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Fw: Ramana Gita V: The science of the Heart

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Dear Seva Mitra and All,

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Gabriele Ebert

SelfRealization ; SriArunachala ;


Tuesday, July 02, 2002 11:41 PM

Ramana Gita V: The science of the Heart



1. Ramana Muni spoke exhaustively about the Heart on the

9th of August 1917.


2. That from which all thoughts of embodied being spring is

the Heart. Descriptions of the Heart are only mental concepts.


3. In brief, the 'I'-thought is the root of all thoughts. The source

of the 'I'-thought is the Heart.


4. If the Heart be the seat of the 'Anahata Chakra' [forth chakra]

how can the practice of yoga begin in 'Maluhdara' [first chakra]?

[The forth chakra is not identical with the spiritual Heart

according to Ramana's teaching.]


5. This Heart is not the blood-pumping organ. Hridayam means

'This is the centre'. Thus it stands for the Self.


6. The location of the Heart is on the right side of the chest and

not on the left. The light of consciousness flows from the Heart

through 'Sushumma' channel to *Sahasrara'.


7. From 'Sahasrara' consciousness spreads all over the body,

and then the experience of the world arises. Viewing themselves

as different from that consciousness human beings get caught

in the cycle of births and deaths.


8. The 'sahasrara' of one who abides in the Self is pure light

only. Any thought which approaches it cannot survive.


9. Even when objects are perceived, because of their nearness,

it does not destroy yoga as the mind sees no differences.


10. The state in which awareness is firm, even when objects

are sensed, is called the natural state. In 'Nirvikalpa Samadhi'

there is no objective perception.


11. The entire universe is the body and the whole body is in the

Heart. Hence the universe is contained within the Heart.


12. The universe is only in the mind and the mind is nothing but

the Heart. Thus the entire story of the universe culminates in

the Heart.


13. The Heart is to the body what the sun is to the world. The

mind in 'Sahasrara' is like the orbit of the moon in the world.


14. Just as the sun gives light to the moon, the Heart lights the



15. A mortal absent from the Heart sees only the mind, just as

the light of the moon alone is seen at night when the sun has



16. Unaware that the true source of consciousness is one's own

Self, and mentally perceiving objects apart from oneself, the

ignorant are deluded.


17. The mind of the knower, abiding in the Heart, is merged in

the consciousness of the Heart like the moonlight in daylight.


18. Though the verbal meaning of the term 'Prajnana', intelligence,

is the mind, the wise know its essential meaning to be the Heart.

The supreme is only the Heart.


19. The difference between the seer and seen is only in the mind.

For those abiding in the Heart the perception is unitary, one.


20. When there is a forcible arrest of thoughts, by swooning,

sleep, excessive joy or sorrow, fear, and so on, the mind goes

back to its source, the Heart.


21. Such merger is unconscious and the person is unaware of it.

However, when one consciously enters the Heart it is termed

'Samadhi'. Hence the difference in names.



Sri Ramana Gita, Ch. V





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