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Help On slOkAs : Continued

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Dear Friends,

Thanks very much your patient tutelage to get the right spellings

and sources for the slOkAs that I had posted last week. These slOkAs

were heard in different discourses. Some of the words used therein

were as-the-ears-heard-it and hence the mistakes were out of my

ignorance of the vAkhyams. Hence the attempt to come to you to get it



I am posting some more slOkas and Upanishad vAkhyams that needs to

be corrected. The slOkAs were composed by HH Adi ShankarAchAryA and

VidyAraNya Swamy. Appreciate any help in this regard.


With Kindest Regards







HH Adi ShankarachArya


1 This is from Gita Bashyam

vasthu saktiH buddhim NaabEkshadhE



sathsangatvE Nissangathvam

NissangathvE NirmOkshathvam

NirmOkshatvE Nithsaligathvam

NithsaligathvE jIvanmuktiH



EkayEva sIkrudha dharmaH NinnanEbhi avyAdhiyaH

sarIrEna samaN NAsam sarvam aNyatthu gachchati



HH Vidyaranya Swamy



kRushNAdhya avatAraNE avathAnarahi adhyaNdham NUthaNAya




kEvAdhasya vishaya prayOjana sambandhA adhikAri NaH

kadhamvA thasya prAmANyam

uthra uchchatE ishta prApthi anishta parikArayOhO

alOukikam ubhayam yOghraNthO vEdhayati sa vEdhaH



thasyA mughastA NidhavlangkAram kalpa yathvA





annavAnam NaaNO bhavati

mahAN bhavati hrudhyA pasubhir

bruhmma vAchchasEnaan mahaN kIrththayA



EkOhaiva nArAyNati EshA mahAnam brahmmA




sarvam kalmitham brahmmA



yakOhavai nArAyaNaachith tath brahmmA EshAnaH


harEvA harE AthmAvA dhrushtavyaH

srOththavyaH manthavyaH ithyAti dhvayaH



tathvamayi svEtha hEthO



tasya pAsA sarva vidham vhibAti

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Some of the corrections are as below:


Some quotations occur in more than one upanishad.







advaitin, "adiyaen" <adiyaen@h...> wrote:


> I am posting some more slOkas and Upanishad vAkhyams that needs


> be corrected.


> 2.

> sathsangatvE Nissangathvam

> NissangathvE NirmOkshathvam

> NirmOkshatvE Nithsaligathvam

> NithsaligathvE jIvanmuktiH


satsa~Ngatve nissa~NgatvaM

nissa~Ngatve nirmohatvam.h |

nirmohatve nishchalatattvaM

nishchalatattve jIvanmuktiH || Bhaja-Govindam or Moha-Mudgara #9




> Upanishad


> 1

> annavAnam NaaNO bhavati


annavAnannAdo bhavati [Chandogya upan. 1:3:7]

> mahAN bhavati hrudhyA pasubhir

> bruhmma vAchchasEnaan mahaN kIrththayA


mahAnbhavati prajayA pashubhirbrahmavarchasena mahAnkIrtyA

[Taittir. Upan 3:6]



> 3


> sarvam kalmitham brahmmA


sarvaM khalvidaM brahma | Chandogya 3:14:1



> 4

> yakOhavai nArAyaNaachith tath brahmmA EshAnaH


eko ha vai nArAyaNa AsInna brahmA neshAno Maha upa. 1:1


> 5

> harEvA harE AthmAvA dhrushtavyaH

> srOththavyaH manthavyaH ithyAti dhvayaH


AtmA vA are draShTavyaH shrotavyo mantavyo nididhyAsitavyo

Brihadaranyaka 2:4:5



> 6

> tathvamayi svEtha hEthO


tattvamasi shvetaketo Chandogya 6:8:7



> 7

> tasya pAsA sarva vidham vhibAti


tasya bhAsA sarvamidaM vibhAti Mundaka 2:2:10

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