcending it encompasses all

> time. So through the moment `now' I can time travel. I

> am now doing this while still in the mediaeval 21st

> century in order to join your researcher there in the

> `Future' which of course, is `now'. I am not going


Namaste Kenji,


I am not sure if I understand correctly what you are saying.

However I will explain something that I think might help

clarify what I was attempting to convey.


1. Ture "now" is the only real point on time line.

2. Past is just a memory in this "now".

3. Suppose, for the sake of discussion you have memory of

everything from past, from time = -infinity.

4. Now you ask yourself, historical records indicate that

in 1939-1945 world witnessed a major war. From your memory

recall what you were witnessing then. If the same brahman when

viewed from one angle appears as world war II and the same

brahman viewed from another angle appears as the universe

which you were perceiving then, it sould be possible to locate

some disturbance in your memory of past in the section

corresponding to World War II time frame.

5. Similarly if you access that section of your memory which

corresponds to Big Bang what does it contain.

6. I am sure most of us were in the unmanifest state then and our

memory corresponding to this time frame would be very very

abstract. However from scrptures it seems reasonable to

suppose that at that point in time Hiranyagarbha was witnessing

some manifestation. And hence I was trying to write a fictitious

account of what he might have witnessed then that appears to us

as the big bang and the subsequent events now.


Regarding antiquity of yoga, this is just my view. If we suppose

that Hiranyagarbha was able to create this wonderful universe,

my feeling is he had mastered yoga and may or may not have yet

developed an understanding of Samkhya.


However I do agree that as far as our sadhana is concerned this

type of inquiry borders on irrelevant. Just thought that it may

be of interest to some.


Best regards

Shrinivas Gadkari

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--- sgadkari2001 <sgadkari2001 wrote:


> I am not sure if I understand correctly what you are

> saying.


Namaste Shrinivasji,


Thank you for your points which summarise my own

twitterings, more of which I include below. Looking

forward to more interviews between the future and the





Your speculatory interview coincided with some

thoughts that had been occupying me and I very much

welcomed the style of writing you had adopted to

present serious points, so naturally I wanted to join

in using a similar vein.

Firstly on the six darshanas. I tend to view these as

a unity of complementary systems for even through

their opposing viewpoints they each occupy the mind

usefully in the study of a single text.. That Samkhya

should proceed the others seems logical but having

been stirred to think again, union must precede

enumeration so even if the system of Yoga is recorded

later, if I maintain my wish to see the six systems as

complementary parts of a whole then this reappraisal

could be helpful.


Atha, now, present moment: what is it? I am soon to

start a study of Bhartrihari’s Vakyapadiya and was

thinking about the way I have taught ‘Tenses’ to

children in the past. I would draw a time line and

mark on it the various tenses.

Thinking of these past lessons I then realised that

when marking the present tense with a dot I was still,

in effect, using a line, however minimal its size. So

the moment ‘now’ still had a past, present and future

within it no matter how small I made the mark.

Therefore it is mithya reality. Not

Reality.(paramArthika). Looking up the word ‘now’ and

finding ‘atha’ being described as a connective

particle then I could not agree that it could be a

particle. A particle will have a relationship, or a

non-relationship, with adjacent particles. The moment

now has no relationship in the same way that space has

none with the pot.

What then was I to make of this strange problem that

was beginning to remind me of many other advaitin

topics? Is ‘now’ a quantal wavelet? It has been

called ‘the eternal moment’ and as I looked at the

indexes of a few books many interesting discussions

were revealed and are to be returned to later. For

example Ibn ‘Arabi describes the 6th. Station (level

of consciousness) as the intersection between time and

eternity, Waqt, or the eternal moment. From the

temporal perspective, which is all that can be evoked,

(the eternal perspective of the 7th station being

passed over in silence), eternity is perceived as a

flash, both timeless in time, both permanent and

evanescent. For a flash to be known it must reflect

in something….mAya maybe?

So I returned to my casual thinking and found that

either ‘now’ was empty, freed from habit and

attachments and memories, or it was full with the

potential of all the past and future within it. Is it

possible to experience the moment now or experience in

the moment now?

And what of this memory business? It seems that

there are two types of memory: one that brings

ahaMkAra to the fore, limited and dark, and a second

that is expansive and smiling which could be ‘memory

of Self’.

I think that these words just reiterate your points

and I think that proceeding with this through

Bhartrihari’s fourth section of the Vakyapadiya will

give a clearer formulation in relation to language,

which is my main focus in the study.

This is what I was referring to in my reply to your




Happy working


ken Knight





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